PXCASOR ;ISL/dee - Validates & Translates data from the PCE Device Interface into PCE's PXK format for the Source ;6/20/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;;Aug 12, 1996 Q ; Variables ; PXCASOR Copy of the source node of the PXCA array ; SOR(PXCASOR) ; S ^TMP(PXCAGLB,$J,"SOR")=$P(PXCASOR,"^",1) S PXKDUZ=$P(PXCASOR,"^",2) Q ; SOURCE(PXCA,PXCABULD,PXCAERRS) ; I '($D(PXCA("SOURCE"))#2) S PXCA("ERROR","SOURCE",0,0,0)="SOURCE node of the local data array is missing" Q N PXCASOR,PXCAITEM S PXCASOR=$G(PXCA("SOURCE")) I PXCASOR="" S PXCA("ERROR","SOURCE",0,0,0)="SOURCE data missing" Q S PXCAITEM=+$P(PXCASOR,"^",1) I 'PXCAITEM S PXCA("ERROR","SOURCE",0,0,1)="Data Sourec is Missing^"_PXCAITEM E I '$D(^PX(839.7,PXCAITEM,0)) S PXCA("ERROR","SOURCE",0,0,1)="Data Sourec is not in File 839.7^"_PXCAITEM S PXCAITEM=+$P(PXCASOR,"^",2) I '$D(^VA(200,PXCAITEM,0)) S PXCA("ERROR","SOURCE",0,0,2)="User is not in File 200^"_PXCAITEM I PXCABULD&'$D(PXCA("ERROR","SOURCE"))!PXCAERRS D SOR(PXCASOR) Q ;