PXCAVST2 ;ISL/dee & LEA/Chylton - Validates data from the PCE Device Interface for the Visit and Providers ;3/14/97 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**27,33**;Aug 12, 1996 Q ; PROVIDER ;Now do the providers N PXCAPERR,PXCAPRCK S PXCAPERR=1 S (PXCAITEM,PXCAPRCK)=+$P(PXCAENC,"^",4) I PXCAPRCK,'$$ACTIVPRV^PXAPI(PXCAITEM,PXCADT) S PXCAPERR=0,PXCA("ERROR","ENCOUNTER",0,0,4)="Provider is not active or valid^"_PXCAITEM ; add check if no provider sent I 'PXCAPRCK S PXCAPERR=0,PXCA("ERROR","ENCOUNTER",0,0,4)="No Provider entered" S PXCAITEM=$P(PXCAENC,"^",15) I PXCAPRCK,'(PXCAITEM="P"!(PXCAITEM="S")) S PXCAPERR=0,PXCA("ERROR","ENCOUNTER",0,0,15)="Provider indicator code must be P|S^"_PXCAITEM E I PXCAITEM="P" D . I 'PXCAPPRV S PXCAPPRV=+$P(PXCAENC,"^",4) . E I PXCAPPRV'=+$P(PXCAENC,"^",4) D .. S PXCA("WARNING","ENCOUNTER",0,0,15)="There is already a Primary Provider this one is changed to Secondary^"_PXCAITEM .. S $P(PXCAENC,"^",15)="S" S PXCAITEM=$P(PXCAENC,"^",16) I PXCAITEM]"" D . I '$$ACTIVPRV^PXAPI(PXCAITEM,PXCADT) S PXCAPERR=0,PXCA("ERROR","ENCOUNTER",0,0,16)="Attending Provider is not active or valid^"_PXCAITEM I PXCABULD&PXCAPERR!PXCAERRS D PROVIDER^PXCAPRV(PXCAENC) Q ; EVALCODE(PXCAEVAL) ;Now do the Evaluation and Management CPT S PXCAITEM=+$P(PXCAENC,"^",5) I PXCAITEM D . N DIC,DR,DA,DIQ,PXCADIQ1 . S DIC=357.69 . S DR=".01;4" . S DA=+PXCAITEM . S DIQ="PXCADIQ1(" . S DIQ(0)="I" . D EN^DIQ1 . I $G(PXCADIQ1(357.69,DA,.01,"I"))="" S PXCA("ERROR","ENCOUNTER",0,0,5)="Evaluation and Management CPT code not in File 357.69^"_PXCAITEM Q . I $G(PXCADIQ1(357.69,DA,4,"I")) S PXCA("ERROR","ENCOUNTER",0,0,5)="Evaluation and Management CPT code is INACTIVE^"_PXCAITEM Q . S PXCAEVAL=1 Q ;