PXCEHF ;ISL/dee - Used to edit and display V HEALTH FACTORS ;4/18/97 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**27,22**;Aug 12, 1996 ;; ; Q ; ;Line with the line label "FORMAT" ;;Long name~File Number~Node Subscripts~Allow Duplicate entries (1=yes, 0=no)~File global name ; 1 2 3 4 5 ; ;Following lines: ;;Node~Piece~,Field Number~Edit Label~Display Label~Display Routine~Edit Routine~Help Text for DIR("?")~Set of PXCEKEYS that can Edit~D if Detail Display Only~ ; 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ;The Display & Edit routines are for special cases. ; (The .01 field cannot have a special edit.) ; FORMAT ;;Health Factors~9000010.23~0,12,811,812~1~^AUPNVHF ;;0~1~.01~Health Factor: ~Health Factor: ~~~~~~B ;;0~4~.04~Level/Severity: ~Level/Severity: ~~~~~~D ;;811~1~81101~Comments: ~Comments: ~~~~~D ;; ;Do not ask the following. ;;12~1~1201~Event Date and (optional) Time~Event Date and Time: ~~E1201^PXCEPOV1(0,30,30)~~~D ;;12~2~1202~Ordering Provider: ~Ordering Provider: ~~EPROV12^PXCEPRV~~P~D ;;12~4~1204~Encounter Provider: ~Encounter Provider: ~~EPROV12^PXCEPRV~~~D ; ;The interface for AICS to get list on form for help. INTRFACE ;;PX SELECT HEALTH FACTORS ; ;******************************** ;Special cases for display. ; ;******************************** ;Special cases for edit. ; ; ;******************************** ;Display text for the .01 field which is a pointer to Skin Test. ;(Must have is called by ASK^PXCEVFI2 and DEL^PXCEVFI2.) DISPLY01(PXCEHF) ; N DIERR,PXCEDILF,PXCEEXT,PXCEINT S PXCEINT=$P(PXCEHF,"^",1) S PXCEEXT=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(9000010.23,.01,"",PXCEINT,"PXCEDILF") Q $S('$D(DIERR):PXCEEXT,1:PXCEINT) ;