PXCESDA1 ;ISL/dee - PCE List Manager display of appointments by patient ;6/20/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;;Aug 12, 1996 ;; ;Developed using code from: SDAM1 ;MJK/ALB - Appt Mgt (Patient); 12/1/91 ;;5.3;Scheduling;;Aug 13, 1993 Q ; ;This is the INIT in SDAM1 INTSDAM1 ; -- get init pat appt data ; input: DFN := ifn of pat ; output: ^TMP("SDAM" := appt array ;SDBEG and SDEND are already set. D SETSDAM1 D LIST^SDAM Q ; PATSDAM1 ; -- change pat D SETSDAM1 D BLD^SDAM1 PATQ Q ; SETSDAM1 ; S SDAMTYP="P" ; Type is Patient S SDFN=PXCEPAT ; Pointer to the Patient file (#2) K SDCLN ; No pointer to the Hospital Location file (#44) D CHGCAP^VALM("NAME","Clinic") S X="ALL" Q ;