PXEDILUD ;ISL/PKR - Establish the details for looking up PCE device interface errors. ;6/7/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;;Aug 12, 1996 ; ;======================================================================= DT(BDATE,EDATE,TYPE) ;Date and time range. BDATE ;Select the beginning date. N X,Y K DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT S DIR(0)="D^:DT:EPTX" S DIR("A")="Enter beginning "_TYPE_" date and time" S DIR("??")=U_"D BDHELP^PXEDILUD" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I Y=(U_U) S DTOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q S BDATE=Y I $E(Y,6,7)="00" W $C(7)," ?? Enter exact date" G BDATE ; EDATE ;Select the ending date. N NOW S NOW=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"1") S DIR(0)="D^"_BDATE_":NOW:ESTX" S DIR("A")="Enter the ending "_TYPE_" date and time" S DIR("B")=NOW S DIR("??")=U_"D EDHELP^PXEDILUD" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DUOUT) G BDATE I Y=(U_U) S DTOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q S EDATE=Y I $E(Y,6,7)="00" W $C(7)," ?? Enter exact date" G EDATE K DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT Q ; BDHELP ;Write the beginning date help. W !!,"This is the beginning date and time for "_TYPE_"S that should be scanned" W !,"for errors." Q ; EDHELP ;Write the ending date help. W !!,"This is the ending date and time for "_TYPE_"S that should be scanned" W !,"for errors." Q ; ;======================================================================= EN(BEN,EEN) ;Error number range. BENUM ;Beginning error number. ;Find the beginning and ending error numbers for the prompt. N TBEN,TEEN S TBEN=$O(^PX(839.01,0)) I TBEN="" D Q . S (BEN,EEN)=0 S TEEN=$O(^PX(839.01,"A"),-1) ; N X,Y K DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT S DIR(0)="N^"_TBEN_":"_TEEN S DIR("A")="Enter the beginning error number" S DIR("B")=TBEN S DIR("??")=U_"D BENHELP^PXEDILUD" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I Y=(U_U) S DTOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q S BEN=Y ; EENUM ;Ending error number. S DIR(0)="N^"_BEN_":"_TEEN S DIR("A")="Enter the ending error number" S DIR("B")=TEEN S DIR("??")=U_"D EENHELP^PXEDILUD" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DUOUT) G BENUM I Y=(U_U) S DTOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q S EEN=Y K DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT Q ; BENHELP ;Write the beginning error number help. W !!,"This is the beginning error number." Q ; EENHELP ;Write the ending error number help. W !!,"This is the ending error number. If it is equal to the beginning error" W !,"number then only one error number will be used. Otherwise all error numbers" W !,"in the range specified by the beginning and ending error numbers will be used." Q ; ;======================================================================= PAT ;Patient N DIC,X,Y S NPATIENT=0 S DIC("A")="Select Patient: " S DIC("S")="I $D(^PX(839.01,""C"",Y))" NPAT S DIC=2 I NPATIENT>0 S DIC("A")="Select another Patient: " S DIC(0)="AEQMZ" D ^DIC I Y=-1 G DPAT I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S NPATIENT=NPATIENT+1 S PATIENT(NPATIENT)=+$P(Y,U,1) G NPAT ; DPAT ; Q ;