PXRRLCSE ;ISL/PKR - Sort encounters for location count report. ;10/10/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**3,10**;Aug 12, 1996 ; ;Sort the encounters according to the selection criteria. SORT ; ;Allow the task to be cleaned up on successful completion. S ZTREQ="@" ; D SORT^PXRRECSE ; ;Print the report. I PXRRQUE D .;Start the report that was queued but not scheduled. . N DESC,ROUTINE,TASK . I $P(PXRRLCSC,U,1)["C" S ROUTINE="PXRRLCCP" . E S ROUTINE="PXRRLCHP" . S DESC="Location Encounter Report - print" . S ZTDTH=$$NOW^XLFDT . S TASK=^XTMP(PXRRXTMP,"PRZTSK") . D REQUE^PXRRQUE(DESC,ROUTINE,TASK) E D . I $P(PXRRLCSC,U,1)["C" D ^PXRRLCCP . E D ^PXRRLCHP Q