PXRRPRSC ;ISL/PKR - PCE reports provider selection criteria routines. ;12/11/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**12,18**;Aug 12, 1996 ; ;======================================================================= PRTYPE ;Select the type of report. N X,Y K DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT S DIR(0)="S"_U_"S:Summary;D:Detail by clinic and date" S DIR("A")="Which type of report" S DIR("B")="S" S DIR("?",1)="Choose between a detailed report that gives the number of encounters by clinic" S DIR("?",2)="and date for each provider or the summary report that gives only the total" S DIR("?")="encounters for each provider." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIROUT) S DTOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q S PXRRPRTY=Y_U_Y(0) Q ; ;======================================================================= ; PRV ;Establish the Provider selection criteria. N X,Y K DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT S DIR(0)="S"_U_"A:All Providers (with encounters);" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"P:Primary Providers (with encounters);" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"S:Selected Providers;" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_"C:Selected Person Classes" S DIR("A")="Select ENCOUNTER PROVIDER CRITERIA" S DIR("B")="S" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIROUT) S DTOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q S PXRRPRSC=Y_U_Y(0) ; ;If Providers are to be selected individually or by class get the list. I Y="S" D PRV^PXRRPRPL I $D(DTOUT) Q I $D(DUOUT) G PRV I Y="C" D PCLASS^PXRRPECS I $D(DTOUT) Q I $D(DUOUT) G PRV Q ;