PXUTLSCC ;ISL/dee,ISA/KWP - Validates and corrects the Service Connected Conditions ;7/23/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**74,107,111,130**;Aug 12, 1996 Q ; SCC(PXUPAT,PXUDT,PXUHLOC,PXUTLVST,PXUIN,PXUOUT,PXUERR) ; ;+Input Parameters: ;+ PXUPAT IEN of patient ;+ PXUDT date and time of the encounter ;+ PXUHLOC Hospital Location of the enocunter ;+ PXUTLVST (optional) pointer to the visit that is being used ;+ PXUIN service connected^agent orange^ionizing radiation ;+ ^enviromental contaminants^military sexual trauma ;+ ^head and/or neck cancer ;+ where 1 ::= yes, 0 ::= no, null ::= n/a ;+ ;+Output Parameters: ;+ PXUOUT this is PXUIN corrected so that the invalid answers ;+ are changed to null ;+ PXUERR this is a six piece value one for each condition as follows: ;+ 1 ::= should be yes or no, but it is null ;+ 0 ::= no error ;+ -1 ::= not valued value ;+ -2 ::= value must be null ;+ -3 ::= must be null because SC is yes ; N PXUITEM,PXUPSCC,PXUSC,PXUAO,PXUIR,PXUEC,PXUMST,PXUHNC D SCCOND(PXUPAT,PXUDT,PXUHLOC,$G(PXUTLVST),.PXUPSCC) ;Set up array of the patients SCC S PXUOUT=PXUIN S PXUERR="0^0^0^0^0^0^0" S PXUSC=$P(PXUIN,"^",1) I '(PXUSC=1!(PXUSC=0)!(PXUSC="")) S $P(PXUERR,"^",1)=-1 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",1)="" E I PXUSC="" D ;it is ok . I $P(PXUPSCC("SC"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",1)=1,$P(PXUOUT,"^",1)=$P(PXUPSCC("SC"),"^",2) ;should have had a value E I PXUSC]"" D . I '$P(PXUPSCC("SC"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",1)=-2 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",1)="" ;it must be null . E ;it is ok S PXUSC=$P(PXUOUT,"^",1) S PXUAO=$P(PXUIN,"^",2) I '(PXUAO=1!(PXUAO=0)!(PXUAO="")) S $P(PXUERR,"^",2)=-1 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",2)="" E I PXUAO="" D ;it is ok . I $P(PXUPSCC("AO"),"^",1),'PXUSC S $P(PXUERR,"^",2)=1,$P(PXUOUT,"^",2)=$P(PXUPSCC("AO"),"^",2) ;should have had a value E I PXUAO]"" D . I '$P(PXUPSCC("AO"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",2)=-2 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",2)="" ;it must be null . E I PXUSC,PXUAO]"" S $P(PXUERR,"^",2)=-3 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",2)="" ;it is SC so it must be null . ;E ;it is ok S PXUIR=$P(PXUIN,"^",3) I '(PXUIR=1!(PXUIR=0)!(PXUIR="")) S $P(PXUERR,"^",3)=-1 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",3)="" E I PXUIR="" D ;it is ok . I $P(PXUPSCC("IR"),"^",1),'PXUSC S $P(PXUERR,"^",3)=1,$P(PXUOUT,"^",3)=$P(PXUPSCC("IR"),"^",2) ;should have had a value E I PXUIR]"" D . I '$P(PXUPSCC("IR"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",3)=-2 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",3)="" ;it must be null . E I PXUSC,PXUIR]"" S $P(PXUERR,"^",3)=-3 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",3)="" ;it is SC so it must be null . ;E ;it is ok S PXUEC=$P(PXUIN,"^",4) I '(PXUEC=1!(PXUEC=0)!(PXUEC="")) S $P(PXUERR,"^",4)=-1 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",4)="" E I PXUEC="" D ;it is ok . I $P(PXUPSCC("EC"),"^",1),'PXUSC S $P(PXUERR,"^",4)=1,$P(PXUOUT,"^",4)=$P(PXUPSCC("EC"),"^",2) ;should have had a value E I PXUEC]"" D . I '$P(PXUPSCC("EC"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",4)=-2 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",4)="" ;it must be null . E I PXUSC,PXUEC]"" S $P(PXUERR,"^",4)=-3 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",4)="" ;it is SC so it must be null . ;E ;it is ok S PXUMST=$P(PXUIN,"^",5) ;MST not dependent on SC question I '(PXUMST=1!(PXUMST=0)!(PXUMST="")) S $P(PXUERR,"^",5)=-1 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",5)="" ;not valid data E I PXUMST="" D ;it is ok . I $P(PXUPSCC("MST"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",5)=1,$P(PXUOUT,"^",5)=$P(PXUPSCC("MST"),"^",2) ;should have had a value E I PXUMST]"" D .I '$P(PXUPSCC("MST"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",5)=-2 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",5)="" ;it must be null, not MST status ;PX*1*111 - Add Head & Neck S PXUHNC=$P(PXUIN,"^",6) ;HNC not dependent on SC question I '(PXUHNC=1!(PXUHNC=0)!(PXUHNC="")) S $P(PXUERR,"^",6)=-1 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",6)="" ;not valid data E I PXUHNC="" D ;it is ok . I $P(PXUPSCC("HNC"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",6)=1,$P(PXUOUT,"^",6)=$P(PXUPSCC("HNC"),"^",2) ;should have had a value E I PXUHNC]"" D .I '$P(PXUPSCC("HNC"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",6)=-2 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",6)="" ;it must be null, not HNC status S PXUCV=$P(PXUIN,"^",7) ;CV not dependent on SC question I '(PXUCV=1!(PXUCV=0)!(PXUCV="")) S $P(PXUERR,"^",7)=-1 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",7)="" ;not valid data E I PXUCV="" D ;it is ok . I $P(PXUPSCC("CV"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",7)=1,$P(PXUOUT,"^",7)=$P(PXUPSCC("CV"),"^",2) ;should have had a value E I PXUCV]"" D .I '$P(PXUPSCC("CV"),"^",1) S $P(PXUERR,"^",7)=-2 S $P(PXUOUT,"^",7)="" ;it must be null, not HNC status Q ; ; SCCOND(DFN,APPDT,HLOC,VISIT,PXUDATA) ;Set up array of the patients ; Service Connected Conditions ; ;Input Parameters: ; DFN IEN of patient ; APPDT date and time of the encounter ; HLOC Hospital Location of the enocunter ; VISIT (optional) The visit that is being used ; ;Output Parameters: ; PXUDATA this is an array subscriped by "SC","AO","IR","EC","MST","HNC" ; that contains to piece each ; first: 1 if the condition can be answered ; 0 if it should be null ; second: the answer that Scheduling has if it has one ; 1 ::= yes, 0 ::= no ; N CLASSIF,XX,OUTENC,CL,END,X0,MNE S OUTENC="" I VISIT>0 D .S OUTENC=$O(^SCE("AVSIT",VISIT,0)) .I OUTENC>0,$P(^SCE(OUTENC,0),U,6) S OUTENC=$P(^SCE(OUTENC,0),U,6) I 'VISIT D .; Call if they have an appointment for this hospital location .; and there is an Outpatient Encounter IEN; .; returns the answer that scheduling has if any .I $G(^DPT(DFN,"S",APPDT,0))]"" S XX=$G(^(0)) I +XX=HLOC D ..S OUTENC=$P(XX,U,20) .Q:OUTENC .; .; Find an Outpatient encouter matching DFN APPDT,HLOC if any. .S OUTENC=$$EXAE^SDOE(DFN,APPDT,APPDT) D VEROUT ; ;Do Outpatient Encounter checks I OUTENC D .I '$D(^SCE(OUTENC,0)) S OUTENC="" Q .S X0=^SCE(OUTENC,0),END=0 D ENCHK(OUTENC,X0) .I END S OUTENC="" I OUTENC>0 D CLOE^SDCO21(OUTENC,.CLASSIF) ; I '$G(OUTENC) D CL^SDCO21(DFN,APPDT,"",.CLASSIF) S XX=0 F S XX=$O(^SD(409.41,XX)) Q:XX'>0 D .S MNE=$P($G(^SD(409.41,XX,0)),U,7) I $D(MNE) D ..S PXUDATA(MNE)=$D(CLASSIF(XX))_U_$P($G(CLASSIF(XX)),U,2) Q ENCHK(ENCOWNTR,X0) ;Do outpatient encounter checks N LOC,ORG,DFN S DFN=$P(X0,U,2),LOC=$P(X0,U,4),ORG=$P(X0,U,8) I $$REQ^SDM1A(+X0)'="CO" S END=1 Q ;Check MAS Check out date parameter I ORG=1,'$$CLINIC^SDAMU(+LOC) S END=1 Q ;Screen for valid clinic I "^1^2^"[("^"_ORG_"^"),$$INP^SDAM2(+DFN,+X0)="I" S END=1 Q ;Inpat chk I $$EXOE^SDCOU2(ENCOWNTR) S END=1 Q ;Chk exempt Outpt classification Q VEROUT ;verify a clinic Q:'OUTENC S CL=$$GETOE^SDOE(OUTENC) I $P(CL,U,4)'=HLOC S OUTENC="" Q ;