VSITCK ;ISD/RJP - Visit Field Check ;6/20/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**76**;Aug 12, 1996 ; Patch PX*1*76 changes the 2nd line of all VSIT* routines to reflect ; the incorporation of the module into PCE. For historical reference, ; the old (VISIT TRACKING) 2nd line is included below to reference VSIT ; patches. ; ;;2.0;VISIT TRACKING;;Aug 12, 1996; ; Q ; - not an entry point ; ERRCHK(NODE,VALUE,DATEFMT) ;Checks the value to see if it is valid ;Returns: ; value if it is valid ; null in the first piece if it is not valid ; and the error message form VSITFLD if there is one ; S NODE=$G(NODE) S VALUE=$G(VALUE) N ERR I $P($G(^TMP("VSITDD",$J,NODE)),";",5)]"" S ERR="^"_$P(^TMP("VSITDD",$J,NODE),";",1)_"^"_VALUE_"^"_$P(^TMP("VSITDD",$J,NODE),";",5) E S ERR="" S VALUE=$G(VALUE) S:VALUE]"" VALUE=$$GET^VSITVAR(NODE,VALUE,"",$G(DATEFMT)) S:VALUE']"" VALUE=ERR Q VALUE ; SETALL ;Do $GET on all of the nodes of the VSIT array N FLDINDX S FLDINDX="" F S FLDINDX=$O(^TMP("VSITDD",$J,FLDINDX)) Q:FLDINDX="" D . S VSIT(FLDINDX)=$G(VSIT(FLDINDX)) S VSIT(0)=$G(VSIT(0)) Q ;