VSITIPOS ;ISL/dee - Visit Post Init ;7/29/96 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**76**;Aug 12, 1996 ; Patch PX*1*76 changes the 2nd line of all VSIT* routines to reflect ; the incorporation of the module into PCE. For historical reference, ; the old (VISIT TRACKING) 2nd line is included below to reference VSIT ; patches. ; ;;2.0;VISIT TRACKING;;Aug 12, 1996; EN ; ;Run post clean up routine S PXNEWCP=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL("VSITIPOS","POST^VSITIPOS") Q ; POST ; DEF ; - add the DEFAULT INSTITUTION to VISIT TRACKING PARAMETERS file ; N DIC,DLAYGO,DA,DR,DIE,X,DINUM D:'$D(^DIC(150.9,1,0)) . S DIC="^DIC(150.9,",DIC(0)="L",(X,DINUM)=1,DLAYGO="150.9" . D FILE^DICN K DINUM,DIC,DLAYGO,DD,DO K DA,DR,DIC,DLAYGO,X,DINUM ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Looking at the VISIT TRACKING PRARMETERS file.") D:'+$P($G(^DIC(150.9,1,0)),"^",4) . D BMES^XPDUTL("I am going to add an entry to the DEFAULT INSTITUTION field #.04") . D MES^XPDUTL(" of the VISIT TRACKING PARAMETERS file.") . ; . S DR=".04///`"_+$$SITE^VASITE . S DA=1,DIE="^DIC(150.9," D ^DIE K DA,DR,DIE ; D:'+$P($G(^DIC(150.9,1,0)),"^",3) . D BMES^XPDUTL("I am going to add an entry to the DEFAULT TYPE field #.03") . D MES^XPDUTL(" of the VISIT TRACKING PARAMETERS file.") . ; . S DR=".03///V" . S DA=1,DIE="^DIC(150.9," D ^DIE ; K DA,DR,DIE ; VSITVID ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Set the Visit id in the Visit Tracking Parameters file") D MES^XPDUTL("if not already set") N VSITNODE S VSITNODE=$G(^DIC(150.9,1,4)) I $P(VSITNODE,"^",1)'?4.NU S $P(^DIC(150.9,1,4),"^",1)="10B0" ; PROTOCOL ; N PROTNAME S DIE="^ORD(101," S DR="2///@" D BMES^XPDUTL("Making sure that these protocols are not disabled.") F OFFSET=1:1 SET PROTNAME=$P($T(ENABLE+OFFSET),";;",2) Q:PROTNAME="" D . D MES^XPDUTL(" "_PROTNAME) . S DA=$O(^ORD(101,"B",PROTNAME,0)) . I DA>0 D ^DIE Q ; ENABLE ;; ;;VSIT PATIENT STATUS ;;