VSITNTEG ;ISC/XTSUMBLD KERNEL - Package checksum checker ;2960812.192141 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**76**;Aug 12, 1996 ; Patch PX*1*76 changes the 2nd line of all VSIT* routines to reflect ; the incorporation of the module into PCE. For historical reference, ; the old (VISIT TRACKING) 2nd line is included below to reference VSIT ; patches. ; ;;2.0;VISIT TRACKING;;Aug 12, 1996 ;;7.3;2960812.192141 S XT4="I 1",X=$T(+3) W !!,"Checksum routine created on ",$P(X,";",4)," by KERNEL V",$P(X,";",3),! CONT F XT1=1:1 S XT2=$T(ROU+XT1) Q:XT2="" S X=$P(XT2," ",1),XT3=$P(XT2,";",3) X XT4 I $T W !,X X ^%ZOSF("TEST") S:'$T XT3=0 X:XT3 ^%ZOSF("RSUM") W ?10,$S('XT3:"Routine not in UCI",XT3'=Y:"Calculated "_$C(7)_Y_", off by "_(Y-XT3),1:"ok") ; K %1,%2,%3,X,Y,XT1,XT2,XT3,XT4 Q ONE S XT4="I $D(^UTILITY($J,X))",X=$T(+3) W !!,"Checksum routine created on ",$P(X,";",4)," by KERNEL V",$P(X,";",3),! W !,"Check a subset of routines:" K ^UTILITY($J) X ^%ZOSF("RSEL") W ! G CONT ROU ;; AUPNVSIT ;;5352310 VSIT ;;6026028 VSIT0 ;;911420 VSITASK ;;2075464 VSITBUL ;;2905102 VSITCK ;;937977 VSITCK1 ;;1017425 VSITDEF ;;9470989 VSITFLD ;;2638733 VSITGET ;;3290786 VSITHLP ;;6841141 VSITIENV ;;3898032 VSITIPOS ;;2337494 VSITIPRE ;;79953 VSITKIL ;;3586292 VSITOE ;;4386878 VSITPUT ;;492684 VSITPUT1 ;;1489104 VSITSTAT ;;3053946 VSITVAR ;;6380345 VSITVID ;;1147478