PSUCP2 ;BIR/TJH - CHECK COMPLETION OF MONTHLY PBM REPORT ;25 AUG 1998 ;;4.0;PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT;;MARCH, 2005 ; ;DBIAs ; Reference to File #4 supported by DBIA 10090 ; Reference to File #4.3 supported by DBIA 10091 ; Reference to File #40.8 supported by DBIA 2438 ; Reference to File #59.7 supported by DBIA 2854 ; MANUAL ; Entry point if tasked by PSU PBM MANUAL option S PSUWAY="Manual" AUTO ; Entry point if tasked by PSU PBM AUTO option I '$D(PSUWAY) S PSUWAY="Automatic" D NOW^%DTC S PSUNOW=% K %,%H,%I,X S PSULRD=$$VALI^PSUTL(59.7,1,90) ; last run date D .I PSULRD="" S PSUOK=0 Q ; it's 24 hours later and finish time is not set, may be a problem. .S X1=PSUNOW,X2=PSULRD D ^%DTC .I X>6 S PSUOK=0 Q ; the last run date must be left over from a previous run, it's a problem. .S PSUOK=1 G:PSUOK EXIT ; no message sent if OK. D XMY^PSUTL1 M XMY=PSUXMYS1 I $G(PSUMASF) M XMY=PSUXMYH S X=$$VALI^PSUTL(4.3,1,217),PSUDIV=+$$VAL^PSUTL(4,X,99) S X=PSUDIV,DIC=40.8,DIC(0)="XM" D ^DIC S X=+Y S PSUDIVNM=$$VAL^PSUTL(40.8,X,.01) S XMSUB="PBM "_PSUWAY_" Statistics Job "_PSUDIV_" "_PSUDIVNM S X(1)="The PBM "_PSUWAY_" Statistics background job did not run to completion." S X(2)="Please correct the problem and retransmit the data to the National PBM" S X(3)="section at Hines." S XMTEXT="X(" S XMCHAN=1 D ^XMD EXIT ; normal exit point from PSUCP2 K PSUWAY,PSUNOW,PSULRD,PSUOK,PSUDIV,PSUDIVNM Q MMNOMAP ; Generate MM regarding locations not mapped Q:$D(^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"PSUFLAG3")) ;Quit if user does not want a ;copy sent to self ; N TXT1,TXT2 ; D PULL^PSUCP F I=1:1:$L(PSUOPTS,",") S PSUMOD($P(PSUOPTS,",",I))="" S X=$$VALI^PSUTL(4.3,1,217),PSUSNDR=+$$VAL^PSUTL(4,X,99),PSUNAME=$$VAL^PSUTL(4,X,.01) K TXT S TXT(1)="The locations listed below have not been mapped to a Medical Center" S TXT(2)="Division or Outpatient Site. All data extracted from these locations have" S TXT(3)="been attributed to "_PSUSNDR_" "_PSUNAME S TXT(4)=" " S TLC=4 ; I $D(PSUARSUB) D .I $D(^XTMP(PSUARSUB,"AOU")),$D(PSUMOD(3)) D ..K AOUNMAP,MAP ;Array to hold unmapped AOU data ..N LOC,LOC1 ..M MAP=^XTMP(PSUARSUB,"AOU") ..F TXT=" ","AOUs:" D TXT ..S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(MAP(IEN)) Q:IEN="" D ...S LOC=MAP(IEN,.01) ...M AOUNMAP(LOC)=MAP(IEN) ..S LOC1=0 ..F S LOC1=$O(AOUNMAP(LOC1)) Q:LOC1="" D ...S TXT1=AOUNMAP(LOC1,.01) ...S TXT2=$G(AOUNMAP(LOC1,3)) I TXT2'="" S TXT2=" **INACTIVE**" ...S TXT=TXT1_TXT2 D TXT .; .I '$D(^XTMP(PSUARSUB,"AOU")),$D(PSUMOD(3)) D ..F TXT=" ","AOUs:" D TXT ..S TXT="There are no unmapped AOU's for the dates of this extract" D TXT ; I $D(PSUARSUB) D .I $D(^XTMP(PSUARSUB,"NAOU")),$D(PSUMOD(6)) D ..K NAOUMAP,MAP ..N LOC,LOC1 ..M MAP=^XTMP(PSUARSUB,"NAOU") ..F TXT="","NAOUs:" D TXT ..S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(MAP(IEN)) Q:IEN'>0 D ...S LOC=MAP(IEN,.01) ...M NAOUMAP(LOC)=MAP(IEN) ..S LOC1=0 ..F S LOC1=$O(NAOUMAP(LOC1)) Q:LOC1="" D ...S TXT1=NAOUMAP(LOC1,.01) ...S TXT2=$G(NAOUMAP(LOC1,4)) I TXT2'="" S TXT2=" **INACTIVE**" ...S TXT=TXT1_TXT2 D TXT .; .I '$D(^XTMP(PSUARSUB,"NAOU")),$D(PSUMOD(6)) D .. F TXT=" ","NAOUs:" D TXT ..S TXT="There are no unmapped NAOU's for the dates of this extract" D TXT ; I $D(PSUARSUB) D .I $D(^XTMP(PSUARSUB,"DAPH")),$D(PSUMOD(5)) D ..K DAPH,MAP ..N LOC,LOC1 ..M MAP=^XTMP(PSUARSUB,"DAPH") ..F TXT="","DA Pharmacy Locations:" D TXT ..S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(MAP(IEN)) Q:IEN'>0 D ...S LOC=MAP(IEN,.01) ...M DAPH(LOC)=MAP(IEN) ..S LOC1=0 ..F S LOC1=$O(DAPH(LOC1)) Q:LOC1="" D ...S TXT1=DAPH(LOC1,.01) ...S TXT2=$G(DAPH(LOC1,4)) I TXT2'="" S TXT2=" **INACTIVE**" ...S TXT=TXT1_TXT2 D TXT .; .I '$D(^XTMP(PSUARSUB,"DAPH")),$D(PSUMOD(5)) D .. F TXT=" ","DA Pharmacy Locations:" D TXT ..S TXT="There are no unmapped DA Pharmacy Locations for the dates of this extract" D TXT ; MSGNOMAP ; send MM ; S Y=PSUSDT\1 X ^DD("DD") S PSUDTS=Y S Y=PSUEDT\1 X ^DD("DD") S PSUDTE=Y S XMSUB="PBM Unmapped Locations for "_PSUDTS_" to "_PSUDTE_" from "_PSUSNDR_" "_PSUNAME S XMTEXT="TXT(" S XMY("G.PSU PBM")="" S XMY(DUZ)="" I $D(PSUARSUB) D ^XMD Q ; TXT S TLC=TLC+1,TXT(TLC)=TXT Q