PSULR1 ;BIR/PDW - PBM LAB EXTRACT ;12 AUG 1999 ;;4.0;PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT;;MARCH, 2005 ; Extract & setup crosswalk for drug codes and "CH" nodes ; Reference to File # 60 supported by DBIA 2523 ; Reference to ^LAM supported by DBIA 2522 EN ;EP Tasking Entry Point for generating LAB mail messages, Summaries, & Prints ; CODES ; Table for Building Class * Work Load codes * Lab Tests crosswalk D SETCODES^PSULR0 ; Builds ^XTMP(PSULRSUB,"CODES",VA DRUG CLASS,LAB NODE LOCATION)=LAB TEST ; Builds PSUFLAG("BLOOD":"SERUM":"PLASMA") array S:'$D(PSUJOB) PSUJOB=$J S:'$D(PSULRJOB) PSULRJOB=PSUJOB S:'$D(PSULRSUB) PSULRSUB="PSULR_"_PSULRJOB ; Initialize Flag type array F X="BLOOD","SERUM","PLASMA" S PSUFLAG(X)="" ; ; Loop Drug Class Codes & WorkCodes S X="AN500" F Y=83405,81062 S PSULRX(X,Y)="" D GET S X="CV200" F Y=82565 S PSULRX(X,Y)="" D GET S X="CV350" F Y=83017,83013,84480,82466,84455,84465 S PSULRX(X,Y)="" D GET S X="CV800" F Y=82565,84140 S PSULRX(X,Y)="" D GET S X="GA301" F Y=82565 S PSULRX(X,Y)="" D GET S X="HS502" F Y=84330,85053,84455,84465,85052 S PSULRX(X,Y)="" D GET ; Q ; Follow wrk code into tests GET ;EP Get the appropriate Work Load entry ; S PSUY=Y_".0000 " D WALK F S PSUY=$O(^LAM("C",PSUY)) Q:(+PSUY\1'=+Y) D WALK Q WALK ;EP Do the crosswalk to get the tests associated with workload S Z=$O(^LAM("C",PSUY,0)) ; I '$D(^LAM(Z,7,"B")) Q ; ; S PSUWKDA=Z ; Loop Multiple & Work on over to file 60 & check site/specimen S Z="" F S Z=$O(^LAM(PSUWKDA,7,"B",Z)) Q:Z="" D . S PSULRDA=+Z . K PSUSPECM . D GETM^PSUTL(60,PSULRDA,"100*^.01;6","PSUSPECM") . S DA=0,PSUFLAG=0 F S DA=$O(PSUSPECM(DA)) Q:DA'>0 S W=PSUSPECM(DA,.01) I $D(PSUFLAG(W)) S PSUFLAG=1 Q . Q:'PSUFLAG . ; store DrugCode, WrkCode, Lab IEN = Location . S PSULOC=$$VAL^PSUTL(60,PSULRDA,5),PSULOC=$P(PSULOC,";",2) . ;S ^XTMP(PSULRSUB,"CODES",X,+Y,PSULRDA)=PSULOC ; Trace Construction . S ^XTMP(PSULRSUB,"CODES",X,PSULOC)=$$VAL^PSUTL(60,PSULRDA,.01)_U_PSUSPECM(DA,6)