PSUMAP0 ;BHM/PDW-MAP OAU,NAOU,DA LOCATION TO DIVISION/OUTPATIENT SITES ; 4/12/07 2:12pm ;;4.0;PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT;**12**;MARCH, 2005;Build 19 ; ;DBIA's ;Reference to file (#59.7) supported by DBIA 2854 ; EN ; select Editing or Report of Mapping W @IOF,!,?10,"MAPPING PHARMACY LOCATIONS FOR PBM EXTRACTS",!! ; MODP ; module selection prompt W !!,?5,"This option allows the mapping of dispensing/procurement locations" W !,?5,"from the AR/WS, Controlled Substances, and Drug Accountability" W !,?5,"applications to either a Medical Center Division or an Outpatient Site." W !,?5,"Any dispensing/procurement data associated with an AR/WS AOU, CS NAOU" W !,?5,"or DA Pharmacy Location that has not been mapped will be attributed to" W !,?5,"to the facility at which the database resides. Any unmapped locations" W !,?5,"will be displayed upon entering the option.",! ; D EN1^PSUMAPR ;scan and report unmapped locations W @IOF ; MODULE ; W !!,"Select the dispensing/procurement location to map:",! S PSUA(1)="1. AR/WS Area of Use (AOU)" S PSUA(2)="2. Controlled Substances (CS) Narcotic Area of Use (NAOU)" S PSUA(3)="3. Drug Accountability (DA) Pharmacy location" S PSUA(4)="4. Print Report of Mapped/Unmapped Locations" F I=1:1:4 W !,?10,PSUA(I) W !!,?2,"You may select all by entering 'A' for ALL or by using '1:4'.",! W !,?2,"Select the dispensing/procurement location: " R X:DTIME E W !!,"Nothing Selected - Exiting",! H 3 G EXIT I X["^" G EXIT:X="^" I X="" W " ",$C(7) S X="?" ; S:"Aa"[$E(X) X="1:4" MODHLP I X["?" D G MODULE .W !!,"Enter: A single number to edit (or print) that selection." .W !,?8,"A range of code numbers. Example: 1:3" .W !,?8,"Multiple code numbers separated by commas. Example: 1,3" .W !,?8,"The letter A to select ALL items." .W !,?8,"A single up-arrow ( ^ ) to exit now without any action." S X=$TR(X,"-;_><.A","::::::") K PSUMOD F PII=1:1:$L(X,",") D .S X1=$P(X,",",PII) .Q:X1="" .I X1[":" D Q ..S XBEG=$P(X1,":",1),XEND=$P(X1,":",2) ..I (XBEG="")!(XEND="") Q ..F PJJ=XBEG:1:XEND S PSUMOD(PJJ)="" ..K PJJ,XBEG,XEND .S PSUMOD(X1)="" ; modified to fix PSU*3*12 BAJ S X="",ERC=0 F S X=$O(PSUMOD(X)) Q:X="" I '$D(PSUA(X)) S ERC=1 Q I ERC W !!,"",$C(7) G MODP I '$D(PSUMOD) W !!,"No choices were made." K DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="EXITING" D ^DIR G EXIT ; ; W !!,"You have selected: " S X="",PSUOPTS="" F S X=$O(PSUMOD(X)) Q:X="" W !,?10,PSUA(X) W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR G:'Y EXIT I $D(PSUMOD(4)) D REPORT K PSUA(4) I $D(PSUMOD(1)) D E9001 I $D(PSUMOD(2)) D E9002 I $D(PSUMOD(3)) D E9003 Q E9001 ;EDIT 90.01 AR/WS AOU MAPPING W @IOF,!!,?20,"EDITING Mapping of AR/WS AOUs",!! K DIC,DA,DIE K Z,ZZ,IENS S DA(1)=1 S DIC="^PS(59.7,1,90.01,",DA(1)=1,DIC(0)="ACEQML" S DIC("W")="X XX1,XX2" S XX1="S IENS=+Y_"",""_DA(1) S Z=$$GET1^DIQ(59.79001,IENS,.02),ZZ=$$GET1^DIQ(59.79001,IENS,.03) W:$L(Z) ?35,""Div: "",Z W:$L(ZZ) ?35,""OP: "",ZZ" S XX2="S ZZ=$$GET1^DIQ(58.1,+Y,3,""I"") W:ZZ ?65,""**INACTIVE**""" D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 S DA=+Y,DIE=DIC S ZZ=^PS(59.7,1,90.01,DA,0),XX=$P(ZZ,U,2),YY=$P(ZZ,U,3) I YY S DR=".01;.03;S:X'="""" Y=0;.02" I 1 E S DR=".01;.02;S:X'="""" Y=0;.03" D ^DIE W ! G E9001 ; CHK1 ;check that AOUs are mapped K IENS S DA=0,DA(1)=1 F S DA=$O(^PS(59.7,1,90.01,DA)) Q:DA'>0 D . S Z=^PS(59.7,1,90.01,DA,0),X=$P(Z,U,2),Y=$P(Z,U,3) . I Y,'X Q . I 'Y,X Q . S IENS=DA_",1" W !,?3,"AR/WS AOU",?15,$$GET1^DIQ(59.79001,IENS,.01),?25," is not mapped." I $G(STOP),$G(IENS) K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I X="^" S PSUSTOP=1 I 1 Q ; E9002 ;EDIT 90.02 CS NAOU MAPPING W @IOF,!!,?20,"EDITING Mapping of CS NAOUs",!! K DIC,DA,DIE K Z,ZZ,IENS S DA(1)=1 S DIC="^PS(59.7,DA(1),90.02,",DIC(0)="AEQMLCZ" S DIC("W")="X XX1,XX2" S XX1="S IENS=+Y_"",""_DA(1) S Z=$$GET1^DIQ(59.79002,IENS,.02),ZZ=$$GET1^DIQ(59.79002,IENS,.03) W:$L(Z) ?35,""Div: "",Z W:$L(ZZ) ?35,""OP: "",ZZ" S XX2="S ZZ=$$GET1^DIQ(58.8,+Y,4,""I"") W:ZZ ?65,""**INACTIVE** """ D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 S DA=+Y,DIE=DIC S ZZ=^PS(59.7,1,90.02,DA,0),XX=$P(ZZ,U,2),YY=$P(ZZ,U,3) I YY S DR=".01;.03;S:X'="""" Y=0;.02" I 1 E S DR=".01;.02;S:X'="""" Y=0;.03" D ^DIE W ! G E9002 ; CHK2 ;check that NAOUs are mapped K IENS S DA=0,DA(1)=1 F S DA=$O(^PS(59.7,1,90.02,DA)) Q:DA'>0 D . S Z=^PS(59.7,1,90.02,DA,0),X=$P(Z,U,2),Y=$P(Z,U,3) . I Y,'X Q . I 'Y,X Q . S IENS=DA_",1" W !,?3,"CS NAOU",?15,$$GET1^DIQ(59.79002,IENS,.01),?25," is not mapped." Q E9003 ;EDIT 90.03 DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY LOCATION MAPPING W @IOF,!!,?20,"EDITING Mapping of DA Pharmacy Locations",!! K DIC,DA,DIE K Z,ZZ,IENS S DA(1)=1 S DIC="^PS(59.7,DA(1),90.03,",DIC(0)="AEQMLZ" S DIC("W")="X XX1,XX2" S XX1="S IENS=+Y_"",""_DA(1) S Z=$$GET1^DIQ(59.79003,IENS,.02),ZZ=$$GET1^DIQ(59.79003,IENS,.03) W:$L(Z) ?35,"" Div: "",Z W:$L(ZZ) ?35,""OP: "",ZZ" S XX2="S ZZ=$$GET1^DIQ(58.8,+Y,4,""I"") W:ZZ ?65,""**INACTIVE** """ D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 S DA=+Y,DIE=DIC S ZZ=^PS(59.7,1,90.03,DA,0),XX=$P(ZZ,U,2),YY=$P(ZZ,U,3) I YY S DR=".01;.03;S:X'="""" Y=0;.02" I 1 E S DR=".01;.02;S:X'="""" Y=0;.03" D ^DIE W ! G E9003 ; CHK3 ;check that DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY LOCATIONs are mapped K IENS S DA=0,DA(1)=1 F S DA=$O(^PS(59.7,1,90.03,DA)) Q:DA'>0 D . S Z=^PS(59.7,1,90.03,DA,0),X=$P(Z,U,2),Y=$P(Z,U,3) . I Y,'X Q . I 'Y,X Q . S IENS=DA_",1" W !,?3,"DA Phar Loc",?15,$$GET1^DIQ(59.79003,IENS,.01),?25," is not mapped." I $G(STOP),$G(IENS) K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I X="^" S PSUSTOP=1 I 1 Q REPORT ;Print Mapping Report W @IOF,!,"Print Pharmacy Location PBM Extract Mapping Report",! S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS Q:POP I $D(IO("Q")) D QUEUE Q D EN^PSUMAPR Q QUEUE S ZTRTN="EN^PSUMAPR",ZTDESC="PRINT REPORT OF PBM EXTRACT MAPPING" S ZTREQ="@" D ^%ZTLOAD W !,"TASKED with ",$G(ZTSK) I '$G(ZTSK) W ">> DID NOT Task !!",! H 3 Q EXIT ; Q