PSUPRE ;BIR/PDW - PBM PRE-INIT ;25 AUG 1998 ;;3.0;PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGMENT;;Oct 15, 1998 EN ;EP CHANGE MENU OPTION NAMES ; Menu Items ; "PSU DPPM MANUAL" to be "PSU PBM MANUAL" ; "PSU DPPM AUTO" to be "PSU PBM AUTO" ; K DIC S X="PSU DPPM MANUAL",DIC=19,DIC(0)="XM" D ^DIC I +Y>0 D . S Z="PSU PBM MANUAL" . S DIE=DIC,DR=".01///^S X=Z",DA=+Y D ^DIE K DIC S X="PSU DPPM AUTO",DIC=19,DIC(0)="XM" D ^DIC I +Y>0 D . S Z="PSU PBM AUTO" . S DIE=DIC,DR=".01///^S X=Z",DA=+Y D ^DIE ; ; Mail Group ; "PSU DPPM" to be "PSU PBM" ; K DIC S X="PSU DPPM",DIC=3.8,DIC(0)="XM" D ^DIC I +Y>0 D . S Z="PSU PBM" . S DIE=DIC,DR=".01///^S X=Z",DA=+Y D ^DIE ; PACKAGE ;EP update fields in the package file K DIC S DIC=9.4,DIC(0)="M",X="PSU" D ^DIC S DA=+Y Q:Y'>0 K ^DIC(9.4,+Y,1) K Z,X F I=1:1 S Z=$T(DESC+I) Q:Z[";;END" D . S X=$P(Z,";;",2),X(I,0)=Z S ^DIC(9.4,DA,1,0)="^^20^20^2980916^^^^" M ^DIC(9.4,DA,1)=X K DIE S DIE="^DIC(9.4," S DEV="HOLLOWAY/WESLEY/BIRMINGHAM",NAME="PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT" S DR="10///^S X=DEV;.01///^S X=NAME;2///^S X=NAME" D ^DIE ; update synonyms S Y=DA K DIC,DA S DA(1)=Y S DIC("P")=$P(^DD(9.4,15007,0),"^",2) S DIC="^DIC(9.4,DA(1),15007," S DIC(0)="XL" S X="PBM" D ^DIC S X="D&PPM" D ^DIC Q DESC ; $T reference for package description ;;Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) software extracts statistics from ;;the following files on a monthly basis: ;; ;;File Name File Number ;;--------------------------------------------------------- ;;Pharmacy Patient IV Subfile......................55.01 ;;Pharmacy Patient UD Subfile......................55.06 ;;AR/WS STOCK Stats................................58.5 ;;Prescription.....................................52 ;;Procurement......................................442, 58.811, 58.81 ;;Controlled Substances............................58.81 ;;Laboratory.......................................60, 63 ;; ;;This data is electronically exported via MailMan to the National ;;PBM Section. These messages are then passed through a translation ;;process to convert all local drug names to a common drug name and all ;;local dispensing units to a common dispensing unit. After translation ;;the information will be added to a national database. The PBM ;;Section will be able to provide information on facility, regional, and ;;national product use on a monthly, quarterly, and annual intervals. ;;END