PSSBPSUT ;BIRM/MFR - BPS (ECME) Utilities ;05/14/07 ;;1.0;PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT;**127**;9/30/97;Build 41 ; NCPDPQTY(DRUG,RXQTY) ; Return the NCPDP quantity (Billing Quantity) ; Input: (r) DRUG - DRUG file (#50) IEN ; (r) RXQTY - Quantity dispensed from the PRESCRIPTION file (#52)) ;0utput: NCPDPQTY - Billing Quantity (3 decimal places)^NCPDP Dispense Unit (EA, GM or ML) ; N UNIT,MULTIP ; S DRUG=+$G(DRUG),RXQTY=+$G(RXQTY) ; ; - Invalid DRUG IEN or DRUG not on file I 'DRUG!'$D(^PSDRUG(DRUG,0)) Q "-1^INVALID DRUG" ; ; - Invalid NCPDP Dispense Unit S UNIT=$$GET1^DIQ(50,DRUG,82,"I") I UNIT'="EA",UNIT'="GM",UNIT'="ML" Q RXQTY ; ; - Invalid NCPDP Conversion Multiplier S MULTIP=+$$GET1^DIQ(50,DRUG,83) I MULTIP'>0 Q RXQTY_"^"_UNIT ; Q $J(RXQTY*MULTIP,0,3)_"^"_UNIT