PSSLOCK ;BIR/RSB-Pharmacy patient lock ;09/15/97 13:30 ;;1.0;PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT;**26,58,125**;9/30/97;Build 2 ; ; Reference to ^ORX2 supported by DBIA #867 ; Reference to ^PS(53.1 supported by DBIA #2140 ; Reference to ^PS(52.41 supported by DBIA #2844 ; Reference to ^PSRX supported by DBIA #2845 ; Reference to ^PS(55 supported by DBIA #2191 ; L(DFN,DIS) ; I $G(PSONOLCK) Q 1 N FLAG S ^XTMP("PSSLOCK",0)=$$PDATE I '$D(^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN)) D Q FLAG . D NOW^%DTC S ^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN)=DUZ_"^"_% . L +^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN):$S($G(DILOCKTM)>0:DILOCKTM,1:3) S FLAG=$S($T=1:$T,1:0) I $D(^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN)) Q $$R UL(DFN) ; unlock I $G(PSONOLCK) Q L -^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN) K ^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN) Q ; R() ; check lock on node ;if user has same patient already locked, Q 1, will only lock once I $P($G(^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN)),"^")=DUZ Q 1 L +^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN):$S($G(DILOCKTM)>0:DILOCKTM,1:3) I $T=1 D NOW^%DTC S ^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN)=DUZ_"^"_% Q 1 I $T=0 W:DIS=1 !,$$WHO(DFN) S Y=$P($G(^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN)),"^",2) X ^DD("DD") Q $S(DIS=0:0_"^"_$P($G(^VA(200,+$P($G(^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN)),"^"),0)),"^")_"^"_Y,1:0) ; PDATE() ; N X1,X2 S X1=DT,X2=+14 D C^%DTC Q X_"^"_DT_"^Pharmacy patient locks" ; WHO(DFN) ; S Y=$P($G(^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN)),"^",2) X ^DD("DD") Q $P($G(^VA(200,+$P($G(^XTMP("PSSLOCK",DFN)),"^"),0)),"^")_" is editing orders for this patient ("_Y_")" ; ; LS(DFN,X) ; ;LOCK CPRS ORDER ;DFN is patient #, X is PSJORD OR PSGORD N OR100 S OR100=$$ORD(DFN,X) I OR100=0 Q 1 N L S L=$$LOCK1^ORX2(OR100) I L Q 1 I 'L W !,$P(L,"^",2),$C(7) D PAUSE^VALM1 Q 0 Q 0 ; UNL(DFN,X) ; ; unlocks order in file 100 ; DFN is patient #, X is PSJORD OR PSGORD D UNLK1^ORX2($$ORD(DFN,X)) Q ; ORD(DFN,X) ; ; return order number in file 100 from entry in 53.1 or 55. ; DFN is patient #, X is PSJORD OR PSGORD N ORD100 S ORD100=$S(X["N"!(X["P"):"^PS(53.1,"_+X_",0)",X["V":"^PS(55,"_DFN_",""IV"","_+X_",0)",1:"^PS(55,"_DFN_",5,"_+X_",0)",1:"NA") Q +$P(@ORD100,"^",21) ; PSOL(X) ; S PSOMSG=1 I X["S" D Q .S X=+$P($G(^PS(52.41,+$G(X),0)),"^") I X S PSOMSG=$$LOCK1^ORX2(X) S X=+$P($G(^PSRX(+$G(X),"OR1")),"^",2) I X S PSOMSG=$$LOCK1^ORX2(X) Q PSOUL(X) ; I X["S" D Q .S X=+$P($G(^PS(52.41,+$G(X),0)),"^") I X D UNLK1^ORX2(X) S X=+$P($G(^PSRX(+$G(X),"OR1")),"^",2) I X D UNLK1^ORX2(X) Q