PSSMSTR ;BIR/PWC-Send Master Drug File to External Interface ;04/05/04 ;;1.0;PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT;**82**;09/30/97 ;Reference to ^PS(59 supported by IA # 1976 ; ;This routine will walk through the Drug file and send all drugs ;to each dispensing machine for each outpatient site file. ;It will only send to each site that has a dispensing machine running ;HL7 V.2.4 and has the Master File Update enabled. ;Task this job out ; S ZTRTN="BUILD^PSSMSTR",ZTDESC="MASTER DRUG FILE UPDATE",ZTIO="" S ZTDTH=$H D NOW^%DTC S PSSDTM=% D ^%ZTLOAD Q ; BUILD N XX,DVER,DMFU,DNSNAM,DNSPORT F XX=0:0 S XX=$O(^PSDRUG(XX)) Q:'XX D . F YY=0:0 S YY=$O(^PS(59,YY)) Q:'YY D .. S DVER=$$GET1^DIQ(59,YY_",",105,"I") Q:DVER'="2.4" ;HL7 2.4 .. S DMFU=$$GET1^DIQ(59,YY_",",105.2) Q:DMFU'="YES" ;enable MFU .. S DNSNAM=$$GET1^DIQ(59,YY_",",2006) ;DNS name of dispense machine .. S DNSPORT=$$GET1^DIQ(59,YY_",",2007) ;Port # of dispense machine .. I DNSNAM'="" D DRG^PSSDGUPD(XX,"NEW",DNSNAM,DNSPORT) K XX,YY,DVER,DMFU,DNSNAM,DNSPORT Q