PSSNFI ;BIR/WRT-Print report of drugs with no match to NDF (all or only OP) ;12/02/99 ;;1.0;PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT;**29,38**;9/30/97 ; ; W !!,"This report shows the dispense drugs and orderable items",!,"with the formulary information associated with them." EN ; K PSSHOW,PSSBEG,PSSEND,PSSNUMBX,PSSSRT K DIR S DIR(0)="S^A:ALL;S:SELECT A RANGE",DIR("B")="S",DIR("A")="Print Report for (A)ll or (S)elect a Range" D D ^DIR K DIR I Y["^"!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) W !!,"Nothing queued to print.",! G DONE .S DIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'A' to run report for all dispense drugs. Enter 'S' to select a range",DIR("?",2)="(alphabetically) of dispense drugs to print." S PSSHOW=Y I PSSHOW="A" S PSSBEG="A",PSSEND="Z" S PSSSRT="A" G TASK ; S PSSNUMB="" F S PSSNUMB=$O(^PSDRUG("B",PSSNUMB)) Q:'PSSNUMB!($G(PSSNUMBX)) S PSSNUMBX=1 I $G(PSSNUMBX) K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Print report for drugs with leading numerics",DIR("B")="N" D D ^DIR K DIR I Y["^"!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT)) W !!,"Nothing queued to print.",! G DONE .W !!!,"There are drugs in the Drug file with leading numerics.",! .S DIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="There are some entries in the drug file with leading numerics.",DIR("?",2)="Enter Yes to print the report for those drugs.",DIR("?",3)=" " I $G(PSSNUMBX),$G(Y)=1 S PSSSRT="N" G TASK K PSSNUMB,PSSNUMBX ASKA K PSSBEG,PSSEND W !!,"To see drugs beginning with the letter 'A', enter 'A', or whichever letter you",!,"wish to see. To see drugs in a range, for example drugs starting with the",!,"letters 'G', 'H', 'I' and 'J', enter in the format 'G-J'.",! S DIR("?",1)=" ",DIR("?",2)="Enter either 1 letter, 'A', 'B', etc., to see drugs beginning with that letter,",DIR("?",3)="or to see a range of drugs enter in the format 'A-C', 'G-M', 'S-Z', etc.",DIR("?",4)=" ",DIR("?")=" " S DIR("A")="Select a Range",DIR(0)="F^1:3" D ^DIR K DIR I Y["^"!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) W !!,"Nothing queued to print.",! G DONE S X=Y I X'?1U&(X'?1U1"-"1U)&(X'?1L)&(X'?1L1"-"1L) W !!,"Invalid response, enter a letter, 'A', 'B', etc., or a range, 'C-F', 'M-R', etc.",! G ASKA I X["-" S PSSBEG=$P(X,"-"),PSSEND=$P(X,"-",2) I $A(PSSEND)<$A(PSSBEG) W !!,"Invalid response.",! G ASKA I X'["-" S PSSBEG=X,PSSEND=X S PSSSRT="X" TASK W !!,"You have the choice to print the drug text information.",!,"If you answer ""yes"" to the question, you will print all the drug text",!,"information for both dispense drug and orderable items." W !,"If you answer ""no"", you will print only formulary designations." W $C(7),!!,"This report requires 132 columns.",! W !,"You may queue the report to print, if you wish.",! ASK S PSSTX=0,PSSFLAG=0 K DIR S DIR("A")="Include drug text information ",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")="Enter 'Yes' to display the drug text information associated with the Pharmacy Orderable Item and Dispense Drug" D ^DIR K DIR D OUT I PSSFLAG=1 K PSSTX,PSSFLAG,X Q I "Yy"[X S PSSTX=1 ; DEV I PSSSRT="X" W !!,"Report will be for drugs starting with the letter "_$G(PSSBEG)_",",!,"and ending with drugs starting with the letter "_$G(PSSEND)_".",! I PSSSRT="N" W !!,"This report will be for drugs with leading numerics.",! I PSSSRT="A" W !!,"This report will be for all drugs.",! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is this correct",DIR("B")="Y" D ^DIR K DIR I Y'=1 W ! G EN ; DVC K %ZIS,POP,IOP S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS I $G(POP) W !!,"Nothing queued to print.",! G DONE QUEUE I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTRTN="START^PSSNFI",ZTDESC="Formulary Information Report",ZTSAVE("PSSTX")="",ZTSAVE("PSSHOW")="",ZTSAVE("PSSBEG")="",ZTSAVE("PSSEND")="",ZTSAVE("PSSSRT")="" D ^%ZTLOAD K %ZSI W !,"Report queeud to print.",! G DONE START ; U IO S PSSOUT=0,PSSDV=$S($E(IOST)="C":"C",1:"P") S PSSPGCT=0,PSSPGLNG=IOSL-5,PSSPRT=0,PSSPGCT=1 D TITLE S:PSSSRT'="N" PSSX=$A(PSSBEG)-1,PSSLCL=$C(PSSX)_"zzzz" I $G(PSSSRT)="N"!($G(PSSSRT)="A") S (PSSLCL,PSSEND)="" ; LOOP F S PSSLCL=$O(^PSDRUG("B",PSSLCL)) Q:$S(PSSSRT="N"&('PSSLCL):1,PSSSRT="X"&(PSSLCL](PSSEND_"zzzz")):1,1:0)!(PSSLCL="")!($G(PSSOUT)) D .F PSSB=0:0 S PSSB=$O(^PSDRUG("B",PSSLCL,PSSB)) Q:'PSSB D RSET,DATE G END DATE I '$G(^PSDRUG(PSSB,"I"))!(+$G(^("I"))>DT) D NOTHG,POI,DTEXT,ITEXT Q RSET S LOC="",VISN="",NAT="",OIFS="",DRTX="",DEA="",TXT="",APU="",OINM="" Q DTEXT I $D(^PSDRUG(PSSB,9,0)) S PSF=1 F TD=0:0 S TD=$O(^PSDRUG(PSSB,9,TD)) Q:'TD S POINT=$P(^PSDRUG(PSSB,9,TD,0),"^"),PSSDAY=$P($G(^PS(51.7,POINT,0)),"^",2) I 'PSSDAY!(PSSDAY'PSSPGLNG TITLE Q:$G(PSSOUT) .D PDTEXT Q DTX I $D(^PSDRUG(PSSB,9,0)),$O(^PSDRUG(PSSB,9,0)) S TXT="I" Q PDTEXT1 W !,"Dispense Drug text:" I ($Y+5)>IOSL D TITLE Q:$G(PSSOUT) Q PDTEXT S TXNFO=$P(^PS(51.7,POINT,2,1,0),"^") S:$L(TXNFO)>70 TXNFO=$E(TXNFO,1,70)_"..." W !?5,TXNFO I ($Y+5)>IOSL D TITLE Q:$G(PSSOUT) Q NOTHG S ZERO=^PSDRUG(PSSB,0),LOC=$P(ZERO,"^",9),VISN=$P(ZERO,"^",11),DEA=$P(ZERO,"^",3) S:LOC=1 LOC="N" S:VISN=1 VISN="N" S:DEA["R" DEA="R" S:DEA'="R" DEA="" S APU=$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSSB,2)),"^",3) D MCLS,DTX,POITXT,REPRT Q POI S PT1=$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSSB,2)),"^") I PT1 S DFPTR=$P(^PS(50.7,PT1,0),"^",2),DF=$P($G(^PS(50.606,DFPTR,0)),"^"),OINM=$P(^PS(50.7,PT1,0),"^")_" "_DF,OIFS=$P(^PS(50.7,PT1,0),"^",12) S:OIFS=1 OIFS="(N/F)" D OI Q POITXT S OITM=$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSSB,2)),"^") I OITM I $O(^PS(50.7,OITM,1,0)) S TXT="I" Q OI W !?3,"Orderable Item: "_OINM_" "_OIFS I ($Y+5)>IOSL D TITLE Q:$G(PSSOUT) Q POOI W !,"Orderable Item text:" I ($Y+5)>IOSL D TITLE Q:$G(PSSOUT) Q PPOITXT S INFO=$P(^PS(51.7,POINTR,2,1,0),"^") S:$L(INFO)>70 INFO=$E(INFO,1,70)_"..." W !?5,INFO I ($Y+5)>IOSL D TITLE Q:$G(PSSOUT) Q MCLS I $D(^PSDRUG(PSSB,"ND")) S PSSMC=^PSDRUG(PSSB,"ND") I $P(PSSMC,"^",2)']"" S NAT=$P(PSSMC,"^",11) S:NAT'=1 NAT="N" Q REPRT D:$Y>PSSPGLNG TITLE Q:$G(PSSOUT) W !!,PSSLCL,?43,LOC,?51,VISN,?58,NAT,?69,DEA,?83,APU,?93,TXT S PSSPRT=1 Q OUT I $D(DTOUT),DTOUT=1 S PSSFLAG=1 I X="^" S PSSFLAG=1 Q ITEXT I PT1,$D(^PS(50.7,PT1,1,0)) S PSF=1 F TDD=0:0 S TDD=$O(^PS(50.7,PT1,1,TDD)) Q:'TDD S POINTR=$P(^PS(50.7,PT1,1,TDD,0),"^"),TXT="I",PSSDAY1=$P($G(^PS(51.7,POINTR,0)),"^",2) I 'PSSDAY1!(PSSDAY1'PSSPGLNG TITLE Q:$G(PSSOUT) .D PPOITXT Q TITLE ; I $G(PSSDV)="C",$G(PSSPGCT)'=1 W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S PSSOUT=1 Q ; W @IOF W !,?40,$S(PSSSRT="N":"Formulary Information Report for Drugs with Leading Numerics",PSSSRT="A":"Formulary Information Report for All Drugs",1:"Formulary Information Report for Drugs from "_PSSBEG_" through "_PSSEND),! S Y=DT X ^DD("DD") W !,"Date printed: ",Y,?116,"Page: ",PSSPGCT,! W !,"Generic Name",?43,"Local",?51,"Visn",?58,"National",?69,"Restriction",?83,"Appl",?93,"Drug",! W ?83,"Pkg",?93,"Text",!,?83,"Use",! F MJT=1:1:132 W "-" S PSSPGCT=PSSPGCT+1 Q END ; I '$G(PSSOUT),$G(PSSDV)="C" W !!,"End of Report." K DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press Return to continue" D ^DIR K DIR I $G(PSSDV)="C" W ! E W @IOF DONE ; K PSSB,APU,DF,DFPTR,DRTX,INFO,LOC,NAT,OIFS,OINM,PT1,TD,TDD,TXNFO,TXT,VISN,ZERO,PSSDAT,PSSDAY,PSSDAY1,PSSFLAG,PSSLCL,PSSMC,PSSTX,PSSUSE,PSSVCL,PSSPRT,PSF,MJT,PSSPGCT,PSSPGLNG,Y,DEA,POINTR,DIR,INDT,X,OITM,IOP,POP,IO("Q") K PSSSRT,PSSSTR,PSSDV,PSSX,PSSOUT,PSSHOW,PSSBEG,PSSEND D ^%ZISC S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" Q