PSSTXT ;BIR/WRT-Edit DRUG TEXT file routine ; 11/15/01 8:11 ;;1.0;PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT;**29,55**;9/30/97 BEGIN S PSSNFI=1,PSSFG=0 W !,"This option enables you to edit entries in the DRUG TEXT file.",!! F PSSQQ=1:1 K DA D ASK Q:PSSFG DONE K DA,PSSFG,PSSQQ,PSSNFI,NAME,PSSENT,PSSBEG,PSSEND,PSSSRT,PSSXX K %,D,D0,DI,DIE,DLAYGO,DQ,DR,X,Y Q ; ASK W ! S DIC="^PS(51.7,",DIC(0)="QEALMN",DLAYGO=51.7 D ^DIC K DIC I Y<0 S PSSFG=1 Q S PSSENT=+Y D WRIT,REVW W ! S DA=PSSENT S DIE="^PS(51.7," D NAME I PSSFG Q D TEXT I PSSFG Q W ! S DR="1;2" D ^DIE,CHECKI Q CHECK I '$O(^PS(51.7,DA,2,0)),'$D(^PS(50.7,"DTXT",DA)),'$D(^PSDRUG("DTXT",DA)) S DIK="^PS(51.7," D ^DIK K DIK Q ; WRIT W !!,"There may be entries in your DRUG file and PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM file linked",!,"to this Drug Text Name. Editing information related to this Drug Text entry",! W "will affect the display of information related to these.",! Q ; REVW K DIR S DIR("A")="Do you want to review the list of drugs and orderable items linked to this Drug Text entry? ",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Answering 'Yes' will list all entries in the Drug file or Orderable Item file",DIR("?",2)="that are linked to this drug text entry. The list could be long, so a " S DIR("?")="device can be entered to print a hard copy, if desired." D ^DIR K DIR I Y=1 D D RPT^PSSDTR . S PSSSRT="S" . S (PSSXX,PSSBEG,PSSEND)=$P($G(^PS(51.7,PSSENT,0)),"^",1) Q ; OUTMSG W !!,"IMPORTANT!! After editing the Drug Text Name OR Text, review the drugs and",!?12,"orderable items linked to this entry for accuracy." Q ; CHECKI I $P($G(^PS(51.7,DA,0)),"^",2) D MSG Q ; MSG W !!,"Because this entry was inactivated, drugs and orderable items that are linked",!,"to this entry will no longer display the text associated with this entry." W !,"You should review all drugs and orderable items associated with this Drug Text",!,"entry and update appropriately.",! Q ; NAME ; N PSSNAME W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to edit the Drug Text Name",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR I X["^" S PSSFG=1 Q D OUTMSG I '$G(Y) Q S PSSNAME=$P($G(^PS(51.7,DA,0)),"^",1) W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="FO^1:75",DIR("A")="Drug Text Name: ",DIR("B")=PSSNAME D ^DIR K DIR I $G(X)["^" S PSSFG=1 Q I X'="",X'=PSSNAME D . I X["@" W " **DELETIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED!" Q . S ^PS(51.7,"B",X,DA)="" K ^PS(51.7,"B",PSSNAME,DA) . S $P(^PS(51.7,DA,0),"^",1)=X Q ; TEXT ; W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to edit the text for this entry",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR K DIR I $G(X)["^" S PSSFG=1 Q I '+($G(Y)) Q S DR="3" D ^DIE,CHECK Q ;