PPPBLD4 ;ALB/DMB - ADD NEW PATS TO FFX FROM CDROM ; 3/9/92 ;;1.0;PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE;**38**;APR 7,1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; NEWPAT ; ; N BFFXEND,BFFXSTRT,EXCARRY,INARRY,OUTARRY,LKUPERR,TMP,RESULT N LOGMSG,STANO,UCI,ZERONODE,NOSSNERR ; S PPPMRT="NEWPAT_PPPBLD4" S LKUPERR=-9003 S NOSSNERR=-9017 S BFFXSTRT=1012 S BFFXEND=1013 ; ; Initialize the input, output and exclusion arrays. ; Note: Leave off the ^ as we will add it later. ; S INARRY="TMP(""PPP"","_$J_",""IN"")" S OUTARRY="TMP(""PPP"","_$J_",""OUT"")" S EXCARRY="TMP(""PPP"","_$J_",""EXC"")" S SSNARRY="^PPP(1020.7,""B"")" ; ; Log start of routine. ; S TMP=$$LOGEVNT^PPPMSC1(BFFXSTRT,PPPMRT) ; ;VMP OIFO BAY PINES;ELR;PPP*1*38 S X="MPIF001" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I '$T D Q .S TMP=$$LOGEVNT^PPPMSC1(LKUPERR,PPPMRT,"MPI not Installed") .S PPPTMP(1)="CDROM^PPPBLD3 -> MPI not installed." .S TMP=$$SNDBLTN^PPPMSC1("PPP NOTIFICATION","PRESCRIPTION PRACTICES","PPPTMP(") .K PPPMRT,PPPTMP ; Get the station number from the parameter file. ; S STANO=$P($G(^PPP(1020.1,1,0)),"^",9) I STANO="" D Q .S TMP=$$LOGEVNT^PPPMSC1(LKUPERR,PPPMRT,"Station Number Not Found") .S PPPTMP(1)="CDROM^PPPBLD3 -> Station Number Not In Parameter File" .S TMP=$$SNDBLTN^PPPMSC1("PPP NOTIFICATION","PRESCRIPTION PRACTICES","PPPTMP(") .K PPPMRT,PPPTMP ; ; Get the UCI from Kernel. ;VMP OIFO BAY PINES;ELR;PPP*1*38 ;removed getting uci and setting extended reference for "TMP" global ; ; Build the required variables ; S INARRY="^"_INARRY S OUTARRY="^"_OUTARRY S EXCARRY="^"_EXCARRY S @EXCARRY@(STANO)="" ; Check for SSN's to process ; I '$D(@SSNARRY) D Q .S TMP=$$LOGEVNT^PPPMSC1(NOSSNERR,PPPMRT) .K PPPMRT ; ; Copy the New SSN File to the inarry. ; S %X="^PPP(1020.7,""B""," S %Y="^TMP(""PPP"","_$J_",""IN""," D %XY^%RCR ; ; Now call the build routine. ; S RESULT=$$BFFX^PPPBLD1(INARRY,OUTARRY,EXCARRY,"") ; ;VMP OIFO BAY PINES;ELR;PPP*1*38 ;removed setting ZERO NODE MANUALLY USE ^DIK IN PPPBLD1A ; ; Log the end of the routine. ; S LOGMSG="Result: "_$P(RESULT,"^")_", New Entries: "_$P(RESULT,"^",2)_", Edited Entries: "_$P(RESULT,"^",3) S TMP=$$LOGEVNT^PPPMSC1(BFFXEND,PPPMRT,LOGMSG) K PPPMRT,PPPTMP,@INARRY,@OUTARRY,@EXCARRY Q