PPPCNV1 ;ALB/DMB - PRESC. PRACT. CONVERSION ROUTINES ;1/24/92 ;;V1.0;PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE;;APR 7,1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; I2EDT(FMDT) ; Convert FileMan date to external format ; N Y ; S Y=FMDT X ^DD("DD") Q Y ; E2IDT(EXTDT) ; Convert External Date To FileMan Format. ; N X,Y,DTOUT ; S X=EXTDT,%DT="" D ^%DT Q Y ; DIFFDT(FMD1,FMD2) ;Return the difference between two fileman dates ; N X1,X2,X,%Y ; I +FMD2=0 Q FMD1 S X1=FMD1,X2=FMD2 D ^%DTC Q:'%Y -1 Q:%Y X ; DIFFTM(FMD1,FMD2) ;Return the time difference between two fileman dates ; N S1,S2,T1,T2,X1,X2,X,%Y,TIMEDIFF ; ; Get the difference in days ; S X1=$P(FMD1,"."),X2=$P(FMD2,".") D ^%DTC Q:'%Y -1 S TIMEDIFF=X*24*60*60 ; ; Now get the difference in times ; S T1=$P(FMD1,".",2)_"000000" S S1=($E(T1,1,2)*3600)+($E(T1,3,4)*60)+$E(T1,5,6) S T2=$P(FMD2,".",2)_"000000" S S2=($E(T2,1,2)*3600)+($E(T2,3,4)*60)+$E(T2,5,6) S TIMEDIFF=TIMEDIFF+(S1-S2) Q TIMEDIFF ; SLASHDT(FMDT) ; Convert Fileman date to MM/DD/YYYY ; N YR,MO,DY ; S YR=1700+$E(FMDT,1,3) Q:YR<1701 -1 S MO=$E(FMDT,4,5) Q:MO<1 -1 S DY=$E(FMDT,6,7) Q:DY<1 -1 Q MO_"/"_DY_"/"_YR ; NOW() ; Get the current date/time ; N %,%H,%I,X ; D NOW^%DTC Q %