PPPDIC ;;OIFIO BAY PINES/ELR - UPDATE DESCRIPTION OF FILE 1020.2 - 8/11/2003 ;;1.0;PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE;**38**;APR 7,1995 Q START ; I '$D(^DIC(1020.2)) D ZTQUE Q K ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J) S ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J,1)="" S ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J,2)="This file contains SSN, last date of visit at each facility, and other" S ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J,3)="data for patients who have visited other VA facilities. This file is" S ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J,4)="created everytime PPP Build FFX is run. It is updated everytime" S ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J,5)="PPP Batch is run. This file contains approximately 10% of the VA" S ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J,6)="patient population. This file excludes local facility data." S ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J,7)="" S ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J,8)="Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this file definition should not be modified." S PPPDA="1020.2" D FDA D SET K ^XTMP("PPPDIC",$J) K PPPDA,PPPIENS Q FDA ; S PPPIENS=$$IENS^DILF(.PPPDA) D FDA^DILF(1,PPPIENS,4,"","^XTMP(""PPPDIC"",$J)","FDA(1020.2)") Q SET D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(1020.2)","PPPIENS") I $G(^TMP("DIERR",$J,1)) D ZTQUE Q BULL ; Bulletin for failed update N PPPLN,PPPMSG S PPPLN=0 K ^TMP("PPPDIC",$J) S XMSUB="DICITONARY MAINTENANCE (FILE 1020.2) " K XMY S XMTEXT="^TMP(""PPPDIC"",$J," S XMY($S(DUZ:DUZ,1:.5))="" S XMDUZ=.5 D NOW^%DTC S PPPMSG=" " D SETLN S PPPMSG="The update of file PPP FOREIGN FACILITY XREF (1020.2) description failed." D SETLN S PPPMSG=" " D SETLN D ^XMD K ^TMP("PPPDIC",$J),XMY,XMTEXT,XMSUB Q SETLN ; Setting TMP global for bulletin S PPPLN=PPPLN+1 S ^TMP("PPPDIC",$J,PPPLN)=PPPMSG Q ZTQUE ; N ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H,$P(ZTDTH,",",2)=$P(ZTDTH,",",2)+60,ZTDESC="PPPDIC ERROR" S ZTRTN="BULL^PPPDIC" D ^%ZTLOAD Q