PPPFMX ;ALB/DMB/DAD - FILEMAN UTILITIES FOR PPP ; 1/10/92 ;;1.0;PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE;**26,39**;APR 7,1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; SDFNPOV ; N PPPDFN ;S VAQFLAG=1 S PPPDFN=$P($G(^PPP(1020.2,DA,0)),"^",1) Q:PPPDFN="" S ^PPP(1020.2,"APOV",PPPDFN,X,DA)="" S ^PPP(1020.2,"ARPOV",X,PPPDFN,DA)="" Q ; KDFNPOV ; N PPPDFN S PPPDFN=$P($G(^PPP(1020.2,DA,0)),"^",1) Q:PPPDFN="" K:$D(^PPP(1020.2,"APOV",PPPDFN,X,DA)) ^PPP(1020.2,"APOV",PPPDFN,X,DA) ;VMP OIFO BAY PINES;VGF;PPP*1*39 ;CORRECTED THE FOLLOWING KILL COMMAND K:$D(^PPP(1020.2,"ARPOV",X,PPPDFN,DA)) ^PPP(1020.2,"ARPOV",X,PPPDFN,DA) Q ; SDFNDT ; N PPPDFN S PPPDFN=$P($G(^PPP(1020.2,DA,0)),"^",1) Q:PPPDFN="" S ^PPP(1020.2,"ADT",PPPDFN,X,DA)="" Q ; KDFNDT ; N PPPDFN S PPPDFN=$P($G(^PPP(1020.2,DA,0)),"^",1) Q:PPPDFN="" K:$D(^PPP(1020.2,"ADT",PPPDFN,X,DA)) ^PPP(1020.2,"ADT",PPPDFN,X,DA) Q ; SNSSN ; N PPPNOD0,PPPTR N ZTRTN,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTDESC,ZTSAVE ; ; Check that this is either an edit or a new entry to avoid ; setting during a re-index of the Patient file. ; PPPOK is defined in the kill logic below if the new entry ; does not equal the old. ; DPTDFN is defined in the Patient Registration routines. ; I ($D(PPPOK))!($D(DPTDFN)) D .S PPPNOD0=$G(^PPP(1020.7,0)) .Q:PPPNOD0="" .; .; Get the File Descriptor Node for updating. .; .S PPPTR=$P(PPPNOD0,"^",4) .; .; Set the entry and the "B" Xref .; .S ^PPP(1020.7,DA,0)=PPP .S ^PPP(1020.7,"B",PPP,DA)="" .; .; Update the Descriptor node. .; .S $P(PPPNOD0,"^",3)=DA .S $P(PPPNOD0,"^",4)=PPPTR+1 .S ^PPP(1020.7,0)=PPPNOD0 .; .; Task out the MPD lookup. .;PPP*1*26 Dave Blocker : Remove MPD access attempt .;because the PPP BATCH job will do the MPD request each night. .Q Q ; KNSSN ; N PPPNOD0 ; ; Check that this is an edit and not a re-index. ; S X="I PPP'=$P($G(^"_"DPT("_DA_","_"0)),"_"""^"""_",9) S PPPERR=1" X X I $G(PPPERR)=1 K PPPERR D .S PPPOK=1 .; .; Check that the node currently exists, kill it if it does. .; .I $D(^PPP(1020.7,"B",PPP)) D ..K:$D(^PPP(1020.7,DA)) ^PPP(1020.7,DA) ..K:$D(^PPP(1020.7,"B",PPP,DA)) ^PPP(1020.7,"B",PPP,DA) ..; ..; If the record count is alredy 0 then quit. ..; ..S PPPNOD0=^PPP(1020.7,0) ..Q:+$P(PPPNOD0,"^",4)=0 ..S $P(PPPNOD0,"^",4)=$P(PPPNOD0,"^",4)-1 ..S ^PPP(1020.7,0)=PPPNOD0 Q ; DOMAIN(IFN) ; Find domain name from institution number to stuff into #1.5. ; ; Get the station number from the institution file ; to resolve domain ; ; Input: IFN -- Pointer to record in #1020.2 ; Output: Domain name in field #1.5 ; ;VMP OIFO BAY PINES;VGF;PPP*1.0*39 N PPPINST,PPPIEN S PPPINST=+$P($G(^PPP(1020.2,IFN,0)),"^",2) S PPPIEN=$O(^PPP(1020.8,"B",PPPINST,0)) Q $$GET1^DIQ(1020.8,PPPIEN_",",.02) ;