PPPPRT1 ;ALB/DMB - PRINT FOREIGN PROFILE ROUTINES ; 3/3/92 ;;V1.0;PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE;;APR 7,1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; VFM(PATDFN,PHRMARRY) ; View/print foreign medication for 1 patient. ; N %ZIS,PPPARRY,PPPDOB,PPPNAME,PPPSSN,PPPTMP N DA,DIC,DIR,DOB,DR,ERR,LKUPERR,NAME,ND,NODE,NODELEN,OPENERR N OUT,PARMERR,POP,QUEERR,SSN,TMP,DIQ N ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTQUEUED,ZTREQ,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSK ; S PARMERR=-9001 S LKUPERR=-9003 S OPENERR=-9011 S QUEERR=-9012 S ERR=0 ; S DIC=2,DA=PATDFN,DR=".01;.03;.09",DIQ="PPPTMP" D EN^DIQ1 I '$D(PPPTMP) Q LKUPERR S NAME=PPPTMP(2,DA,.01) S DOB=PPPTMP(2,DA,.03) S SSN=PPPTMP(2,DA,.09) ; PWHERE ; Ask where to send the listing ; S %ZIS="QM",%ZIS("A")="Print Profile On What Device? " D ^%ZIS I POP D Q OPENERR .W !,*7,"Error Opening Print Device." .R !,"Press To Continue...",TMP:DTIME QTSK I IO'=IO(0) D .I '$D(IO("Q")) S ZTDTH=$H .S ZTRTN="START^PPPPRT1" .S ZTIO=ION .S ZTDESC="FOREIGN MEDICATION PRINT" .S ZTSAVE("PPPNAME")=NAME .S ZTSAVE("PPPDOB")=DOB .S ZTSAVE("PPPSSN")=SSN .S ZTSAVE("PPPARRY")=PHRMARRY .D ^%ZTLOAD QERR .I '$D(ZTSK) D Q ..D HOME^%ZIS ..W !!,*7,"Error... Print task was not started successfully" ..R !,"Press To Continue...",TMP:DTIME ..S ERR=QUEERR .I $D(IO("Q")) W !!,"Request Queued On ",ION E D .S PPPNAME=NAME .S PPPDOB=DOB .S PPPSSN=SSN .S PPPARRY=PHRMARRY .D START Q ERR ; START ; ; N PAGE,OUT,BNR1,BNR2,DIR,I,X,Y ; S BNR1="Pharmacy Prscription Practices" S BNR2="Foreign Medication Profile" S PAGE=1 S OUT="" ; D HEADING,QUERY W @IOF I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" D ^%ZISC K @PPPARRY,PPPNAME,PPPSSN,PPPDOB,PPPARRY Q ; HEADING ; Write the page heading, Pause if a crt. ; I PAGE>1,$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D Q:OUT["^" .S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR .I +Y=0 S OUT="^" W @IOF,! W ?((IOM-$L(BNR1))\2),BNR1,?(IOM-15),"Page ",PAGE,! W ?((IOM-$L(BNR2))\2),BNR2,! W !,"Patient: ",PPPNAME_" ("_PPPSSN_")",?60,"DOB: ",PPPDOB W !!,"RX #",?9,"DRUG",?41,"ST",?45,"QTY",?51,"ISSUED",?65,"LAST FILLED" W ! F I=1:1:IOM-1 W "-" S PAGE=PAGE+1 Q ; QUERY ; Query through the array and print the data ; S NODE=PPPARRY S NODELEN=$L(PPPARRY) F I=0:0 D Q:($E(NODE,1,NODELEN-1)'=$E(PPPARRY,1,NODELEN-1))!(OUT["^") .S NODE=$Q(@NODE) Q:($E(NODE,1,NODELEN-1)'=$E(PPPARRY,1,NODELEN-1)) .S ND=@NODE .I $Y+5>IOSL D HEADING Q:OUT["^" .W !!,$P(ND,"^"),?9,$E($P(ND,"^",2),1,30),?41,$E($P(ND,"^",3),1),?45,$P(ND,"^",4),?51,$$SLASHDT^PPPCNV1($P(ND,"^",5)),?65,$$SLASHDT^PPPCNV1($P(ND,"^",6)) .W !,?9,"SIG: ",$E($P(ND,"^",7),1,25),?40,"ISSUED AT ",$P(ND,"^",8)," (",$P(ND,"^",9),")" I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-"&(OUT'["^") D .W !!,*7,"Listing Complete." .R !,"Press to continue...",OUT:DTIME Q