PPPST01 ;ALB/JFP - PPP, POST INIT ROUTINE ;01MAR94 ;;V1.0;PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE;;APR 7,1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. EP ; -- Entry point ; N XQABT1,XQABT2,XQABT3,XQABT4,XQABT5,X ; W @IOF W !,">>> Beginning Post Init Process" ; PROT ; -- Installs protocols used by list processor, D ^ORVOM S XQABT1=$H W !!,">>> Installing protocols for use by the list processor" D ^PPPONIT W "..... Completed" ; LIST ; -- Installs list templates used by list processor, D ^VALMW3 W !!,">>> Installing list templates for use by list processor" D ^PPPPSL W ".....Completed" ; FILEI ; -- File initialization S XQABT2=$H D PARMEDT^PPPST04 D DOMXREF^PPPST04 W !," " D:$D(^PPP(1020.3)) CLR1^PPPMSC1 ; MAIL ; -- Mail groups S XQABT4=$H W !!,">>> Setting up Prescription Practices mail groups" S X=$$MAIL^PPPST08 I X=0 W !," 'PRESCRIPTION PRACTICES'... mail group created",! I X<0 W !," Error...Creating 'PRESCRIPTION PRACTICES' mail group, Post init HALTED" Q ; XREF ; -- Sets cross ref in PDX transaction file for PPP D EN^PPPST09 ; END ; -- Sends mail message to G.PPP DEVELOPERS@ISC-ALBANY.VA.GOV, when comp S XQABT5=$H ; -- File Conversion W !,">>> Test sites will receive special instructions to convert data",! ; W !,">>> The building of the PPP FOREIGN FACILITY XREF needs to be" W !," scheduled at this time. See Build/Rebuild Other Facility" W !," Xref option off [PPP MAIN].",! S X="PPPINITY" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I $T D @("^"_X) ; W !!!,">>> Post init process completed" QUIT ;