PPPST08 ;ALB/JFP - PPP, SET UP MAIL GROUP;01MAR94 ;;V1.0;PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE;;APR 7,1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; MAIL() ; Main entry point for adding mail group. ; INPUT : NONE ; OUTPUT : 0 - success ; -1 - unsucessful ; ; (note: These calls will change to the support mailman entry pts ; once they are verified. ; MGEDT ; Add the Prescription Practices Mailgroup ; N Y,X,DA,DIC,DR,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIE,OUTCODE S OUTCODE=0 S Y=$O(^XMB(3.8,"B","PRESCRIPTION PRACTICES",0)) I 'Y D .S DIC(0)="L",DIC=3.8,X="PRESCRIPTION PRACTICES" .S DLAYGO=3.8 .D ^DIC W ! I +Y>0 D .W !!,">>> Please Add Users To Mail Group..." .S DA=+Y,DIE=3.8 .S DR="3///Used to alert users of problems encountered with the Prescription Practices Utilities." .S DR(1,3.8,1)="4///private" .S DR(1,3.8,2)="5////"_DUZ .S DR(1,3.8,3)="10///UNRESTRICTED" .S DR(1,3.8,4)="2" .D ^DIE E S OUTCODE=-1 Q OUTCODE ; ; MAIL1() ; -- Adds new mail group members ; ; INPUT : NONE ; OUTPUT : 0 - success ; -1 - unsucessful ; ; (note: These calls uses the API in Mailman v7.1 for creating mail ; groups ; N IPPP,DIR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT N APPP,BPPP,CPPP,DPPP,EPPP,FPPP,GPPP,ERR ; W !!,">>> Please add Users to the Prescription Practices Mail Group..." F IPPP=1:1 D Q:$D(DIRUT) .S DIR(0)="PO^200:EQM" .S DIR("A")="Select Member" .S DIR("B")="" .D ^DIR .I $D(DIRUT) Q .S EPPP($P(Y,"^",1))="" K DIR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT ; MG1 ; -- Inputs: S APPP="PRESCRIPTION PRACTICES" S BPPP="1" ; -- private S CPPP=$G(DUZ) S DPPP="1" ; -- no S EPPP="" S FPPP(1)="Used to notify users of problems encountered with the Prescription Practices Utilities" S GPPP="1" ; -- silent ; ; -- Outputs ; X - sucessful value of mail group number ; - unsucessful 0 ; -- Call S ERR=$$MG^XMBGRP(APPP,BPPP,CPPP,DPPP,.EPPP,.FPPP,GPPP) I ERR>0 D Q 0 .W !,"Mail group created..entry number = ",ERR Q -1 ; -- error ;