ESPEDIT ;WASH/ERC - Police Officer Add/Edit ; 5 Apr 00 11:56 AM ;;1.0;POLICE & SECURITY;**31,44**;Mar 31, 1994;Build 1 ; Routine will allow Police personnel to add/edit the Police Officer ; Rank and Badge Numer fields. ; (Previously an edit type option, changed with patch 31) EN ; N D,DA,DIC,DIE,DR,ESPFLG,Y W @IOF W !!!,"This option will allow the editing of Badge Number and Rank on those",!,"people holding the ESP POLICE security key.",! EN1 ; S DIC="^VA(200," S DIC(0)="AEQ" S DIC("A")="Select POLICE NAME: " S D="AK.ESP POLICE" D IX^DIC I +Y=-1 K DIC Q I '$O(^VA(200,"AK.ESP POLICE",$P(Y,U,2),0)) D . W !!,"Only employees who hold the ESP POLICE security key can be edited.",!! . S ESPFLG=1 I $G(ESPFLG)=1 S ESPFLG=0 G EN1 EDIT ; S DIE=DIC K DIC S DA=+Y S DR="910.1;910.2" D ^DIE G EN1 Q