ESPOFFDE ;DALISC/CKA- DELETE AN OFFENSE REPORT;8/92 ;;1.0;POLICE & SECURITY;40;Mar 31, 1994 EN ;This program allows a person holding the ESP CHIEF key to delete ;an offense report. The program sets the deleted/reopened flag ;and stores the date/time and user # of the person deleting the ;report. It does not REALLY delete the report; it logically deletes ;the report. ;** The offense report to be deleted *MUST* be closed prior to deleting. UOR S DIC(0)="QAEMZ",DIC("A")="UOR#: ",DIC("S")="I $D(^(5)),$P(^(5),U,2),$P(^(5),U,5)",DIC="^ESP(912," D ^DIC G:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT))!(X="") EXIT G:Y<0 OR I $P(^ESP(912,+Y,0),U,8)'="C" W !,$C(7),"Cannot delete an 'open' UOR#, must close first." G UOR S ESPDTR=$P(^ESP(912,+Y,0),U,2),(ESPID,ESPOFN)=+Y ASK S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to delete this offense report",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT G:'Y EXIT DEL ;DELETE REPORT D NOW^%DTC S ESPNOW=% S $P(^ESP(912,ESPOFN,5),U,5)="D",$P(^(5),U,6)=ESPNOW,$P(^(5),U,7)=DUZ W !!,"The report is deleted." EXIT W:$D(DTOUT) $C(7) K DIC,DTOUT,DUOUT,ESPDTR,ESPID,ESPN,ESPNOW,ESPOFN,Y Q OR W !,$C(7),"I could not find this UOR#. Try again." G UOR QUIT