GMPLBLD1 ; SLC/MKB -- Bld PL Selection Lists cont ;;3/12/03 13:48 ;;2.0;Problem List;**3,28**;Aug 25, 1994 ; ; This routine invokes IA #3991,#10082 ; SEL() ; Select item(s) from list N DIR,X,Y,MAX,GRP S GRP=$D(GMPLGRP) ; =1 if editing groups, 0 if lists S MAX=$P($G(^TMP("GMPLST",$J,0)),U,1) I MAX'>0 Q "^" S DIR(0)="LAO^1:"_MAX,DIR("A")="Select "_$S('GRP:"Category",1:"Problem")_"(s)" S:MAX>1 DIR("A")=DIR("A")_" (1-"_MAX_"): " S:MAX'>1 DIR("A")=DIR("A")_": ",DIR("B")=1 S DIR("?")="Enter the "_$S('GRP:"categories",1:"problems")_" you wish to select, as a range or list of numbers" D ^DIR S:$D(DTOUT)!(X="") Y="^" Q Y ; SEL1() ; Select item from list N DIR,X,Y,MAX,GRP S GRP=$D(GMPLGRP) ; =1 if editing groups, 0 if lists S MAX=$P($G(^TMP("GMPLST",$J,0)),U,1) I MAX'>0 Q "^" S DIR(0)="NAO^1:"_MAX_":0",DIR("A")="Select "_$S('GRP:"Category",1:"Problem") S:MAX>1 DIR("A")=DIR("A")_" (1-"_MAX_"): " S:MAX'>1 DIR("A")=DIR("A")_": ",DIR("B")=1 S DIR("?")="Enter the "_$S('GRP:"category",1:"problem")_" you wish to select, by number" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!(X="") S Y="^" Q Y ; SEQ(NUM) ; Enter/edit seq #, returns new # N DIR,X,Y,GRP S GRP=$D(GMPLGRP) ; =1 if editing groups, 0 if lists S DIR(0)="NA^.01:999.99:2",DIR("A")="SEQUENCE: " S:NUM DIR("B")=NUM S DIR("?",1)="Enter a number indicating the sequence of this item in the "_$S('GRP:"list;",1:"category;") S DIR("?")="up to 2 decimal places may be used, to order these items." SQ D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!(X="^") Q "^" I X?1"^".E W $C(7),$$NOJUMP G SQ I Y=NUM Q NUM I $D(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,"SEQ",Y)) D G SQ . W $C(7),!!,"Sequence number already in use! Please enter another number." . W !,"Use the 'Change View' option to display the current sequence numbers.",! Q Y ; HDR(TEXT) ; Enter/edit group subheader text in list N DIR,X,Y S:$L(TEXT) DIR("B")=TEXT S DIR(0)="FAO^2:30",DIR("A")="HEADER: " S DIR("?")="Enter the text you wish displayed as a header for this category of problems" S:$D(DIR("B")) DIR("?",1)=DIR("?")_";",DIR("?")="enter '@' if no header text is desired." H1 D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!(X="^") Q "^" I X?1"^".E W $C(7),$$NOJUMP G H1 I X="@" Q:$$SURE^GMPLX "" G H1 Q Y ; TEXT(TEXT) ; Edit problem text N DIR,X,Y S:$L(TEXT) DIR("B")=TEXT S DIR(0)="FAO^2:80",DIR("A")="DISPLAY TEXT: " S DIR("?")="Enter the text you wish presented here for this problem." T1 D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!("^"[X) S Y="^" G TQ I X?1"^".E W $C(7),$$NOJUMP G T1 I X="@" G:'$$SURE^GMPLX T1 S Y="@" G TQ TQ Q Y ; CODE(CODE) ; Enter/edit problem code N DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="PAO^ICD9(:QEMZ",DIR("A")="ICD CODE: " S:$L(CODE) DIR("B")=CODE S DIR("?")="Enter the code you wish to be displayed with this problem." S DIR("S")="I $$STATCHK^ICDAPIU($P(^(0),U),DT)" C1 D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!(X="^") S Y="^" G CQ I X?1"^".E W $C(7),$$NOJUMP G C1 I X="@" G:'$$SURE^GMPLX C1 S Y="" S:+Y'>0 Y="" S:+Y>0 Y=Y(0,0) CQ Q Y ; FLAG(DFLT) ; Edit category flag N DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="YAO",DIR("B")=$S(+DFLT:"YES",1:"NO") S DIR("A")="SHOW PROBLEMS AUTOMATICALLY? " S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES if you wish the problems contained in this category to be",DIR("?",2)="automatically displayed upon entry to this list; NO will display only the",DIR("?")="category header until the user selects it to view." F1 D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!(X="^") Q "^" I X?1"^".E W $C(7),$$NOJUMP G F1 Q Y ; NOJUMP() ; Message Q " ^-jumping not allowed!" ; RETURN() ; End of page prompt N DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q +Y ; TMPIFN() ; Get temporary IFN ("#N") for ^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,) N I,LAST S (I,LAST)=0 F S I=$O(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,I)) Q:+I'>0 S:I?1.N1"N" LAST=+I S I=LAST+1,I=$E("0000",1,4-$L(I))_I TMPQ Q I_"N" ; DELETE(IFN) ; Kill entry in ^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,) N SEQ,ITEM S ^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,0)=^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,0)-1 S SEQ=+^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN),ITEM=$P(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN),U,2),^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN)="@" K ^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,"SEQ",SEQ),^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,"PROB",ITEM),^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,"GRP",ITEM) K:IFN?1.N1"N" ^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN) Q ; RESEQ ; Resequence items N SEL,NUM,SEQ,NSEQ,PIECE,IFN,GMPQUIT S VALMBCK="" S SEL=$$SEL G:SEL="^" RSQ F PIECE=1:1:$L(SEL,",") D Q:$D(GMPQUIT) W ! . S NUM=$P(SEL,",",PIECE) Q:NUM'>0 . S IFN=$P($G(^TMP("GMPLST",$J,"B",NUM)),U,1) Q:+IFN'>0 S SEQ=$P(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN),U,1) . W !!,$P(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN),U,3) . S NSEQ=$$SEQ(SEQ) I NSEQ="^" S GMPQUIT=1 Q .I SEQ'=NSEQ S ^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN)=NSEQ_U_$P(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN),U,2,$L(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN),U)),^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,"SEQ",NSEQ)=IFN,GMPREBLD=1 K ^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,"SEQ",SEQ) I $D(GMPREBLD) S VALMBCK="R",GMPLSAVE=1 ; D BUILD in exit action RSQ S:'VALMCC VALMBCK="R" S VALMSG=$$MSG^GMPLX Q ; EDIT ; Edit category display N GRPS,NUM,IFN,HDR,FLG,PIECE,GMPQUIT,GMPREBLD S VALMBCK="" S GRPS=$$SEL G:GRPS="^" EDQ F PIECE=1:1:$L(GRPS,",") D Q:$D(GMPQUIT) W ! . S NUM=$P(GRPS,",",PIECE) Q:NUM'>0 .S IFN=$P($G(^TMP("GMPLST",$J,"B",NUM)),U,1) Q:+IFN'>0 . S HDR=$P(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN),U,3),FLG=$P(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN),U,4) . S HDR=$$HDR(HDR) I HDR="^" S GMPQUIT=1 Q . S FLG=$$FLAG(FLG) I FLG="^" S GMPQUIT=1 Q . S $P(^TMP("GMPLIST",$J,IFN),U,3,4)=HDR_U_FLG,GMPREBLD=1 I $D(GMPREBLD) S VALMBCK="R",GMPLSAVE=1 D BUILD^GMPLBLD("^TMP(""GMPLIST"",$J)",GMPLMODE) EDQ S:'VALMCC VALMBCK="R" S VALMSG=$$MSG^GMPLX Q