GMPLBLD3 ; SLC/MKB -- Bld PL Selection Lists cont ;3/12/03 13:40 ;;2.0;Problem List;**28**;Aug 25, 1994 ; ; This routine invokes IA #3991 ; ASSIGN ; Assign list to clinic, users: Expects GMPLSLST N DIE,DA,DR D FULL^VALM1 G:+$G(GMPLSLST)'>0 ASQ I '$$VALLIST^GMPLBLD2(+GMPLSLST) D G ASQ . W !!,$C(7),"This Selection List contains problems with inactive ICD9 codes associated with" . W !,"them. The codes must be edited and corrected before the list can be assigned",!,"to users or clinics." . W !!,"If you have edited the list during this session to correct inactive codes, " . W !,"save the list prior to attempting to assign it." . N DIR,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIRUT . S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR . Q ; W !!,"You may assign this list to a clinic as its default selection list," W !,"as well as to individual users as a preferred selection list.",! S DA=+GMPLSLST,DR=.03,DIE="^GMPL(125," D ^DIE Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) D USERS("1") ; assign ASQ S VALMBCK="R",VALMSG=$$MSG^GMPLX Q ; USERS(ADD) ; -- select user(s) to de-/assign list N DIR,DIC,DIE,DR,DA,X,Y,GMPLUSER,GMPLI Q:+$G(GMPLSLST)'>0 S GMPLUSER="" S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="EQM",DIC("A")="Select USER: " F D READ Q:+Y'>0 S GMPLUSER=GMPLUSER_U_+Y,DIC("A")="ANOTHER ONE: " I '$L(GMPLUSER) W !!,"No users selected.",! Q S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="Are you ready? ",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES to "_$S(ADD:"assign",1:"remove")_" the "_$P(GMPLSLST,U,2)_" list "_$S(ADD:"to the",1:"from the") S DIR("?")=($L(GMPLUSER,U)-1)_" user(s) selected; enter NO to exit." D ^DIR Q:'Y USR W !,$S(ADD:"Assigning ",1:"Removing ")_$P(GMPLSLST,U,2)_" list ..." S DIE="^VA(200,",DR="125.1///"_$S(ADD:"/"_(+GMPLSLST),1:"@") F GMPLI=1:1:$L(GMPLUSER,U) S DA=$P(GMPLUSER,U,GMPLI) I DA D . W !?4,$P($G(^VA(200,DA,0)),U) D ^DIE W !!,"DONE." Q ; READ ; prompt for username, respond W !,DIC("A") R X:DTIME I '$T!("^"[X) S Y=-1 Q I X="?" W !!,"Enter the name of the user you wish this list to be "_$S(ADD:"assigned to;",1:"removed from;"),!,"enter '??' to see users currently assigned this list, or '???' to see",!,"all users on this system.",! G READ I X?1"??".E D G READ . I X="??" S DIC("S")="I $P($G(^(125)),U,2)="_+GMPLSLST W !!,"Users currently assigned "_$P(GMPLSLST,U,2)_" list:" . S D="B",DZ="??" D DQ^DICQ K D,DZ,DIC("S") D ^DIC G:Y'>0 READ Q ; DELETE ; Delete Selection List N DIR,DIK,DA,X,Y,VIEW,USER,GMPCOUNT,GMPQUIT,GMPLSLST S GMPCOUNT=0,GMPLSLST=$$LIST^GMPLBLD2("") Q:GMPLSLST="^" W !!,"Checking the New Person file for use of this list ..." F USER=0:0 S USER=$O(^VA(200,USER)) Q:USER'>0 D . S VIEW=$P($G(^VA(200,USER,125)),U,2) Q:'VIEW Q:VIEW'=+GMPLSLST . S GMPCOUNT=GMPCOUNT+1 W "." I GMPCOUNT W $C(7),!!,GMPCOUNT_" user(s) are currently assigned this list!",!,"CANNOT DELETE",! Q W !,"0 users found." DEL1 S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to delete this list" S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES if you wish to completely remove this list; press ",DIR("?")="to leave this list unchanged and exit this option." W $C(7),! D ^DIR Q:'Y W !!,"Deleting "_$P(GMPLSLST,U,2)_" selection list ..." S DIK="^GMPL(125.1,",DA=0 ; list contents F S DA=$O(^GMPL(125.1,"B",+GMPLSLST,DA)) Q:DA'>0 D ^DIK W "." S DA=+GMPLSLST,DIK="^GMPL(125," D ^DIK W "." ; list W !,"DONE.",! Q ; MENU ; -- init variables and list array for GMPL LIST MENU list template ; Expects GMPLSLST=selection list N GSEQ,PSEQ,GCNT,PCNT,GROUP,HDR,IFN,LCNT,ITEM,TEXT,CODE S (GSEQ,GCNT,LCNT)=0 K ^TMP("GMPLMENU",$J) W !!,"Retrieving list of "_$P(GMPLSLST,U,2)_" problems ..." F S GSEQ=$O(^GMPL(125.1,"C",+GMPLSLST,GSEQ)) Q:GSEQ'>0 D . S IFN=$O(^GMPL(125.1,"C",+GMPLSLST,GSEQ,0)) Q:IFN'>0 . S ITEM=$G(^GMPL(125.1,IFN,0)),GROUP=$P(ITEM,U,3),HDR=$P(ITEM,U,4,5) . S GCNT=GCNT+1,(PSEQ,PCNT)=0,^TMP("GMPLMENU",$J,GCNT,0)=HDR . F S PSEQ=$O(^GMPL(125.12,"C",+GROUP,PSEQ)) Q:PSEQ'>0 D . . S IFN=$O(^GMPL(125.12,"C",+GROUP,PSEQ,0)) Q:IFN'>0 . . S ITEM=$G(^GMPL(125.12,IFN,0)),TEXT=$P(ITEM,U,4),CODE=$P(ITEM,U,5) . . I $L(CODE),'$$STATCHK^ICDAPIU(CODE,DT) Q ; screen inactive codes . . S PCNT=PCNT+1,^TMP("GMPLMENU",$J,GCNT,PCNT)=$P(ITEM,U,3,5) I '$D(^TMP("GMPLMENU",$J)) W !!,"No items available. Returning to Problem List ..." H 2 S VALMBCK="Q",VALMQUIT=1 Q D BUILD^GMPLMENU Q