GMPLCODE ; SLC/MKB/AJB -- Problem List ICD Code Utilities ;5/27/94 08:23 ;;2.0;Problem List;**28**;Aug 25, 1994 EN ; -- main entry point for GMPL CODE LIST K GMPLUSER D EN^VALM("GMPL CODE LIST") Q ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array S GMPDFN=$$PAT^GMPLX1 I +GMPDFN'>0 K GMPDFN S VALMQUIT=1 Q S GMPVA=$S($G(DUZ("AG"))="V":1,1:0),GMPVAMC=+$G(DUZ(2)) S (GMPSC,GMPAGTOR,GMPION,GMPGULF)=0 D:GMPVA VADPT^GMPLX1(+GMPDFN) S (GMPLVIEW("ACT"),GMPLVIEW("VIEW"))="",GMPLVIEW("PROV")=0 S X=$G(^GMPL(125.99,1,0)),GMPARAM("VER")=+$P(X,U,2),GMPARAM("PRT")=+$P(X,U,3),GMPARAM("CLU")=+$P(X,U,4),GMPARAM("REV")=$S($P(X,U,5)="R":1,1:0) K X D GETPLIST^GMPLMGR1(.GMPLIST,.GMPTOTAL,.GMPLVIEW) D BUILD^GMPLMGR(.GMPLIST) S VALMSG=$$MSG^GMPLX Q ; HELP ; -- help code N X W !!?4,"You may take a variety of actions from this prompt. To update" W !?4,"the ICD Code assigned to a problem, you may choose to search" W !?4,"either the ICD Diagnosis file or the Clinical Lexicon for a" W !?4,"match; the code of the entry you select will be assigned to the" W !?4,"current problem in the list. If you need more information on a" W !?4,"problem, select Detailed Display. To see a listing of" W !?4,"actions that facilitate navigating the list, enter '??'." W !!,"Press to continue ... " R X:DTIME S VALMSG=$$MSG^GMPLX,VALMBCK=$S(VALMCC:"",1:"R") Q ; EDIT ; -- edit field .01 N GMPLSEL,GMPLNO,GMPI,GMPIFN,GMPLNUM,GMPSAVED S VALMBCK=$S(VALMCC:"",1:"R") S GMPLSEL=$$SEL^GMPLX("code") G:GMPLSEL="^" EDQ S GMPLNO=$L(GMPLSEL,",") F GMPI=1:1:GMPLNO S GMPLNUM=$P(GMPLSEL,",",GMPI) I GMPLNUM D Q:$D(GMPQUIT) . S GMPIFN=$P($G(^TMP("GMPLIDX",$J,+GMPLNUM)),U,2) Q:GMPIFN'>0 . L +^AUPNPROB(GMPIFN,0):1 I '$T W $C(7),!!,$$LOCKED^GMPLX,! H 2 Q . D ICD(GMPLNUM,GMPIFN) L -^AUPNPROB(GMPIFN,0) S:$D(GMPSAVED) VALMBCK="R" EDQ D KILL^GMPLX S VALMSG=$$MSG^GMPLX Q ; ICD(NUM,IFN) ; -- search ICD Diagnosis file #80 N X,Y,DIC,DIR,OLD,NEW,DA,DR,DIE,LCNT,CHNGE W !,IFN,! D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" W !! S OLD=+$G(^AUPNPROB(IFN,0)),OLD=OLD_U_$P($G(^ICD9(OLD,0)),U) S DIR(0)="PAO^ICD9(:QEM",DIR("A")="Enter ICD CODE or DESCRIPTION: " S DIR("A",1)="Problem #"_NUM_": "_$$PROBTEXT^GMPLX(IFN) S DIR("?")="Enter a new code number or a brief free text description on which to search",DIR("B")=$P(OLD,U,2) ; Added for Code Set Versioning (CSV) - screen allows ONLY active codes S DIR("S")="I +($$STATCHK^ICDAPIU($$CODEC^ICDCODE(+($G(Y))),DT))>0" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S GMPQUIT=1 Q I X="@" Q:'$D(DIR("B")) S:$$SURE^GMPLX Y=$$NOS^GMPLX I +Y>0,Y'=OLD D S GMPSAVED=1 . S NEW=Y,DIE="^AUPNPROB(",DA=IFN,DR=".01////"_+NEW D ^DIE . S CHNGE=IFN_"^.01^"_$$HTFM^XLFDT($H)_U_DUZ_U_+OLD_U_+NEW . D AUDIT^GMPLX(CHNGE,"") . S LCNT=+$G(^TMP("GMPLIDX",$J,NUM)) . D FLDTEXT^VALM10(LCNT,"ICD",$P(NEW,U,2)) D BUILD^GMPLMGR(.GMPLIST) S VALMBCK="R" Q