RMPOLZU ;EDS/PAK - HO LETTERS - Update Post Letter Transaction file ;7/24/98 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**29**;Feb 09, 1996 ; FILE(DFN,LET,L) ;Update file 665.4 with Patient Letter ; ;This is a function that sets up an entry in file 665.4. ;If it succeeds, it returns ONE. ;If it fails, it returns an error_number;error_type. ; ; I/P : DFN = Pointer to the Patient file (# 2) ; L = Prosthetics Letter IEN ; LET = Name of word processing style text array to use in MOVE command ; ;Create Entry N DA,DD,DIC,DIK,DINUM,DLAYGO,DO,IEN,X,Y,DIE,DR,DTOUT S DIC="^RMPR(665.4,",DIC(0)="L",X=DFN,DLAYGO=665.4 D FILE^DICN ; S DA=+Y I DA<1 Q "1;Could not create a transaction entry for Patient #"_DFN_"." L +^RMPR(665.4,DA):0 ; ;Update fields .01, 2, 4 & 6 S DA=+Y,DR=".01////"_DFN_";1////"_L_";2////"_DT_";4////"_DUZ_";6////"_RMPO("STA") S DIE=665.4 D ^DIE I $D(DTOUT) Q "1;Could not complete a transaction entry for Patient #"_DFN_"." ; ;Move in Word Processing Text D WP^DIE(665.4,DA_",",3,"KZ",LET) I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J)) Q "1;Could not complete a transaction entry for Patient #"_DFN_"." ; L -^RMPR(665.4,DA) Q 0