RMPOPAT3 ;HINES-CIOFO/RVD-Detail Display Patient 10-2319 Transaction;11/04/04 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**70,92,99**;Feb 09, 1996 ; ; RVD 7/8/02 patch #70 - this routine is a copy of RMPRPAT3. ; For Read Only 2319. ; AAC 08/03/04 Patch 92 - Code Set Versioning (CSV) ;Used API=ICDDX^ICDCODE to replace direct calls to global ICD9(80). ; ;DBIA # 10082 - file #80, global read. ; ;expect ANS,IT(ANS) ; +IT(ANS)=ien of file 660 ;expect variables from GETPAT^RMPRUTIL ; RMPRSSNE (external form of SSN) ; RMPRNAM (name of patient) ; RMPRDOB ;display detailed record PRINT ;called from RMPOPAT2 ;get 2319 transaction ; N DIC,DIQ,DR,DA,RMPRV,RMPRDA,RV S DIC=660,DIQ="R19",DR=".01:96",DIQ(0)="EN" S (RMPRDA,DA)=+IT(ANS) D EN^DIQ1 S DIQ="R19",DR=72,DIQ(0)="I" D EN^DIQ1 ;get vendor info S DA=$P(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,0),U,9) I DA D .S DIC=440,DIQ="RV",DR=".01:6",DIQ(0)="EN" .S (RMPRV,DA)=$P(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,0),U,9) .D EN^DIQ1 ; ;array defined for record in following format: ;R19(filenumber,ien,field,E)=external form of data ;RV(filenumber,ien,field,E)=external form of data ;example ;R19(660,100,.01,"E")=APR 27, 1995 ;R19(660,100,.02,"E")=FUDGE,CHOCOLATE ;RV(440,131,.01,"E")=ORTHOTIC LAB ; D HDR W !,"TYPE OF FORM: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,11,"E")) W ?25,"INITIATOR: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,27,"E")) ;historical item W !,"ITEM DESCRIPTION: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,89,"E")) W ?55,"DATE: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,1,"E")) W !,"DELIVER TO: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,25,"E")) W !,"TYPE TRANS: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,2,"E")) W ?30,"QTY: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,5,"E")) W:$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,29,"E")) ?40,"INVENTORY POINT: ",R19(660,RMPRDA,29,"E"),! W ?40,"SOURCE: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,12,"E")) ;vendor tracking number I $G(R19(660,RMPRDA,11,"E"))="VISA" D .W !,"VENDOR TRACKING: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,4.2,"E")) .W ?38,"BANK AUTHORIZATION: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,4.3,"E")) W !,"VENDOR: ",?15,$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,7,"E")) I $D(RV) D .W !?15,$G(RV(440,RMPRV,1,"E")) .W !?15,$G(RV(440,RMPRV,4.2,"E")),"," .W ?$X+3,$G(RV(440,RMPRV,4.4,"E")),?$X+5,$G(RV(440,RMPRV,4.6,"E")) W !,"DELIVERY DATE: " I $D(R19(660,RMPRDA,10,"E")) W R19(660,RMPRDA,10,"E") W ! I '$P(IT(AN),U,3) D .W "TOTAL COST: " .I $G(R19(660,RMPRDA,14,"E"))'="" W "$"_$J(R19(660,RMPRDA,14,"E"),2) .I $G(R19(660,RMPRDA,14,"E"))="" W $S($G(R19(660,RMPRDA,6,"E"))'="":"$"_$J(R19(660,RMPRDA,6,"E"),2),$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,48,"E"))'="":"$"_$J(R19(660,RMPRDA,48,"E"),2),1:"") ; ;lab data I $D(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,"LB")) D .N DIC,DIQ,DR,L19,DA .S (DA,RMPRLA)=$P(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,"LB"),U,10) .Q:DA="" .S DIC=664.1,DIQ="L19",DR="15",DIQ(0)="E" .D EN^DIQ1 .W !,"WORK ORDER: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,71,"E")) .W ?40,"RECEIVING STATION: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,70,"E")) .W !,"TECHNICIAN: ",$G(L19(664.1,RMPRLA,15,"E")) .W !,"TOTAL LABOR HOURS: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,45,"E")) .W ?40,"TOTAL LABOR COST: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,46,"E")) .W !,"TOTAL MATERIAL COST: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,47,"E")) .W ?40,"TOTAL LAB COST: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,48,"E")) .W !,"COMPLETION DATE: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,50,"E")) .W ?40,"LAB REMARKS: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,51,"E")) W !,"REMARKS: ",?15,$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,16,"E")) I $G(R19(660,RMPRDA,17.5,"E")) W ?40,"RETURN STATUS: ",R19(660,RMPRDA,17.5,"E") ; ;historical data I $G(R19(660,RMPRDA,15,"E"))["*" D .;include records that have been merged .W !!,"HISTORICAL DATA",! .Q:'$D(R19(660,RMPRDA,89)) .W !,?15,"ITEM: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,89,"E")) .W !,?15,"STATION: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,90,"E")) .W !,?15,"VENDOR: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,91,"E")) .W !,?23,$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,93,"E")),!,?23,$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,94,"E")) .W " ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,95,"E"))," ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,96,"E")) ;put in lab display here fields 45,46,47,48 and 51 ;lab amis I $G(R19(660,RMPRDA,73,"E")) D .W ?40,"ORTHOTICS LAB CODE: " .W $S($D(R19(660,RMPRDA,74,"E")):R19(660,RMPRDA,74,"E"),$D(R19(660,RMPRDA,75,"E")):R19(660,RMPRDA,75,"E"),1:"") .W !?40,"RESTORATIONS LAB CODE: " .W $S($D(R19(660,RMPRDA,76,"E")):R19(660,RMPRDA,76,"E"),$D(R19(660,RMPRDA,77,"E")):R19(660,RMPRDA,77,"E"),1:"") ;purchasing and issue from stock amis W !,"DISABILITY SERVED: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,62,"E")) ;appliance/item information ;historical/original item W !,"ITEM DESCRIPTION: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,89,"E")) ;check for changes to item description I $G(R19(660,RMPRDA,89,"E"))'=$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,4,"E")) W !,"*** See Above For Original Item Description ***" W !,"APPLIANCE: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,4,"E")) W !,"PSAS HCPCS: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,4.5,"E")) I $P($G(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,1)),U,4) W ?22,$P($G(^RMPR(661.1,$P(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,1),U,4),0)),U,2) ;added by #69 ; ; PATCH 92 - Code Set Versioning (CSV) changes below ; AAC - 08/03/04 ; S (RMPRICD,RMPRIC9,RMPRCOD,RMPRDAT)="" S RMPRERR=0 S RMPRDAT=$P($G(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,0)),U,1) I $D(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,10)) S RMPRIC9=$P(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,10),U,8) I RMPRIC9'="" D .S RMPRICD=$$ICDDX^ICDCODE(RMPRIC9,RMPRDAT) .S RMPRERR=$P(RMPRICD,U,1) .I RMPRERR<0 W !,"ICD-9 Message: ",$P(RMPRICD,U,2) W !,"ICD-9 Code: " I $G(RMPRICD)'="" W $P(RMPRICD,U,2),?19,$E($P(RMPRICD,U,4),1,55) I $P(RMPRICD,U,10)'>0 W " ","** Inactive ** Date: " S Y=$P(RMPRICD,U,12) D DD^%DT W Y ; ; End Patch 92 ; W !,"CPT MODIFIER: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,4.7,"E")) W !,"DESCRIPTION: ",$G(R19(660,RMPRDA,24,"E")) W !,"EXTENDED DESCRIPTION: ",! I $D(R19(660,RMPRDA,28)) D G:$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) EX1 .N R28 .;command part of new standards .MERGE R28=R19(660,RMPRDA,28) .I $P($G(^RMPR(660,RMPRDA,"DES",0)),U,3)>1 N DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q:$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) D HDR W !,"EXTENDED DESCRIPTION: ",! .D EN^DDIOL(.R28) ;NPPD key items consolidated, example L5300 limb order I $P(IT(AN),U,3) W !!,"*** Return For DETAIL REPORT ***" N DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR G:$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) EX1 W @IOF D HDR,^RMPRPAT7 ;display work order if it is a 2529-3 form ;must pass ien to file 664.1 NOT 664.2 I $G(R19(660,RMPRDA,72,"I"))'="" D G EX1 .S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) .S RMPRBCK=RMPRDA .N DIC .S RMPRDA=R19(660,RMPRBCK,72,"I") .D DISP^RMPR293(RMPRDA) .S RMPRDA=RMPRBCK K RMPRBCK ;return from work order G EXIT ; HDR ;display heading W @IOF,RMPRNAM,?30," SSN: " W $E(RMPRSSN,1,3)_"-"_$E(RMPRSSN,4,5)_"-"_$E(RMPRSSN,6,10),?50 W $G(R19(660,RMPRDA,8,"E")),?70,"DOB: " W $S(RMPRDOB:$E(RMPRDOB,4,5)_"-"_$E(RMPRDOB,6,7)_"-"_(1700+$E(RMPRDOB,1,3)),1:"Unknown") W !?20,"APPLIANCE/REPAIR LINE ITEM DETAIL ",?70,"<4-",ANS,">",! Q EXIT ;common exit point I $Y>(IOSL-4) F W ! Q:$Y>(IOSL-3) N DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR S RMOXY=Y ;duout,dtout is evaluated in dis+1^rmpopat2 EX1 ;back out through that point to clean up K R19,RV,RMPRICC,RMPRICD,RMPRIC9,RMPRCOD,RMPRDAT,RMPRERR,Y W @IOF Q ;end