RMPOPST0 ;EDS/JAM - HOME OXYGEN BILLING TRANSACTIONS/POSTING,Part 1 ;7/24/98 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**29,44,47,55**;Feb 09, 1996 ; ;This subroutine is part of the billing module. Patient records are ;sorted by fund control point (FCP) and then posted to a 1358 service ;order or Purchase Card order. It calls IFCAP modules to post ; transactions. Q ; POST ;main module to post billing transactions to IFCAP N SITE,RVDT,VDR,FIL K ^TMP($J) S FIL=665.72,SITE=RMPOXITE,RVDT=RMPODATE,VDR=RMPOVDR,QUIT=0 ; ; P55 see if user wants to post $0 amounts to 2319 or ignore them K DIR S RMPRPZAM=$$ANY2319() I RMPRPZAM="^" W !!,"Posting Cancelled..." D EXIT Q ; D BUILD ;I $O(IFCAP(""))="" W !!,"Nothing to Post..." Q I $O(^TMP($J,""))="" W !!,"Nothing to Post..." Q ; ;Give user last chance to cancell posting W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you Sure you Want to Post Transactions" S DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")="NO to Cancel Posting or YES to Proceed" W ! D ^DIR I Y'=1!($D(DIRUT)) W !!,"Posting Cancelled..." D EXIT Q K DIR D PROCESS ; EXIT D CLEANUP K ^TMP($J),VADM,A,Y,DIRUT,QUIT Q ;EXIT ; ; p55 - prompt if user wants option to post $0 to 2319 ; - returns ; 0 if user doesn't want 'the post to 2319' prompt ; "^" on 'time out' or '^' ; 1 if user wants prompting ANY2319() ; N DIR,X,Y,RMPRPAM0 S RMPRPAM0=0 W ! S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A",1)="If any transactions with $0.00 amounts exist, do you want " S DIR("A")="to be able to post any of them to the 2319" S DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' to be prompted to create a 2319 record at each $0 tranasction." S DIR("?",1)="If you don't want ANY $0 transactions to be posted to the 2319" S DIR("?",2)="then enter 'N'" D ^DIR S RMPRPAM0=$S(Y=1:1,Y=0:0,1:"^") W ! Q RMPRPAM0 ; BUILD ;Build array IFCAP with patient transactions to post ;Separate patient individual items by fund control point ;^TMP($J) array ; ^TMP($J,FCP)=FCP total^Post flag^error message^purchase card total ; ^TMP($J,FCP,DFN)=patient tot^pat last name_" "_4 digit SSN^post flag^ ; IFCAP error message^pat name ; ^TMP($J,FCP,DFN,ITEM)=item tot N DFN,ITM,ITDT,ITNO,PATNAM,PATSSN,LNAM,PATFLG,ITSTR,FCP,LCK,ITOT S DFN="" F S DFN=$O(DFNS(DFN)) Q:DFN="" D . S PATFLG=^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,RVDT,1,VDR,"V",DFN,0) . ;check patient accept flag . I $P(PATFLG,U,2)'="Y" Q . ;check patient post flag . I $P(PATFLG,U,3)="Y" Q . D DEM^VADPT S PATNAM=VADM(1),PATSSN=VA("BID") ;patient name & ssn . ;lock patient record . S LCK=$$PATLCK() I 'LCK W !,PATNAM," record locked by another user" Q . ;get items not posted for each patient . S ITM=0 . F S ITM=$O(^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,RVDT,1,VDR,"V",DFN,1,ITM)) Q:'ITM D . . S ITDT=^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,RVDT,1,VDR,"V",DFN,1,ITM,0) . . K R2319F . . ;check if item posted . . I $P(ITDT,U,10)="Y" Q . . S ITNO=$P(ITDT,U),FCP=$P(ITDT,U,3),ITOT=$P(ITDT,U,6) . .; I ITOT'>0 Q ;no amount to post . . I ITOT'>0 D . . .S RMITEM=$P($G(^RMPR(661,ITNO,0)),U,1) . . .I RMPRPZAM D . . . .W !,"*** Patient: ",$E(PATNAM,1,7)," - Line Item: ",$P($G(^PRC(441,RMITEM,0)),U,2)," has a ZERO DOLLAR amount ***" . . . .S DIR("??")="This is a required field, you must enter Y/N" . . . .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Would You like to Post to 2319 (Y/N) " . . . .F D ^DIR I Y=1!(Y=0) S R2319F=Y K DIR Q . . .E D . . . .S R2319F=0 . . .I $D(R2319F),(R2319F=0) D . . . .K DIE,DA,DR S DA(4)=RMPOXITE,DA(3)=RMPODATE,DA(2)=RMPOVDR . . . .S DA(1)=DFN,DIK="^RMPO(665.72,"_DA(4)_",1,"_DA(3)_",1,"_DA(2)_",""V"","_DA(1) . . . .S DIK=DIK_",1,",DA=ITM D ^DIK K DIK,DA . . . .S RNEXITEM=$O(^RMPO(665.72,RMPOXITE,1,RMPODATE,1,RMPOVDR,"V",DFN,1,0)) . . . .I 'RNEXITEM S DA(3)=RMPOXITE,DA(2)=RMPODATE,DA(1)=RMPOVDR,DA=DFN D . . . . .S DIK="^RMPO(665.72,"_DA(3)_",1,"_DA(2)_",1,"_DA(1)_",""V""," D ^DIK K DIK,DA . . I $D(R2319F),(R2319F=0) Q . . I FCP="" Q ;no fund control point . . ;set ^TMP($J) array . . S ^TMP($J,FCP)=$S('$D(^TMP($J,FCP)):0.00,1:^TMP($J,FCP))+ITOT . . I $G(^TMP($J,FCP,DFN))="" D . . . S LNAM=$E($P(PATNAM,",")_" ",1,7) ;pad/truncate last name . . . S ^TMP($J,FCP,DFN)="^"_LNAM_" "_PATSSN_"^^^"_$E(PATNAM,1,18) . . S $P(^TMP($J,FCP,DFN),U)=+^TMP($J,FCP,DFN)+ITOT,^TMP($J,FCP,DFN,ITM)=ITOT . D UNLKPAT Q ;BUILD ; PROCESS ;process FCP data - ask for method of payment N FCP,PAYINF,FCPTOT,IEN442,SRVORD,PCTOT,IENFCP,LCK S FCP="" F S FCP=$O(^TMP($J,FCP)) Q:FCP="" D I QUIT Q . ;PAYINF=payment type^IEN of file 442^service order number^purchase . ;card total^IEN of fund control point transaction . S FCPTOT=+^TMP($J,FCP) W !!,"Fund Control Point: ",FCP . S PAYINF=$$FCP^RMPOBILU(FCP) . I PAYINF="" S $P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,3)="Posting aborted" . Q:QUIT!(PAYINF="") I PAYINF=-1 D Q . . S $P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,2)=0,$P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,3)="Payment type not given" . . ;W " ",$P^TMP($J,FCP),U,3) . S IEN442=$P(PAYINF,U,2),SRVORD=$P(PAYINF,U,3) . S PCTOT=$P(PAYINF,U,4),IENFCP=$P(PAYINF,U,5) . ;W !,"Service Order Number: ",SRVORD . ;check lock on FCP . S LCK=$$FCPLCK() I 'LCK D Q . . S $P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,2)=0,$P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,3)="Locked by another user" . . W " ",$P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,3) . D IFCAP^RMPOPST1 ;process payment to IFCAP . D UNLKFCP ;unlock FCP level Q ;PROCESS ; PATLCK() ;Lock patient level in ^RMPO(665.72 L +^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,RVDT,1,VDR,"V",DFN,0):5 Q $T ;PATLCK ; FCPLCK() ;Lock fund control level in ^RPO(665.72 L +^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,RVDT,2,IENFCP,0):5 Q $T ;FCPLCK ; UNLKPAT ;Unlock patient level in ^RMPO(665.72 L -^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,RVDT,1,VDR,"V",DFN,0) Q ;UNLKPAT ; UNLKFCP ;Unlock fund contrl point level in ^RMPO(665.72 L -^RMPO(FIL,SITE,1,RVDT,2,IENFCP,0) Q ;UNLKFCP ; CLEANUP ;Display post messages for FCP ;Call line tag to unlock ^RMPO at patient level N DFN,UNLCK,FLG S FCP="",FLG=1 F S FCP=$O(^TMP($J,FCP)) Q:FCP="" D . I '$P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,2) D . . I FLG W !!,"FCP Not Posted",?40,"Message" D . . . W !,"---------------",?40,"-------" . . W !,FCP,?40,$P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,3) S FLG=0 . S DFN="" F DFN=$O(^TMP($J,FCP,DFN)) Q:DFN="" D . . I '$D(UNLCK(DFN)) D UNLKPAT S UNLCK(DFN)="" W !! I FLG W "All Fund Control Points posted successfully" K DIR S DIR(0)="FO",DIR("A")="Press any Key to Continue" D ^DIR Q ;CLEANUP