RMPOPST1 ;EDS/JAM,RVD - HOME OXYGEN BILLING TRANSACTIONS/POSTING,Part 2 ;7/24/98 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**29,44,55**;Feb 09, 1996 ; RVD #55 - corrected the typo (missing '^' on TMP global). ; ;Processing of 1358 and Purchase Cards to IFCAP Q IFCAP ;process payment type - Purchase Card or 1358 D @$S($P(PAYINF,U)="P":"PRHCARD",1:"1358") I $P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,2) D . W !!,FCP," ...Posted" D FCPUPD ;update global ^RMPO(665.72 K A Q ;IFCAP ; PRHCARD ;Processing IFCAP Purchase Card N DFN,PRCA,PRCB,PRCC,INDVITM,ITMSTR,RMPOA,X,CNT,CURDT S PRCA=PCTOT+FCPTOT,PRCB=IEN442,PRCC="RMPOA" ;Store individual patient in array RMPOA for posting S DFN="" F CNT=1:1 S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,FCP,DFN)) Q:DFN="" D . S ITMSTR=^TMP($J,FCP,DFN) . S RMPOA(CNT)=$TR($P(ITMSTR,U,5),","," ")_" "_$P(ITMSTR,U) ;pat name & total D EDITIC^PRCH7D(PRCA,PRCB,PRCC) I X="^" D Q ;PRHCARD . S $P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,2)=0,$P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,3)="Posting of PC aborted" . ;W " ",$P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,3) S $P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,2)=1,$P(^TMP($J,FCP),U,4)=PRCA D NOW^%DTC S CURDT=% ;Update file 660 and ^RMPO(665.72 S DFN="" F S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,FCP,DFN)) Q:DFN="" D . S $P(^TMP($J,FCP,DFN),U,3)=1 . D GBLUPD Q ;PRHCARD ; 1358 ;processing IFCAP 1358 N DFN,IEN424,BAL,CURDT,Y,PATOT,PATINF,PSTFLG,PRCSX ;Check balance on 1358 S BAL=$$BAL(IEN442) I BAL