RMPR112P ;VMP/RB - POST INIT FOR PACKAGE FILE (#9.4) UPDATES BY PROSTHETIC BUILDS ;06/17/05 ;;3.0;Prosthetics;**112**;06/20/05 ;; ;** Cameron Schlehuber created IA 4691 for a single use, private IA with Kernel ( ; the custodian of the Package file) ;Post install to remove erroneous Prosthetics merge nodes set ;into the Package file (#9.4) for merging capabilities. These ;nodes were set in by accident as Prosthetics builds being sent to sites ;did not have a null response under Install Questions, Edit PACKAGE File ;response Select Affects Record Merge. These bogus Prosthetics entries ;to the Package file will be located and deleted at the 20 node level. ;The package merge errors occur since the Prosthetics node ^DIC(9.4,D0,20,D1,0) ;has no routine in piece 3 for the merge to execute. SRCH N PIEN,MIEN S PIEN=0 F S PIEN=$O(^DIC(9.4,PIEN)) Q:PIEN=""!(PIEN>9999999) D . ;Check for Prosthetics merge entry . S PACKR=$G(^DIC(9.4,PIEN,0)) Q:PACKR=""!(PACKR>99999) . I PACKR["PROS"!(PACKR["Pros") D .. ;KILL PROS ENTRY 20 NODES IF PIECE 3 EMPTY .. S MIEN=0 .. F S MIEN=$O(^DIC(9.4,PIEN,20,MIEN)) Q:MIEN="" D ... S MERGREC=$G(^DIC(9.4,PIEN,20,MIEN,0)) Q:MERGREC="" ... I $P(MERGREC,U,3)="" D .... ;DELETE INVALID MERGE REC WITH NO ROUTINE NAME .... S DA(1)=PIEN,DIK="^DIC(9.4,"_PIEN_",20,",DA=MIEN D ^DIK K DA,DIK K MERGREC,PACKR Q