RMPR31U ;PHX/RFM-FUNCTIONS ;8/29/1994 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;;Feb 09, 1996 ITM(X) ; Displays external name of an item ; X=Internal number from 661 S X=+X I '$D(^RMPR(661,X,0)) Q "Item not Found" S X=$P(^PRC(441,$P(^RMPR(661,X,0),U),0),U,2) Q X ITM1(X) ; Display # of an item ; X=Internal number from 661 S X=+X I '$D(^RMPR(661,X,0)) Q "Item not Found" S X=$P(^PRC(441,$P(^RMPR(661,X,0),U),0),U,1) Q X ; VEN(X) ; Displays external name of a vendor ; X=Internal number of vendor from 440 S X=+X I '$D(^PRC(440,X,0)) Q "Vendor not found" S X=$P(^PRC(440,X,0),U) Q X ; PAT(X) ; Displays name of Patient N RX S RX=X,X=$$NAMESSN^RMPRU(RX) Q $P(X,U,1) ; X=Patient IEN ;S X=+X ;II'$D(^DPT(X,0)) Q "Patient not found" ;S X=$P(^DPT(X,0),U) ;Q X ; EMP(X) ; Displays name of employee ; X=Internal number from 200 S X=+X S X=$S($D(^VA(200,X,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:"") Q X ; ITEM(X) ; Displays name of item from 660 ; X=IEN of record from 660 S X=+X I '$D(^RMPR(660,X,0)) Q "" I '$D(^RMPR(661,+$P(^RMPR(660,X,0),U,6),0)) Q "" S X=$P(^PRC(441,$P(^RMPR(661,$P(^RMPR(660,X,0),U,6),0),U),0),U,2) Q X ITMN(X) ; Displays NUMBER of item from 660 ; X=IEN of record from 660 S X=+X I '$D(^RMPR(660,X,0)) Q "" I '$D(^RMPR(661,+$P(^RMPR(660,X,0),U,6),0)) Q "" S X=$P(^PRC(441,$P(^RMPR(661,$P(^RMPR(660,X,0),U,6),0),U),0),U,1) Q X SIG(X) ;Displays Printed signature bock from file 200 S X=+X S X=$S($D(^VA(200,X,20)):$P(^(20),U,2),1:"") Q X STA(X) ;Displays Station Name from file Institution File S X=+X S X=$S($D(^DIC(4,X,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:"") Q X STAN(X) ;Displays Station Number from file Institution File S X=+X S X=$S($D(^DIC(4,X,99)):$P(^(99),U),1:"") Q X CODE(PZD,TYPE,SRC) ;GET ORTHOTIC OR RESTORATION CODE ;N RAM I TYPE="X",SRC="R" S AMIS=$S(+$P(RMPRAM,U,2):"134",1:$P($G(^RMPR(663,+$P(PZD,U,8),0)),U,5))_U_$S($D(RMPRGEC):$P($G(^RMPR(663,+$P(PZD,U,8),0)),U),1:+$P(PZD,U,8)) I TYPE="X",SRC'="R" S AMIS=$S(+$P(RMPRAM,U,2):"138",1:$P($G(^RMPR(663,+$P(PZD,U,6),0)),U,5))_U_$S($D(RMPRGEC):$P($G(^RMPR(663,+$P(PZD,U,6),0)),U),1:+$P(PZD,U,6)) I TYPE'="X",SRC'="R" S AMIS=$S(+$P(RMPRAM,U,2):"138",1:$P($G(^RMPR(663,+$P(PZD,U,5),0)),U,5))_U_$S($D(RMPRGEC):$P($G(^RMPR(663,+$P(PZD,U,5),0)),U),1:+$P(PZD,U,5)) I TYPE'="X",SRC="R" S AMIS=$S(+$P(RMPRAM,U,2):"134",1:$P($G(^RMPR(663,+$P(PZD,U,7),0)),U,5))_U_$S($D(RMPRGEC):$P($G(^RMPR(663,+$P(PZD,U,7),0)),U),1:+$P(PZD,U,7)) I '$D(RMPRGEC),$G(RMPRE),RMPRE'=$P(AMIS,U,2) S AMIS="" Q AMIS BLD ;BUILD TMP GLOBAL FOR LAB/RESTORATION AMIS N RI,RA,RT F RI=132,133,135,136,137 F RT=0:0 S RT=$O(^RMPR(663,"E",RI,RT)) Q:RT'>0 I $D(^RMPR(663,RT,0)) S ^TMP($J,RI_U_$P(^RMPR(663,RT,0),U))="0^0^0^0^0^0^0^0^0" F RA=134,138 F RI="01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10" S ^TMP($J,RA_U_RI)="0^0^0^0^0^0^0" Q