RMPR4C2 ;;HINES-OI/HNC - PURCHASE CARD VERIFY PC# FOR RECONCILIATION;10/29/2001 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**67**;Feb 09, 1996 ; ;Match on Visa Level II, Old Card, New Card, Card Holder ;HNC 11-6-01 ; ;IFCAP Integration Agreement for file #442: DBIA282-H, ref #803 ;IFCAP Integration Agreement for file #440.6: ref #3427 ; Q EN ;Entry Point W !,?5,"Verify and Repair Purchase Card Number Associated with the" W !,?5,"ORACLE Document for Reconciliation" W !,?5,"You Must Be the Card Holder of both OLD and NEW Cards!",!! K ^TMP($J) D DIV4^RMPRSIT G:$D(X) EXIT D HOME^%ZIS S RMPRCOUN=0 S %DT("A")="Starting Date: ",%DT="AEPX" D ^%DT S RMPRBDT=Y G:Y<0 EXIT S %DT("A")="Ending Date: ",%DT="AEX" D ^%DT G:Y<0 EXIT S RMPREDT=Y I RMPRBDT>RMPREDT W !,$C(7),"Invalid Date Range Selection!!" G EN ; S Y=RMPRBDT D DD^%DT S RMPRX=Y,Y=RMPREDT D DD^%DT S RMPRY=Y PCRD ;ask purchase card number K DIR S DIR(0)="FO",DIR("A")="Enter OLD Purchase Card Number" S DIR("?")="Enter the 16-Digit Purchase Card #, no dashes or spaces." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) W !,$C(7),$C(7),"Try Later!" G EXIT I $L(X)>16!($L(X)<16)!(X'?.N) W !,"Must be 16-Digit Number." G PCRD S RMPRPCRD=Y PCRDN K DIR S DIR(0)="FO",DIR("A")="Enter NEW Purchase Card Number" S DIR("?")="Enter the NEW 16-Digit Purchase Card #, no dashes or spaces." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) W !,$C(7),$C(7),"Try Later!" G EXIT I $L(X)>16!($L(X)<16)!(X'?.N) W !,"Must be 16-Digit Number." G PCRDN S RMPRPCNW=Y ; ;taskman S %ZIS="MQ" K IOP D ^%ZIS G:POP EXIT I '$D(IO("Q")) U IO G PRINT K IO("Q") S ZTDESC="PURCHASE CARD VERIFY",ZTRTN="PRINT^RMPR4C2" S ZTSAVE("RMPRBDT")="",ZTSAVE("RMPREDT")="" S ZTSAVE("RMPRY")="",ZTSAVE("RMPR(")="",ZTSAVE("RMPRPCRD")="" S ZTSAVE("RMPRX")="",ZTSAVE("RMPRPCNW")="",ZTIO=ION D ^%ZTLOAD W:$D(ZTSK) !,"REQUEST QUEUED!" H 1 G EXIT ; PRINT S X1=RMPRBDT,X2=-1 D C^%DTC S PAGE=1,RMPREND="",RMPRFLG="" I $E(IOST)["C" W @IOF S RO=RMPRBDT-1 F S RO=$O(^RMPR(664,"B",RO)) Q:RO'>0 Q:RO>RMPREDT S RP=0 F S RP=$O(^RMPR(664,"B",RO,RP)) Q:RP'>0 D CK S RMPRFLG="",RMPREND="" D HDR,ST G EXIT CK ;set tmp of list to compare with 440.6 Q:'$D(^RMPR(664,RP,0)) ;Vendor must not be null,PC number not null,no cancellation date ;and station must be station selected ;must have no close out date ; Q:$P(^RMPR(664,RP,0),U,4)=""!($P($G(^(4)),U,1)="")!($P(^(0),U,5)'="") Q:$P(^RMPR(664,RP,0),U,14)'=""&($P(^(0),U,14)'=RMPR("STA")) ;close out date Q:$P(^RMPR(664,RP,0),U,8)'="" ;decrypt PC number - rmprobl is decrypted card number, rmprpcrd what ;user typed as 16 dig number S ROBL=$P($G(^RMPR(664,RP,4)),U,1) S RMPROBL=$$DEC^RMPR4LI($P(^RMPR(664,RP,4),U,1),$P(^RMPR(664,RP,0),U,9),RP) Q:RMPROBL'=RMPRPCRD S RMPRODR=$P($G(^RMPR(664,RP,4)),U,6) Q:RMPRODR="" S ^TMP($J,RMPRODR,RMPROBL,RP)="" Q ; COMP ;Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: ; S RMPRFLG=1 I $Y>(IOSL-6) S RMPRFLG="" ; Q ST ;continue if user didn't want out, or time out ; I '$D(^TMP($J)) W !!,"*** NO DATA TO PRINT ***",!! Q S PO=0 F S PO=$O(^TMP($J,PO)) Q:PO'>0 Q:RMPREND=1 D .S POE=$P($G(^PRC(442,PO,0)),U,1) .Q:POE="" .;I ($X>14)&($X<65) W ?63,"|" .;PSPC is psas card number .S PSPC=0 .F S PSPC=$O(^TMP($J,PO,PSPC)) Q:PSPC'>0 Q:RMPREND=1 D . .S RD=0,VISA2="" . .F S RD=$O(^TMP($J,PO,PSPC,RD)) Q:RD'>0 Q:RMPREND=1 D . . .S ORDATE=$$DAT1^RMPRUTL1($P(^RMPR(664,RD,0),U,1)) . . .W !,ORDATE . . .W ?14,POE,?28,"|" . . .S BDT=RMPRBDT . . .F S BDT=$O(^PRCH(440.6,"D",BDT)) Q:BDT'>0 D . . . .S (REC440,RCNT)=0 . . . .F S REC440=$O(^PRCH(440.6,"D",BDT,REC440)) Q:REC440'>0 Q:RMPREND=1 D . . . . .;only look at current users records . . . . .I $P(^PRCH(440.6,REC440,0),U,17)'=DUZ Q . . . . .K RM440 S RM440="",RECIEN40=REC440_"," . . . . .D GETS^DIQ(440.6,RECIEN40,"**","","RM440") . . . . .S PC=RM440(440.6,RECIEN40,3),IFST=RM440(440.6,RECIEN40,14),VISA2=RM440(440.6,RECIEN40,20) . . . . .;S PC=$P(^PRCH(440.6,REC440,0),U,4),IFST=$P(^(0),U,15),VISA2=$P(^(0),U,21) . . . . .S VISA2=$TR(VISA2,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ") . . . . .;W ?50,$S(IFST="R":"Reconciled",IFST="N":"None",IFST="D":"Disputed",1:""),?63,"|" . . . . .S PSASV2=$P(POE,"-",2) . . . . .;match on visa 2 string from vendor . . . . .I VISA2'[PSASV2 Q . . . . .S RCNT=RCNT+1 . . . . .W:RCNT>1 !,?28,"|" . . . . .W ?30,PC . . . . .W ?50,VISA2,?63,"|" . . . . .;verify both files same . . . . .I PC=PSPC W ?65,"Okay" . . . . .I $E(IOST,1,2)["C-"&($Y>(IOSL-6)) S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR S:(Y<1)!($D(DTOUT)) RMPREND=1 Q:$G(RMPREND) D HDR . . . . .I $E(IOST,1,2)'="C-"&($Y>(IOSL-6)) D HDR . . . . .I PC=PSPC Q . . . . .;check to make sure it is the new card number . . . . .I PC'=RMPRPCNW W ?65,"Diff Card #" Q . . . . .;update prosthetic file 664 . . . . .S $P(^RMPR(664,RD,4),U,7)=PC,$P(^(4),U,8)=REC440,$P(^(4),U,9)=DT . . . . .; . . . . .;update file 440.6 with original PC number . . . . .S DIE="^PRCH(440.6,",DR="3////^S X=PSPC",DA=REC440 . . . . .L +^PRCH(440.6,DA,0):2 I '$T W !,"Record in use by another user. Try Later!" K DIE S RMPREND=1 Q . . . . .D ^DIE . . . . .L -^PRCH(440.6,DA,0) . . . . .K DA,DIE,DR . . . . .W ?65,"Repaired" Q ; HDR ;header I RMPREND=1 Q I PAGE'=1 W @IOF W !,RMPRX_"-",RMPRY," Verify PC# "_RMPRPCRD_" STA "_$$STA^RMPRUTIL,?72,"PAGE ",PAGE,! S PAGE=PAGE+1 W !,"Order Date",?14,"Order Number",?28,"|",?30,"ORACLE PC #",?50,"VISA II",?63,"|",?65,"Record Status",!,RMPR("L") Q EXIT ;Common Exit I $E(IOST)["C",'$G(RMPREND),$D(^TMP($J)) W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR D ^%ZISC N RMPR,RMPRSITE D KILL^XUSCLEAN K ^TMP($J) Q