RMPRPCEB ;HIN/RVD-PROS PCE BACKGROUND UTILITY ; 1/23/04 8:09am ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**62,69,77,82,78,114,120,133,142**;Feb 09, 1996;Build 2 ; ;RVD patch #69 - add STATION in the error message. ; QUIT if no data in specified date range. ;RVD patch #77 - only create 1 PCE entry for the same pt & same day. ; ;KAM Patch #82 06/21/2004 - Add more robust text to 'Missing ; Prosthetics Clinic PCE error message ; ;WLC Patch #78 02/03/3005 - added NEW statement for error message ; variables defined for Patch 82. ; W !,"Invalid Entry Point.....",! Q TASK ;entry point for task job to send pros encounters to PCE. N RERRMSG,RERRMSG2 ; correction for patch 82 02/03/05 WLC S IO=0,RMAIL=1,SVDUZ=DUZ,DUZ=.5 S Y=DT D DD^%DT S RMRDAT=Y K RMX,RMXMT,^TMP($J) D NOW^%DTC S RMSTDT=% S X="T-90" D ^%DT S RM90DAY=Y S RMBIEN=$O(^RMPR(660,"B",RM90DAY)) Q:RMBIEN="" S (RMENDT,RFLDAT)=0 F RS=0:0 S RS=$O(^RMPR(669.9,RS)) Q:RS'>0 D PCEFLG S RI=$O(^RMPR(660,"B",RMBIEN,0))-1 ;starts at proper ien RMPR*120 F S RI=$O(^RMPR(660,RI)) Q:RI'>0 D .S RM600=$G(^RMPR(660,RI,0)) .I $P(RM600,U,2)="" Q .S RM611=$G(^RMPR(660,RI,1)) .S RM610=$G(^RMPR(660,RI,10)) .Q:$P(RM600,U,15) .Q:$P(RM600,U,17) .Q:'$P(RM610,U,8) .S RMSTA=$P(RM600,U,10) .;quit if already been processed. .Q:$P(RM610,U,12) .Q:(RMSTA="")!('$D(RSTAFLG(RMSTA))) .Q:'$P(RM611,U,4)!'$P(RM600,U,22) .S RMDATE=$P(RM600,U,1),RMDFN=$P(RM600,U,2) .S RMICD9=$P(RM610,U,8) I RMICD9'="" Q:$P($G(^ICD9(RMICD9,0)),U,9) ;quit if DX code inactive RMPR*120 .Q:$D(^TMP($J,RMSTA,RMDATE,RMDFN)) .S RMPROCF=0 .F J=0:0 S J=$O(^RMPR(660,"C",RMDFN,J)) Q:J'>0 D ..S RMJ60=$G(^RMPR(660,J,0)),RMJDT=$P(RMJ60,U,1),RMJST=$P(RMJ60,U,10) ..Q:(RMJST'=RMSTA)!(RMJDT'=RMDATE) ..S RMJ610=$G(^RMPR(660,J,10)),RMJ12=$P(RMJ610,U,12) ..I $G(RMJ12) S RMPROCF=1 .;don't process if PCE data was process for the same day. .Q:$G(RMPROCF) .S ^TMP($J,RMSTA,RMDATE,RMDFN,RI)="" ; D PROC I '$D(^TMP($J,"RMPRERR")) D .S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",5)="***** NO ERROR TO REPORT !!!!!" S RMSUBI=4 D BUILD D:$D(^XMB(3.8,"B","RMPR PCE")) MES1,MES2 G EXIT ; PCEFLG ; S:$D(^RMPR(669.9,RS,"PCE")) RFLDAT=$P($G(^RMPR(669.9,RS,"PCE")),U,2) S:'$D(^RMPR(669.9,RS,"PCE")) RFLDAT=0 S RSTAFLG($P(^RMPR(669.9,RS,0),U,2))=RFLDAT S $P(^RMPR(669.9,RS,"PCE"),U,1)=RMSTDT Q ; PROC ;process F RS=0:0 S RS=$O(^TMP($J,RS)) Q:RS'>0 F RII=0:0 S RII=$O(^TMP($J,RS,RII)) Q:RII'>0 F RJ=0:0 S RJ=$O(^TMP($J,RS,RII,RJ)) Q:RJ'>0 S RK=$O(^TMP($J,RS,RII,RJ,0)) D .;call PCE Interface .S RMIE60RK=RK .S RMC=$$SENDPCE^RMPRPCEA(RK) . I RMC<1 D ..S RSNAM=" " ..I $G(RS),$D(^DIC(4,RS,0)) S RSNAM=$E($P(^DIC(4,RS,0),U,1),1,8) ..S ^TMP($J,"RMPRERR",RK)="Station: "_RSNAM_", File #660 IEN="_RK_" - Error in PCE interface!!!" ..;Added next line for RMPR*3*82 ..I '$G(RMLOC) S ^TMP($J,"RMPRERR",RK)=^TMP($J,"RMPRERR",RK)_$G(RERRMSG)_$G(RERRMSG2) ..I $D(RMPROB($J,1))!$D(RMPROB($J,2)) D ...S (R2,R3,RMMESS)="",R6I=RK,RC=0 ...F R1=0:0 S R1=$O(RMPROB($J,R1)) Q:R1'>0 S RC=RC+1 F S R2=$O(RMPROB($J,R1,"ERROR1",R2)) Q:R2="" F S R3=$O(RMPROB($J,R1,"ERROR1",R2,R3)) Q:R3="" D ....F R4=0:0 S R4=$O(RMPROB($J,R1,"ERROR1",R2,R3,R4)) Q:R4'>0 D .....S RMMESS=RMPROB($J,R1,"ERROR1",R2,R3,R4),RMK=R6I_"."_RC,^TMP($J,"RMPRERR",RMK)=" ???? "_$E(RMMESS,1,999) .....K RMPROB($J,R1,"ERROR1",R2,R3,R4) K RMPROB Q ; MES1 ; S XMY("G.RMPR PCE")="",XMDUZ=.5,XMTEXT="^TMP($J,""RMPR""," S XMSUB="PROSTHETICS PCE BACKGROUND MESSAGE" S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",1)="Run Date: "_RMRDAT S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",2)="This is a notification from the Prosthetics Department........" S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",3)="" S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",4)="" Q MES2 ; S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",RMSUBI+2)="" I $D(^TMP($J,"RMPRERR")) S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",RMSUBI+3)="*** Please contact your PCE Coordinator or IRM ***" I '$D(^TMP($J,"RMPRERR")) S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",RMSUBI+3)="" S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",RMSUBI+4)="" S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",RMSUBI+5)="Thank You!!!" S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",RMSUBI+6)="" S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",RMSUBI+7)="PROSTHETICS DEPARTMENT" D ^XMD D NOW^%DTC ;if task finish to completion and; ;if no errors, set the PCE end date of the background job in #669.9. F RS=0:0 S RS=$O(^RMPR(669.9,RS)) Q:RS'>0 S $P(^RMPR(669.9,RS,"PCE"),U,2)=% Q ; BUILD ; F I=0:0 S I=$O(^TMP($J,"RMPRERR",I)) Q:I'>0 D .S RMMAIL=^TMP($J,"RMPRERR",I) .S RMSUBI=RMSUBI+1 .S ^TMP($J,"RMPR",RMSUBI)=RMMAIL Q ; EXIT ;MAIN EXIT POINT K ^TMP($J) S DUZ=SVDUZ N RMPRSITE,RMPR D KILL^XUSCLEAN Q