RMPRPCEG ;HCIOFO/RVD - Prosthetics/PCE GET 2319/SET ICD9; 06/28/01 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**62**;Feb 09, 1996 ; ; ;RMDFN - IEN of the patient. ;returns the IEN of patient transaction from file #660. G60(RMDFN) ;select the 2319 transaction. D NEWVAR S RMDOUT=0 S DIC("A")="Enter Patient Transaction for PCE Entry: " S DIC("?")="Enter a 2319 transaction where this suspense entry is being closed.." S DIC="^RMPR(660,",DIC(0)="AEQMN" S DIC("S")="I ($P(^RMPR(660,+Y,0),U,2)=RMDFN),('$D(^RMPR(660,+Y,10)))" D ^DIC I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIRUT) S RMDOUT=0 G GETX S RMDOUT=+Y S:Y<1 RMDOUT=0 GETX ;exit Q RMDOUT ; ;RMDFN - IEN of the patient. ;returns the IEN of the Patient Suspense entry from file #668. G68(RMDFN) ;select the suspense transaction. D NEWVAR S RMDOUT=0 AS68 W ! S DIC("A")="Enter Patient Suspense Entry: " S DIC("?")="Enter a Suspense Entry for the Patient 2319 Record..." S DIC="^RMPR(668,",DIC(0)="AEQMN" S DIC("S")="I ($P(^RMPR(668,+Y,0),U,2)=RMDFN),(($P(^(0),U,10)=""O"")!($P(^(0),U,10)=""P"")),($D(^(8))),($P(^(8),U,3)),('$D(^(11)))" S DIC("W")="S R8=$G(^RMPR(668,+Y,0)),RN=$E($P(^DPT(RMDFN,0),U,1),1,10) W ?38,RN,?50,$P(R8,U,10),"" DESC: "",$G(^RMPR(668,+Y,2,1,0))" D ^DIC I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIRUT) S RMDOUT=X G G68X S RMDOUT=+Y G68X ;exit Q RMDOUT ; SETICD ;entry for post init #62 W !!,"Setting ICD9 pointer in file #668:" S DIE="^RMPR(668," F I=0:0 S I=$O(^RMPR(668,I)) Q:I'>0 I $D(^RMPR(668,I,8)) D .S RMPR8=$G(^RMPR(668,I,8)) .S RI=$P(RMPR8,"^",2) .Q:$P(RMPR8,"^",3) .K RIC,RB,RE .F K=1:1:$L(RI) S RX=$E(RI,K,K) S:RX="(" RB=K S:RX=")" RE=K I $G(RB),$G(RE) S RIC=$E(RI,RB+1,RE-1) Q:RIC>1 K RB,RE .S RMIECD="" .I $D(RIC),RIC'="" D ..S RMIECD=$O(^ICD9("BA",RIC,0)) ..I '$G(RMIECD) S RMIECD=$O(^ICD9("BA",RIC_" ",0)) .I $G(RMIECD) S DA=I,DR="1.6////^S X=RMIECD" D ^DIE .W "." W !!,"DONE setting ICD9 pointer to file #668." K DIE,DR,DA,RMPR8,I,K,J,RB,RE,RIC,RMIECD,RI,RX I $D(^RMPR(661.1,3025,0)),$P(^RMPR(661.1,3025,0),U,1)="C1116" S $P(^RMPR(661.1,3025,0),U,8)=1 ;update HCPCS to a new CPT Code W !!,"Updating CPT Codes.." S DIE="^RMPR(661.1," F RI=1:1 Q:$P($T(TAB+RI),";",3)="END" S RD=$T(TAB+RI) D .S RMHCPC=$P(RD,";",3),RMCPT=$P(RD,";",5) .S DA=$P(RD,";",4) .I RMHCPC'=$P(^RMPR(661.1,DA,0),U,1) W !!,"** HCPCS ",RMHCPC," has incorrect IEN in file #661.1, please investigate!!!" Q .S DR="2///^S X=RMCPT" .D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR,RMHCPC,RMCPT,RI W !!,"Done Updating CPT Codes!!",! Q ; TAB ;list of HCPCS need to be updated. ;;K0280;1389;105120 ;;E0240;2051;101067 ;;A9010;2429;103242 ;;A9040;2524;103356 ;;A9070;2525;101873 ;;SI102;2806;105228 ;;SI103;2807;105357 ;;SI213;2836;105126 ;;SI302;2848;104713 ;;SI303;2849;104713 ;;SI304;2850;104713 ;;SI305;2851;104713 ;;SI306;2852;104713 ;;SI405;2859;104713 ;;SI516;2881;105799 ;;SI517;2882;105800 ;;SI518;2883;105799 ;;SI519;2884;105357 ;;SI199;2902;104713 ;;SI299;2903;104713 ;;SI399;2904;104713 ;;SI499;2905;104713 ;;SI599;2906;104713 ;;END ; NEWVAR N DA,DIE,DIC,Y,R8 Q