RMPRPIU1 ;HINCIO/ODJ - PIP STOCK ISSUE TO PATIENT UPDATE UILITY ;3/8/01 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**61**;Feb 09, 1996 Q ; ; MOD - Modify a Stock 'Issue to Patient' Transaction ; ; Inputs: ; RMPR60 - array of data fields for 660 file record... ; RMPR60("IEN") must be set to the ien of 660 rec. ; being modified. ; The other elements should ONLY be set if modifying. ; RMPR60("IEN") - IEN of 660 record being modified ; RMPR60("PATIENT IEN")- Prosthetic Patient ; (.01 field ptr to ^RMPR(665,) ; RMPR60("ISSUE TYPE") - Type of Issue (fld 2 - see FM set of codes) ; RMPR60("QUANTITY") - Number of items issued (fld 5) ; RMPR60("IFCAP ITEM") - IFCAP item (fld 4 ptr to ^RMPR(661,) ; RMPR60("VENDOR IEN") - Item Vendor (fld 7 ptr to ^PRC(440,) ; RMPR60("SERIAL NUM") - Serial Number (fld 9) ; RMPR60("REQ TYPE") - Request Type (fld 11 - see FM set of codes) ; RMPR60("REMARKS") - Comments (fld 16) ; RMPR60("LOT NUM") - Lot number (fld 21) ; RMPR60("CPT MOD") - CPT modifier string (fld 4.7) ; RMPR60("COST") - Total value of issue (fld 14) ; RMPR60("CPT IEN") - field 21 ptr to ^ICPT ; RMPR60("SITE IEN") - ptr to prosthetic site param file 669.9 ; RMPR60("PAT CAT") - Patient category ; (fld 62 see FM set of codes) ; RMPR60("SPEC CAT") - fld 63 ; ; RMPR11 - array of data fields for 661.11 record ; If any changes then RMPR11("HCPCS"), RMPR11("ITEM") ; and RMPR11("DESCRIPTION") must be set, otherwise only ; set those fields which are being changed. ; RMPR11("STATION") - Station ien ; RMPR11("HCPCS") - HCPCS code ; RMPR11("ITEM") - Item number ; RMPR11("UNIT") - Unit (optional) ; RMPR11("DESCRIPTION") - Item description ; RMPR11("SOURCE") - V - VA, C - Commercial ; ; RMPR5 - array of data fields for 661.5 record ; only set if modifying stock location ; RMPR5("IEN") - Location ien (ptr to ^RMPR(661.5,) ; MOD(RMPR60,RMPR11,RMPR5) ; N RMPRERR,RMPR6,RMPR9,RMPR1,RMPRCSTK,RMPR,RMPRQDIF,RMPRVDIF,RMPRC5 N RMPRC6,RMPRC60,RMPRC11,RMPRC1,RMPRC6I,RMPRC60I,RMPRC1I,RMPRIREV S RMPRERR=0 S:$D(RMPR11("STATION")) RMPR11("STATION IEN")=RMPR11("STATION") ; ; STEP 1 ; read in existing 660 and 661.6 recs. S RMPRC60("IEN")=RMPR60("IEN") M:$D(RMPR11) RMPRC11=RMPR11 S:$D(RMPR5("IEN")) RMPRC5("IEN")=RMPR5("IEN") S RMPRERR=$$GET^RMPRPIX2(.RMPRC60,.RMPRC11) ;660 rec I RMPRERR S RMPRERR=11 G MODX^RMPRPIU2 S RMPRERR=$$ETOI^RMPRPIX2(.RMPRC60,.RMPRC11,.RMPRC60I,.RMPRC1I) I RMPRERR S RMPRERR=11 G MODX^RMPRPIU2 S RMPRC6("IEN")=RMPRC60("TRANS IEN") S RMPRERR=$$GET^RMPRPIX6(.RMPRC6) ;661.6 rec I RMPRERR S RMPRERR=12 G MODX^RMPRPIU2 S RMPRERR=$$ETOI^RMPRPIX6(.RMPRC6,.RMPRC6I) I RMPRERR S RMPRERR=12 G MODX^RMPRPIU2 S:'$D(RMPR5("IEN")) RMPRC5("IEN")=RMPRC6I("LOCATION") I '$D(RMPR11("STATION IEN")) D . S RMPRC11("STATION")=RMPRC6I("STATION") . S RMPRC11("STATION IEN")=RMPRC6I("STATION") . Q S:'$D(RMPR11("HCPCS")) RMPRC11("HCPCS")=RMPRC6I("HCPCS") S:'$D(RMPR11("ITEM")) RMPRC11("ITEM")=RMPRC6I("ITEM") S RMPRC60("VENDOR IEN")=$S('$D(RMPR60("VENDOR IEN")):RMPRC6I("VENDOR"),1:RMPR60("VENDOR IEN")) S RMPRQDIF="" I $D(RMPR60("QUANTITY")) S RMPRQDIF=RMPR60("QUANTITY")-RMPRC60I("QUANTITY") S RMPRVDIF="" I $D(RMPR60("COST")) S RMPRVDIF=RMPR60("COST")-RMPRC60I("COST") ; ; STEP 2 ; if HCPCS, Item, Location, Vendor, Quanity or Cost has changed ; then need to go to the complex update rules at MOD3 ; otherwise just update the 660 S RMPRIREV=1 ;set if HCPCS, Item, Vendor or Location modified I RMPRC6I("HCPCS")'=RMPRC11("HCPCS") G MOD3 I RMPRC6I("ITEM")'=RMPRC11("ITEM") G MOD3 I RMPRC6I("VENDOR")'=RMPRC60("VENDOR IEN") G MOD3 I RMPRC6I("LOCATION")'=RMPRC5("IEN") G MOD3 S RMPRIREV=0 ;only qty. or cost may have changed I +RMPRQDIF G MOD3 I +RMPRVDIF G MOD3 ; ; if we get here just update 660 and exit S RMPRERR=$$UPD^RMPRPIX2(.RMPR60,.RMPR11) G MODX^RMPRPIU2 ; ; if we get here then update is complex MOD3 G MOD3^RMPRPIU2 ; ; REVI - bring back Issue transaction into stock REVI(RMPRC6I) ; Q $$REVI^RMPRPIU2(.RMPRC6I)