RMPRPIX5 ;HINCIO/ODJ- PIP LOCATION FILE 661.5 API ;3/8/01 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**61**;Feb 09, 1996 Q ; ;***** CRE - Create a new 661.5 Stock Location record ; ; Inputs: ; RMPR - an array consisting of... ; RMPR("NAME") - Location name (.01 field) ; RMPR("STATION") - Station ien (fld 2 ptr ^DIC(4,) ; RMPR("ADDRESS") - Location address (fld 3, can be null) ; RMPR("STATUS") - A - Active, I - Inactive (fld 4) ; RMPR("STATUS DATE") - Date (Fileman) of any status change ; (fld 5) ; RMPR("USER") - ien of User creating location ; (fld 6, ptr ^VA(200,) ; ; Outputs: ; RMPR("IEN") - the ien of the created 661.5 record ; RMPRCRE - if non 0 there was an error creating the record ; CRE(RMPR) ; N RMPRCRE,RMPRFDA,RMPRIEN,RMPRMSG S RMPRCRE=0 S RMPRFDA(661.5,"+1,",.01)=RMPR("NAME") S RMPRFDA(661.5,"+1,",2)=RMPR("STATION") S RMPRFDA(661.5,"+1,",3)=RMPR("ADDRESS") S RMPRFDA(661.5,"+1,",4)=RMPR("STATUS") S RMPRFDA(661.5,"+1,",5)=RMPR("STATUS DATE") S RMPRFDA(661.5,"+1,",6)=RMPR("USER") D UPDATE^DIE("S","RMPRFDA","RMPRIEN","RMPRMSG") I $D(RMPRMSG) S RMPRCRE=1 G CREX S RMPR("IEN")=RMPRIEN(1) CREX Q RMPRCRE ; ;***** GET - read in a 661.5 Stock Location record ; ; Inputs: ; must pass either... ; ; RMPR("IEN") - the ien (661.5 ptr) of the desired record ; ; or, if the ien is unknown... ; ; RMPR("STATION") - the Station ien (fld 2, ptr ^DIC(4,) ; RMPR("NAME") - the Location name (.01 field) ; ; Outputs: ; RMPR - an array consisting of (all external values)... ; RMPR("IEN") - 661.5 record's ien if none input ; RMPR("NAME") - Location name (.01 field) ; RMPR("STATION") - Station name (fld 2) ; RMPR("ADDRESS") - Location address (fld 3, can be null) ; RMPR("STATUS") - ACTIVE or INACTIVE (fld 4) ; RMPR("STATUS DATE") - Date of any status change ; (fld 5) ; RMPR("USER") - Name of User creating location ; (fld 6) ; ; RMPRRET - 0 if no errors, else non 0 ; 1 - RMPR("IEN") and RMPR("STATION") inputs are null ; 2 - RMPR("IEN") and RMPR("NAME") inputs are null ; 3 - no ien for input RMPR("STATION") and RMPR("NAME") ; 4 - error on the Fileman read ; GET(RMPR) ; N RMPRRET,RMPRFME,RMPRIEN,RMPRKEY,RMPRERR,RMPROUP S RMPRRET=0 I $G(RMPR("IEN"))="" D . I $G(RMPR("STATION"))="" S RMPRRET=1 Q . I $G(RMPR("NAME"))="" S RMPRRET=2 Q . S RMPR("IEN")=$O(^RMPR(661.5,"XSL",RMPR("STATION"),RMPR("NAME"),"")) . I RMPR("IEN")="" S RMPRRET=3 Q . Q I RMPRRET G GETX S RMPRIEN=RMPR("IEN")_"," D GETS^DIQ(661.5,RMPRIEN,"*","","RMPROUP","RMPRFME") I $D(RMPRFME) S RMPRRET=4 G GETX S RMPR("USER")=RMPROUP(661.5,RMPRIEN,6) S RMPR("STATION")=RMPROUP(661.5,RMPRIEN,2) S RMPR("ADDRESS")=RMPROUP(661.5,RMPRIEN,3) S RMPR("STATUS")=RMPROUP(661.5,RMPRIEN,4) S RMPR("STATUS DATE")=RMPROUP(661.5,RMPRIEN,5) S RMPR("NAME")=RMPROUP(661.5,RMPRIEN,.01) GETX Q RMPRRET ; ;***** UPD - Update existing Stock Location rec (661.5) ; Inputs: ; RMPR5("IEN") - mandatory; the ien of the 661.5 rec. to modify ; see subscripts for CRE above for the other elements that can ; be set in the RMPR5 input array. You should only create these ; elements if they differ in value from an existing rec. ; Use only internal values. ; ; Outputs: ; RMPRERR - 0 - no problems ; 1 - FM returned an error from its update ; UPD(RMPR5) ; N RMPRFDA,RMPRFME,RMPRERR,X,Y,DA,RMPRI S RMPRERR=0 S RMPRI=RMPR5("IEN")_"," S:$D(RMPR5("NAME")) RMPRFDA(661.5,RMPRI,.01)=RMPR5("NAME") S:$D(RMPR5("STATION")) RMPRFDA(661.5,RMPRI,2)=RMPR5("STATION") S:$D(RMPR5("ADDRESS")) RMPRFDA(661.5,RMPRI,3)=RMPR5("ADDRESS") S:$D(RMPR5("STATUS")) RMPRFDA(661.5,RMPRI,4)=RMPR5("STATUS") S:$D(RMPR5("STATUS DATE")) RMPRFDA(661.5,RMPRI,5)=RMPR5("STATUS DATE") S:$D(RMPR5("USER")) RMPRFDA(661.5,RMPRI,6)=RMPR5("USER") D:$D(RMPRFDA) FILE^DIE("","RMPRFDA","RMPRFME") I $D(RMPRFME) S RMPRERR=1 UPDX Q RMPRERR ; ;***** ISACT - Test if Location active or inactive ; ; Inputs: ; RMPR5("IEN") - mandatory: ien of Location rec. ; ; Outputs: ; RMPRACT - 1 if location active, else 0 ; ISACT(RMPR5) ; N RMPRFDI,RMPRI,RMPRFME,X,Y,DA,RMPRACT S RMPRACT=0 S RMPRI=RMPR5("IEN")_"," D GETS^DIQ(661.5,RMPRI,"4","I","RMPRFDI","RMPRFME") I $D(RMPRFME) G ISACTX I RMPRFDI(661.5,RMPRI,4,"I")="A" S RMPRACT=1 ISACTX Q RMPRACT ; ;***** ETOI - Convert external form of 661.5 rec to internal vals. ; ; Inputs: ; RMPR5("IEN") - mandatory; ien of Location rec. ; ; Outputs: ; RMPR5I - output array whose subscripts defined as for CRE above ; RMPRERR - 0 if no problems, +ve if FM returned an error ; ETOI(RMPR5,RMPR5I) ; N RMPRI,RMPRFDI,RMPRFME,RMPRERR,X,Y,DA S RMPRERR=0 S RMPRI=RMPR5("IEN")_"," D GETS^DIQ(661.5,RMPRI,"*","I","RMPRFDI","RMPRFME") I $D(RMPRFME) S RMPRERR=1 G ETOIX S RMPR5I("IEN")=RMPR5("IEN") S RMPR5I("STATION")=RMPRFDI(661.5,RMPRI,2,"I") S RMPR5I("NAME")=RMPRFDI(661.5,RMPRI,.01,"I") S RMPR5I("ADDRESS")=RMPRFDI(661.5,RMPRI,3,"I") S RMPR5I("STATUS")=RMPRFDI(661.5,RMPRI,4,"I") S RMPR5I("STATUS DATE")=RMPRFDI(661.5,RMPRI,5,"I") S RMPR5I("USER")=RMPRFDI(661.5,RMPRI,6,"I") ETOIX Q RMPRERR