RMPRPIY3 ;HINCIO/ODJ - PIP Data Entry - HCPCS prompt;3/8/01 ; 12/15/05 10:23am ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**61,93**;Feb 09, 1996;Build 6 Q ; ;***** HCPCS - Prompt for a HCPCS code from either ; an existing stock location or ; the main HCPCS file (661.1) ; called by RMPRPIY9 ; ; Inputs: ; RMPR5 - array of Location data fields... ; RMPR5("STATION IEN") - Station number of selected Location ; (ptr ^DIC(4,) ; RMPR5("IEN") - ien of selected Location (ptr ^RMPR(661.5,) ; ; Outputs: ; RMPR1 - HCPCS data field array (661.1) ; RMPREXC - exit condition ; "" - value entered, continue ; T - Time out ; P - Prvious field ; ^ - up arrow out ; ; AAC 12/13/05 ; Modification to the DIC Lookup to perform any Lookup on a HCPC ; code that contains ONLY alph/numeric code for the HCPC code. ; ; HCPCS(RMPR5,RMPR1,RMPREXC) ; N RMPRERR,DIR,X,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,DIRUT,DIC,DA,RMPRSTN N DIC S RMPRERR=0 S (RMPREXC,RMPRY)="" S RMPR1("HCPCS")=$G(RMPR1("HCPCS")) HCPCS1 S RMPRSTN=RMPR5("STATION IEN") ; Change to DIC call is commented above 12/13/05 N DIC S DIC="^RMPR(661.1," S DIC(0)="AEQM" ; ; New code for Patch 93 in Set DIC line below. ; S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,5)=1&($P(^(0),U,1)?.AN)" D ^DIC ; I $D(DTOUT) S RMPREXC="T" G HCPCSX I $D(DIROUT) S RMPREXC="P" G HCPCSX I X=""!(X["^")!$D(DUOUT) S RMPREXC="^" G HCPCSX ; ; Change to DIC call included taking this second DIC Lookup out and ; including it in the above first DIC loopup. ; ;S DIC(0)="EMNZ",RMPRY=Y ;S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,5)=1!($P(^(0),U,1)'[""=""" ;S DIC=661.1 ;D ^DIC ; I $D(DTOUT) S RMPREXC="T" G HCPCSX I ($G(X)["^")!($D(DUOUT)) S RMPREXC="^" G HCPCSX I +Y'>0 D G HCPCS1 . W ! . W "** No HCPCS Selected or Unable to Select Inactive HCPCS..." . Q S RMPR1("HCPCS")=$P(^RMPR(661.1,+Y,0),"^",1) HCPCSX Q RMPRERR ; ;***** QM1 - HCPCS prompt Help - List HCPCS at a Location ; requires RMRPSTN - Station number ; RMPR5("IEN") - Location ien ; QM1 N DIR,X,Y,DA,DTOUT,DIROUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,RMPRMAX,RMPRLIN,RMPRH,RMPR1 N RMPRERR,DIC S RMPRMAX=5,RMPRLIN=0 S DIR(0)="EA" S DIR("A")="Enter for more or ^ to STOP listing" I '$D(^RMPR(661.4,"ASLHI",RMPRSTN,RMPR5("IEN"))) G QM1C W !,"List of HCPCS at location: ",RMPR5("NAME") S RMPRH="" QM1A S RMPRH=$O(^RMPR(661.4,"ASLHI",RMPRSTN,RMPR5("IEN"),RMPRH)) I RMPRH="" G QM1C S RMPR1("HCPCS")=RMPRH S RMPRERR=$$HPACT^RMPRPIX1(.RMPR1) W !,RMPRH,?12,RMPR1("SHORT DESC") S RMPRLIN=RMPRLIN+1 I RMPRLIN'