RMPRPIYD ;HINES OIFO/ODJ - PIP RECONCILE - Pick HCPCS Item;3/8/01 ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**61**;Feb 09, 1996 Q ; ; Get an Item - restrict choice to Location and HCPC ITEM(RMPRSTN,RMPRLCN,RMPR11,RMPREXC) ; N RMPRERR,DIR,X,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,DA,RMPRSRC,RMPRHCPC S RMPRERR=0 S RMPREXC="" I $G(RMPRSTN)="" S RMPRERR=1 G ITEMX I $G(RMPR11("HCPCS"))="" S RMPRERR=2 G ITEMX S RMPR11("STATION")=RMPRSTN S RMPR11("STATION IEN")=RMPRSTN S RMPRHCPC=RMPR11("HCPCS") S DIR(0)="FOA^1:50" S DIR("A")="Enter Item to RECONCILE: " S DIR("?")="^D QM^RMPRPIYD" S DIR("??")="^D QQM^RMPRPIYD" ITEMA1 D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT) S RMPREXC="T" G ITEMX I $D(DIROUT) S RMPREXC="P" G ITEMX I X=""!(X["^") S RMPREXC="^" G ITEMX S RMPR11("IEN")="" D LIKE(RMPRSTN,RMPRLCN,RMPRHCPC,X,.RMPREXC,.RMPR11) I RMPREXC="T" G ITEMX I RMPREXC="P" G ITEMX I RMPREXC="^" G ITEMA1 I RMPR11("IEN")="",$L(X)<3 G ITEMA1 I RMPR11("IEN")="" S RMPR11("DESCRIPTION")=X G ITEMX G ITEMX ITEMX Q RMPRERR ; ; CHKN - Check an Item Number ; ; Inputs: ; RMPR11 - array consisting of the following subscripts... ; RMPR11("STATION") - Station ien (eg 499) ; RMPR11("HCPCS") - HCPCS code (eg E0111) ; RMPR11("ITEM") - HCPCS Item number (eg 1) ; ; Outputs: ; RMPR11 - additional elements from 661.11 record if Item exists... ; RMPR11("DESCRIPTION") - Item Description ; RMPR11("HCPCS-ITEM") - Combined HCPCS Item code (eg E0111-1) ; RMPR11("IEN") - ien of record ; RMPR11("SOURCE") - Source (external format) ; RMPR11("STATION") - Station Name (external format) ; RMPR11("UNIT") - Unit of Measure (external format) ; RMPR11("STATION IEN") - ien of input Station ; ; RMPRERR - exit condition (returned by function) ; 0 - no erros ; 1 - null station ien ; 2 - null HCPCS code ; 3 - HCPCS Item not valid number ; 4 - Item does not exist ; 99 - Problem with 661.11 file ; CHKN(RMPR11) ; N RMPRERR S RMPRERR=0 I $G(RMPR11("STATION"))="" S RMPRERR=1 G CHKNX S RMPR11("STATION IEN")=RMPR11("STATION") I $G(RMPR11("HCPCS"))="" S RMPRERR=2 G CHKNX I $G(RMPR11("ITEM"))'?1.N S RMPRERR=3 G CHKNX I '$D(^RMPR(661.11,"ASHI",RMPR11("STATION"),RMPR11("HCPCS"),RMPR11("ITEM"))) S RMPRERR=4 G CHKNX S RMPRERR=$$GET^RMPRPIX1(.RMPR11) I RMPRERR S RMPRERR=99 CHKNX Q RMPRERR ; ; CHKD - Check an Item Description ; ; Inputs: ; RMPR11 - array consisting of the following subscripts... ; RMPR11("STATION") - Station ien (eg 499) ; RMPR11("HCPCS") - HCPCS code (eg E0111) ; RMPR11("DESCRIPTION") - HCPCS Item Description ; ; Outputs: ; RMPR11 - additional elements from 661.11 record if Item exists... ; RMPR11("ITEM") - HCPCS Item number ; RMPR11("HCPCS-ITEM") - Combined HCPCS Item code (eg E0111-1) ; RMPR11("IEN") - ien of record ; RMPR11("SOURCE") - Source (external format) ; RMPR11("STATION") - Station Name (external format) ; RMPR11("UNIT") - Unit of Measure (external format) ; RMPR11("STATION IEN") - ien of input Station ; ; RMPRERR - exit condition (returned by function) ; 0 - no erros ; 1 - null station ien ; 2 - null HCPCS code ; 3 - null HCPCS Item Desc. ; 4 - Item does not exist ; 5 - Item does not exist, but there are items matching ; the entered description text ; 99 - Problem with 661.11 file ; CHKD(RMPR11) ; N RMPRERR,RMPRD S RMPRERR=0 I $G(RMPR11("STATION"))="" S RMPRERR=1 G CHKDX S RMPR11("STATION IEN")=RMPR11("STATION") I $G(RMPR11("HCPCS"))="" S RMPRERR=2 G CHKDX I $G(RMPR11("DESCRIPTION"))="" S RMPRERR=3 G CHKDX I '$D(^RMPR(661.11,"XSD",RMPR11("STATION"),RMPR11("DESCRIPTION"),RMPR11("HCPCS"))) D G CHKDX . S RMPRERR=4 . S RMPRD=RMPR11("DESCRIPTION") . S RMPRD=$O(^RMPR(661.11,"XSD",RMPR11("STATION"),RMPRD)) . I $E(RMPRD,1,$L(RMPR11("DESCRIPTION")))=RMPR11("DESCRIPTION") S RMPRERR=5 . Q S RMPR11("IEN")=$O(^RMPR(661.11,"XSD",RMPR11("STATION"),RMPR11("DESCRIPTION"),RMPR11("HCPCS"),"")) S RMPRERR=$$GET^RMPRPIX1(.RMPR11) I RMPRERR S RMPRERR=99 CHKDX Q RMPRERR ; ; Prompt if adding a new HCPCS Item OKADD(RMPR11,RMPRYN,RMPREXC) ; N DIR,X,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,DIRUT S RMPREXC="" S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Are you adding '"_RMPR11("DESCRIPTION")_"' as a new ITEM for this HCPCS" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT) S RMPREXC="T" G ADDNMX I $D(DIROUT) S RMPREXC="P" G ADDNMX I X=""!(X["^") S RMPREXC="^" G ADDNMX S RMPRYN="N" S:Y RMPRYN="Y" S RMPREXC="" ADDNMX Q ; ; Single ? Help QM W ?4,"Answer with ITEM NUMBER or DESCRIPTION:" D QM2 Q QQM D QM2 W !!?8,"You may enter a new ITEM, if you wish" W !?8,"This is an Item or Appliance under PSAS HCPCS kept by local site in" W !?8,"Prosthetics Inventory module." Q QM2 N DIR,X,Y,DA,DTOUT,DIROUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,RMPRMAX,RMPRI,RMPRLIN,RMPR,RMPRERR S RMPRMAX=19,RMPRLIN=0 S RMPREXC="" S DIR(0)="EA" S DIR("A")="'^' TO STOP: " S RMPRI="" QM2A S RMPRI=$O(^RMPR(661.4,"ASLHI",RMPRSTN,RMPRLCN,RMPRHCPC,RMPRI)) I RMPRI="" G QM2X K RMPR S RMPR("STATION")=RMPRSTN S RMPR("HCPCS")=RMPRHCPC S RMPR("ITEM")=RMPRI S RMPRERR=$$GET^RMPRPIX1(.RMPR) W !?3,RMPRI,?16,RMPR("HCPCS-ITEM"),?28,RMPR("DESCRIPTION") S RMPRLIN=RMPRLIN+1 I RMPRLIN'