ACKQASU3 ;HCIOFO/BH-New/Edit Visit Utilities ; 04/01/99 ;;3.0;QUASAR;**2**;Feb 11, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine SHOULD NOT be modified. ; PCESEND(ACKVIEN) ; This function is called from within the New Visit ; and Edit visit processing. It calls the send to PCE function. ; The SEND to PCE function returns either true or false depending on ; whether the visit has been sent successfully. It the SEND function ; returns true this function quits returning a true value. If the ; SEND function returns false the error is displayed (contained in the ; error multiple of the A&SP visit file). The user is then offered ; the option to either quit processing this visit and leave it with an ; error or to return back into the visit entry function - thus ; enabling the user to edit the erroreous field. ; ; Input : ACKVIEN=IEN of visit to be processed ; Output : '1' or '0' ; N X,Y,DA,D,D0,DA,DI,DIC,DIE,DIFLD,DK,DL,DR I $$SENDPCE^ACKQPCE(ACKVIEN) Q 1 ; If here transmission was unsucceful - Error text will in field 6.5 ; ; Display transmission Error D ERORDISP(ACKVIEN) ; ; Prompt user if they wish to re-edit the visit ; TEST S DIR("A")=" Do you wish to Re-edit this Visit " S DIR("B")="Y" S DIR("?")=" Do you wish to Re-edit this visit or Quit ? Enter (Y) or (N)." S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q 1 I X="Y"!(X="y") Q 0 I X="N"!(X="n") Q 1 ; Q ; ERORDISP(ACKVIEN) ; Display text that defines the reason for the ; transmission failiure to PCE. ; Passed in Visit IEN, Displays error multiple (6.5) of the associated ; visit. N ACKNUM,ACKK1,ACKTGT,ACKFLD,ACKVAL,ACKERR ; W @IOF I $O(^ACK(509850.6,ACKVIEN,6.5,0))="" D HEADING W !!!," No Error information returned for display.",!! Q ; S ACKK1=0 D HEADING F S ACKK1=$O(^ACK(509850.6,ACKVIEN,6.5,ACKK1)) Q:'+ACKK1 D . D GETS^DIQ(509850.65,ACKK1_","_ACKVIEN_",",".02;.04;1","I","ACKTGT") . S ACKFLD=$G(ACKTGT(509850.65,ACKK1_","_ACKVIEN_",",.02,"I")) . S ACKVAL=$G(ACKTGT(509850.65,ACKK1_","_ACKVIEN_",",.04,"I")) . S ACKERR=$G(ACKTGT(509850.65,ACKK1_","_ACKVIEN_",",1,"I")) . S ACKNUM=$E("Error #"_ACKK1,1,10),ACKFLD=$E("Field: "_ACKFLD,1,28) . S ACKVAL=$E("Value: "_ACKVAL,1,21),ACKERR=$E("Message: "_ACKERR,1,72) . W !!,?2,ACKNUM,?20,ACKFLD,?50,ACKVAL,! . W ?2,ACKERR ; W !! Q ; HEADING ; W "There has been an Error during the Transmission of this QUASAR visit.",! W "The PCE system has return the following Errors for this visit." Q ; DATACHK(ACKVIEN) ; PCE Data integrity check. ; Only called if Quasar visit has a value within the PCE VISIT IEN ; field. This routine check the Clinic,Patient,Appointment time and ; Visit date values on the quasar file and compares them to the same ; fields on the associated PCE record. If the values are all the same ; the routine Quits. If the Clinic,Patient or Visit Date are different ; then a message is displayed to the user detailing which field(s) are ; different and then deletes the PCE VISIT IEN.If just the Appointment ; Time is different a message is displayed the user then has the choice ; to either overwrite the Quasar time with the PCE time or to leave the ; Quasar time as it is and Quasar will delete the PCE VISIT IEN. N ACKARR,ACKTEST,ACKSTAT,ACKOUT S ACKTEST=$$PCECHKV^ACKQUTL3(ACKVIEN) S ACKSTAT=$P(ACKTEST,"^",1) ; I ACKSTAT=2 Q 1 ; Everything is okay ; I ACKSTAT=0 D Q ACKOUT ; Clinic, Patient or Visit Date different . W !!,"The following fields within the PCE Visit entry linked to this Quasar visit no" . W !,"longer match.",! . I '$P(ACKTEST,U,2) W !," CLINIC LOCATION" . I '$P(ACKTEST,U,3) W !," PATIENT" . I '$P(ACKTEST,U,4) W !," VISIT DATE" . W !!,"Due to this mismatch the link between this Quasar visit and the PCE visit will" . W !,"be broken.",! . S ACKARR(509850.6,ACKVIEN_",",125)="" D FILE^DIE("","ACKARR") . W !,"Enter to continue processing this visit or '^' to Quit." . S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I $D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) S ACKOUT=0 Q . S ACKOUT=1 Q ; I ACKSTAT=1 D Q ACKOUT . W !!,"The Appointment Time of "_$$FMT^ACKQUTL6(ACKTEST)_" within the PCE Visit no longer matches the" . W !,"Appointment Time of "_$$FMT^ACKQUTL6($$GET1^DIQ(509850.6,ACKVIEN_",",55,"I"))_" within the linked Quasar visit.",! . K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES" . S DIR("A")="Update this Quasar Visit with PCE Appointment Time " . S DIR("?")="Enter YES to Update Quasar with the linked PCE visits Appointment Time, 'NO' to break the link between the Quasar visit and the PCE Visit or '^' to Quit with no action." . D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT) S X=U . I X="^" S ACKOUT=0 Q . I $E(X)="N" S ACKARR(509850.6,ACKVIEN_",",125)="" D FILE^DIE("","ACKARR") S ACKOUT=1 Q . I $E(X)="Y" S ACKARR(509850.6,ACKVIEN_",",55)=$P(ACKTEST,U,2) D FILE^DIE("","ACKARR") S ACKOUT=1 Q Q ;