ACKQASU4 ;HCIOFO/AG - New/Edit Visit Utilities ; 04/01/99 ;;3.0;QUASAR;;Feb 11, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine SHOULD NOT be modified. ; ; COPYPCE(ACKVIEN,ACKPCENO) ; Copies the visit data from given PCE Visit ; inputs:- ACKVIEN - QUASAR Visit ien to receive data ; ACKPCENO - PCE Visit ien to copy from ; outputs:- 0^ - everything ok ; n^ - n errors found ; errors filed in ^TMP("ACKQASU4",$J,"COPYPCE","ERROR",n)=field^int^ext^message ; NB. In the validation of Dx and CPT codes, the Visit Stop Code (A,S, ; AT or ST) is read from the Qsr Visit record. For this validation to ; work therefore, the Visit Stop Code must already be filed on the Qsr ; visit. N ACKERR,ACKARR,ACKVELG,ACKI,ACKICD,ACKE,ACKTMP,ACKPRIM,ACKSTUD N ACKSC,ACKAO,ACKIR,ACKEC,ACKREC,ACKPRV,ACKTYP,ACKCPT,ACKQTY,ACKVTME N ACKDPRIM,ACKQPRV,ACKPRVCK K ^TMP("ACKQASU4",$J,"COPYPCE") ; initialise return array S ACKERR=0 ; error counter ; ; get the PCE Visit data - returned in ^TMP("PXKENC",$J,pce ien,...) D ENCEVENT^PXAPI(ACKPCENO,"") ; ; Get Diagnostic codes S ACKI="",ACKDPRIM="" F S ACKI=$O(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"POV",ACKI)) Q:ACKI="" D . S ACKICD=$P($G(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"POV",ACKI,0)),U,1) ; icd ien . I ACKDPRIM="",$P($G(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"POV",ACKI,0)),U,12)="P" S ACKDPRIM=1 . ; add to visit . S ACKE=$$SETDIAG^ACKQASU5(ACKVIEN,ACKICD,ACKDPRIM) . I ACKDPRIM S ACKDPRIM="0" . ; if error returned then file . I 'ACKE D Q . . S ACKTMP="Diagnosis"_U_ACKICD_U_$$GET1^DIQ(80,ACKICD,.01,"E")_U_$P(ACKE,U,2) . . D ADDERR . ; if successful then ensure Diagnosis is added to Patient Diagnostic history . D DIAGHIST ; ; get all the providers and file S ACKI="",ACKPRIM="",ACKSTUD="" F S ACKI=$O(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"PRV",ACKI)) Q:ACKI="" D . S ACKREC=$G(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"PRV",ACKI,0)) . S ACKPRV=$P(ACKREC,U,1) ; provider ien . S ACKTYP=$P(ACKREC,U,4) ; primary/secondary . I ACKTYP="P" D COPYPRIM Q ; copy primary provider . I ACKTYP="S" D COPYSCND Q ; copy secondary provider ; ; Get procedure codes S ACKI="" F S ACKI=$O(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"CPT",ACKI)) Q:ACKI="" D . S ACKREC=$G(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"CPT",ACKI,0)) . S ACKCPT=$P(ACKREC,U,1),ACKQTY=$P(ACKREC,U,16) ; unpack cpt and volume . ; Get Procedure Provider . S ACKPRV=$P($G(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"CPT",ACKI,12)),U,4) . S ACKQPRV=$$PROVCHK(ACKPRV) . I ACKPRV'="" D . . S ACKPRVCK=$$STACT^ACKQUTL(ACKQPRV,ACKVD) . . I ACKPRVCK'="0",ACKPRVCK'="-6" D . . . S ACKTMP="Provider"_U_ACKPRV_U_$$GET1^DIQ(200,ACKPRV_",",.01,"E")_U . . . S ACKTMP=ACKTMP_"Invalid Procedure Provider" . . . D ADDERR . . . S ACKQPRV="" . ; add to visit . S ACKE=$$SETPROC^ACKQASU5(ACKVIEN,ACKCPT,ACKQTY,ACKQPRV) . ; if error returned then file . I 'ACKE D Q . . S ACKTMP="Procedure"_U_ACKCPT_U_$$GET1^DIQ(81,ACKCPT,.01,"E")_U_$P(ACKE,U,2) . . D ADDERR . ; if successful then do the modifiers for this procedure . S ACKM=0,ACKPIEN=+ACKE ; ACKPIEN=procedure ien from visit file . F S ACKM=$O(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"CPT",ACKI,1,ACKM)) Q:'ACKM D . . S ACKMOD=$P($G(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"CPT",ACKI,1,ACKM,0)),U,1) . . ; add to visit . . S ACKE=$$SETMDFR^ACKQASU5(ACKVIEN,ACKPIEN,ACKMOD) . . ; if error returned then file . . I '+ACKE D Q . . . S ACKTMP="Modifier"_U_ACKMOD_U_$$GET1^DIQ(81.3,ACKMOD_",",.01,"E")_U_$P(ACKE,U,2) . . . D ADDERR ; ; now file header items K ACKARR,ACKPRV ; ; If PCE visit has an eligibility write to a&sp visit file S ACKVELG=$P($G(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"VST",ACKPCENO,0)),U,21) I ACKVELG'="" S ACKARR(509850.6,ACKVIEN_",",80)=ACKVELG ; ; Get service connected,Agent Orange,Radiation and Environmental ; Contaminents from PCE file and set them to the Visit file. S ACKREC=$G(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,ACKPCENO,"VST",ACKPCENO,800)) S ACKSC=$P(ACKREC,U,1) ; service connected S ACKAO=$P(ACKREC,U,2) ; agent orange S ACKIR=$P(ACKREC,U,3) ; ionizing radiation S ACKEC=$P(ACKREC,U,4) ; environmental contaminants S ACKARR(509850.6,ACKVIEN_",",20)=$S(+ACKSC:1,ACKSC=0:0,1:"") S ACKARR(509850.6,ACKVIEN_",",25)=$S(+ACKAO:1,ACKAO=0:0,1:"") S ACKARR(509850.6,ACKVIEN_",",30)=$S(+ACKIR:1,ACKIR=0:0,1:"") S ACKARR(509850.6,ACKVIEN_",",35)=$S(+ACKEC:1,ACKEC=0:0,1:"") ; ; Update QUASAR visit record D FILE^DIE("","ACKARR") K ACKARR ; COPYPCEX ; Exit point K ^TMP("PXKENC",$J) ; Clear PCE data I ACKERR S ^TMP("ACKQASU4",$J,"COPYPCE","ERROR")=ACKERR ; final error count Q ACKERR_U ; return error count ; ; COPYPRIM ; Copy the primary provider to QUASAR ; ; If we haven't successfully filed a primary then attempt to I ACKPRIM="" D Q ; . S ACKQPRV=$$PROVCHK(ACKPRV) . S ACKE=$$SETPRIM^ACKQASU6(ACKVIEN,ACKQPRV) ; Attempt to add to visit . I +ACKE S ACKPRIM=ACKQPRV ; Record that we now have a primary . I '+ACKE D ; error occurred . . S ACKTMP="Provider"_U_ACKPRV_U_$$GET1^DIQ(200,ACKPRV_",",.01,"E")_U . . S ACKTMP=ACKTMP_$P(ACKE,U,2) . . D ADDERR ; ; if we already have a primary then add an error message S ACKTMP="Provider"_U_ACKPRV_U_$$GET1^DIQ(200,ACKPRV_",",.01,"E")_U S ACKTMP=ACKTMP_"Visit already has a Primary Provider" D ADDERR ; ; return to provider loop Q ; COPYSCND ; copy a secondary provider to QUASAR ; ; determine the Quasar classification for this provider S ACKQPRV=$$PROVCHK(ACKPRV) S ACKTYPQ=$$GET1^DIQ(509850.3,$S(ACKQPRV="":" ",1:ACKQPRV)_",",.02,"I") ; ; if they are a student and we haven't one already, ; then attempt to file as student I ACKTYPQ="S",ACKSTUD="" D Q ; student . S ACKE=$$SETSTUD^ACKQASU6(ACKVIEN,ACKQPRV) . I +ACKE S ACKSTUD=ACKQPRV Q ; record that we now have a student . I '+ACKE D ; Error occurred . . S ACKTMP="Student"_U_ACKPRV_U_$$GET1^DIQ(200,ACKPRV_",",.01,"E")_U . . S ACKTMP=ACKTMP_$P(ACKE,U,2) . . D ADDERR ; ; if they are a student and we already have one then set error I ACKTYPQ="S",ACKSTUD'="" D Q . S ACKTMP="Student"_U_ACKPRV_U_$$GET1^DIQ(200,ACKPRV_",",.01,"E")_U . S ACKTMP=ACKTMP_"Visit already has a Student" . D ADDERR ; ; if they are a regular provider, and we do not already have ; a secondary provider then attempt to file I (ACKTYPQ="C")!(ACKTYPQ="F")!(ACKTYPQ="O") D Q . S ACKE=$$SETSCND^ACKQASU6(ACKVIEN,ACKQPRV) ; attempt to add to visit . I +ACKE Q ; All okay . I '+ACKE D ; Error occurred . . S ACKTMP="Provider"_U_ACKPRV_U_$$GET1^DIQ(200,ACKPRV_",",.01,"E")_U . . S ACKTMP=ACKTMP_$P(ACKE,U,2) . . D ADDERR ; ; if we get this far then provider must be unknown to Quasar S ACKTMP="Provider"_U_ACKPRV_U_$$GET1^DIQ(200,ACKPRV_",",.01,"E")_U S ACKTMP=ACKTMP_"Provider not defined for Audiology and Speech Pathology" D ADDERR ; ; end of checking a secondary provider Q ; ADDERR ; add an error to return array in ^TMP ; ACKERR is current error count, ACKTMP is the error detail S ACKERR=ACKERR+1 S ^TMP("ACKQASU4",$J,"COPYPCE","ERROR",ACKERR)=ACKTMP Q ; DIAGHIST ; ensure diagnosis is on Patient history ; this s/r checks for ACKICD (diagnosis ien) on the patient history ; of patient ACKPAT ; if the ICD is not found a new entry is automatically added using the ; visit date in ACKVD N ACKTGT ; ; look for the diagnosis on the current history D FIND^DIC(509850.22,","_ACKPAT_",","","Q",ACKICD,1,"B","","","ACKTGT") ; ; if found then exit I +$P($G(ACKTGT("DILIST",0)),U,1)=1 Q ; exactly one found ; ; create a new entry S ACKUPD(509850.22,"+1,"_ACKPAT_",",.01)=ACKICD S ACKUPD(509850.22,"+1,"_ACKPAT_",",1)=ACKVD D UPDATE^DIE("","ACKUPD","","") ; ; end Q ; PROVCHK(ACKPRV) ; Check to see if Provider is on Quasar Staff file - if so ; function passes back Quasars Provider IEN No else null ; N ACKA,ACKB S ACKB="" I ACKPRV="" Q ACKB ; If not on USR file then definitely wont be on Quasar I '$D(^USR(8930.3,"B",ACKPRV)) Q ACKB S ACKA="" F S ACKA=$O(^USR(8930.3,"B",ACKPRV,ACKA)) Q:'+ACKA!(ACKB'="") D . I '$D(^ACK(509850.3,"B",ACKA)) Q . S ACKB=$O(^ACK(509850.3,"B",ACKA,ACKB)) Q ACKB ;