ACKQHLP ;AUG/JLTP BIR/PTD-QUASAR Help Text ; [ 11/02/95 15:38 ] ;;3.0;QUASAR;;Feb 11, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine SHOULD NOT be modified. Q:$S('($D(ACKQHLP)#2):1,$E(ACKQHLP)=U:0,$T(@ACKQHLP)="":1,1:0) N ACKTXT,EXP,FIND,I,TAG,X,Y ; If field 100 display narrative for all word processing fields I $E(ACKQHLP)=U,$P(ACKQHLP,"^",2)="509850.6",$P(ACKQHLP,"^",3)="100" D CPTEXT,DDHLP1 Q I $E(ACKQHLP)=U D DDHLP Q F I=1:1 S TAG=ACKQHLP_"+"_I,@("ACKTXT=$P($T("_TAG_"),"";;"",2)") Q:ACKTXT="" D PROC W !,ACKTXT K ACKQHLP Q DDHLP ;DISPLAY HELP TEXT FROM DD'S FIELD DESCRIPTION W @IOF DDHLP1 S X(1)=+$P(ACKQHLP,U,2),X(2)=+$P(ACKQHLP,U,3) Q:$S('X(1):1,'X(2):1,'$D(^DD(X(1),X(2),0)):1,1:0) S I=0 F S I=$O(^DD(X(1),X(2),21,I)) Q:'I S ACKTXT=^(I,0) D PROC W !,ACKTXT K ACKQHLP Q PROC ; F Q:ACKTXT'["|" S EXP=$P(ACKTXT,"|",2) D RESOLV S ACKTXT=$P(ACKTXT,"|")_EXP_$P(ACKTXT,"|",3,245) Q RESOLV ; S X=EXP X ^%ZOSF("UPPERCASE") I Y="TAB" S EXP="",FIND=$F(ACKTXT,"|")-2,$P(EXP," ",FIND\8+1*8-(FIND))="" Q I Y="NOWRAP"!(Y="WRAP") S EXP="" Q ;NOWRAP IS FORCED NO MATTER I $E(Y,1,4)="S X=" X Y S EXP=X Q Q ; CPTEXT ; Display C&P exam for Audio # 1305 worksheet narrative W @IOF,?30,"Compensation and Pension Examination" W ! S X="For AUDIO" D CNTR^ACKQUTL(X) W ! S X="#1305 Worksheet" D CNTR^ACKQUTL(X) W !!," An examination of hearing impairment must be conducted by a state-licensed" W !," audiologist and must include a controlled speech discrimination test" W !," (specifically, the Maryland CNC recording) and a pure tone audiometry test in" W !," a sound isolated booth that meets American National Standards Institute" W !," standards (ANSI S3.1.1991) for ambient noise." W !!," Measurements will be reported at the frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, 3000," W !," and 4000 Hz. The examination will include the following tests: pure tone" W !," audiometry by air conduction at 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 Hz, and 8000" W !," Hz; and by bone conduction at 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz;" W !," spondee thresholds; speech recognition using the recorded Maryland CNC Test;" W !," tympanometry; and acoustic reflex tests, and, when necessary, Stenger tests." W !," Bone conduction thresholds are measured when the air conduction thresholds" W !," are poorer than 15 dB HL. A modified Hughson-Westlake procedure will be used" W !," with appropriate masking. A Stenger test must be administered whenever pure" W !," tone air conduction thresholds at 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz" W !," differ by 20 dB or more between the two ears." K DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue" W ! D ^DIR ; W @IOF,?30,"Compensation and Pension Examination" W ! S X="For AUDIO" D CNTR^ACKQUTL(X) W ! S X="#1305 Worksheet (Continued)" D CNTR^ACKQUTL(X) W !!," Maximum speech recognition will be reported with the 50-word VA-approved" W !," recording of the Maryland CNC test. When speech recognition is 92% or less," W !," a performance intensity function will be obtained with a starting" W !," presentation level of 40dB re SRT. If necessary, the starting level will be" W !," adjusted upward to obtain a level at least 5 dB above the threshold at 2000" W !," Hz. The examination will be conducted without the use of hearing aids. Both" W !," ears must be examined for hearing impairment even if hearing loss in only one" W !," ear is at issue.",!! ; Q 1 ;; ;; ;; You are selecting a date range for this report. Enter a starting ;; and ending date for which you want the report to run. The report will ;; gather all data beginning with (inclusively) the start date and ending ;; with (inclusively) the ending date. ;; ;; To run the report for a single day's data, specify that date as ;; both the beginning and ending date. Use standard DHCP date format. ;; ;;|S X="" D HELP^%DTC S X=""| 2 ;; ;; ;; The appointments shown here have already been entered for the ;; patient/date you have selected. Answer YES if you wish to edit one ;; of the appointments shown here. If you are trying to enter a new ;; appointment for this patient/date then you should answer NO. ;; 3 ;; ;; ;; Select the C&P exam you wish to adequate. You can select by ;; DATE OF EXAM, by PATIENT NAME, SSN, or initial and last four. You ;; can only choose exams with the status AWAITING ADEQUATION. ;; 4 ;; ;; ;; Subtotals will be shown for clinician(s), other provider(s), or ;; student(s). At this time you must decide whether to count the ;; procedures for a single clinician/other provider/student or to ;; include all. ;; 6 ;; ;; ;; Answer YES if you are ready to enter your electronic ;; signature to release this exam. Answer NO if this exam is ;; not ready to be released to the regional office. ;;