RA27PST ;HIRMFO/SWM - Clean up after Patch RA*5.0*27 ;12/28/01 14:06 VERSION ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**27**;Mar 16, 1998 ; *** Delete duplicate Clinical History from file #74 *** ; QOFF ;Post-Install queues off clean-up job I '$D(XPDNM)#2 W !!,"** This entry point must be called from KIDS installation **",!! Q N RATXT,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN S ZTIO="" S ZTRTN="EN^RA27PST" S ZTDESC="RA*5.0*27 Cleanup Duplicate Clin. Hist. from File 74" S ZTDTH=$$FMADD^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT(),0,0,2,0) ;add 2 minutes to 'now' D ^%ZTLOAD S RATXT(1)=" " S RATXT(2)="RA*5.0*27 cleanup is running in background." S:$G(ZTSK)>0 RATXT(3)="Task: "_ZTSK_"." D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) Q MANUAL ;manually queue off clean-up job, only needed if post-install abends ;^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",0)=60days later^date+time this was 1st run^description^subsequent date+time this was run (overwritten each subsequent time) I +$G(DUZ)=0 W !!?5,"** DUZ is required! Nothing done. **",!! Q N RA1 S RA1="" I $D(^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",0))#2 S RA1=^(0) I RA1="" W !,"This clean-up was either never queued off by the Installation of RA*5.0*27,",!,"or it had been completed over 60 days ago.",!! G ASKQ I $P(RA1,"^",4)]"" S Y=$P(RA1,"^",4) D DD^%DT W !!?2,"MANUAL^RA27PST was done previously on ",Y,!! I $P(RA1,"^",4)="" S Y=$P(RA1,"^",2) D DD^%DT W !!?2,"The installation of RA*5*27 tasked this job on ",Y,!?2,"but the job abended.",!! I $G(^XTMP("RA-RA27PST","LAST"))="DONE" W !,"This clean-up was completed. You do not have to queue it again.",!! Q ASKQ K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="No" S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' if you want to queue the clean-up of duplicate Clin. History for File #74." S DIR("A")="Do you want to continue the clean-up from patch RA*5.0*27" D ^DIR K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT Q:'Y ;don't queue if answer is NO N ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN S ZTIO="" S ZTRTN="EN^RA27PST" S ZTDESC="MANUAL Cleanup Duplicate Clin. Hist. from File 74, (RA*5*27 post-install)" S ZTDTH=$$FMADD^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT(),0,0,2,0) ;add 2 minutes to 'now' D ^%ZTLOAD W !?2,"RA*5.0*27 cleanup will start in 2 minutes in the background." I $G(ZTSK)>0 W !?2,"Task: "_ZTSK_".",!! Q ; EN ; delete duplicate clinical history from file 74 S ZTREQ="@" ; delete from the task global N %,RA70,RA701,RA74,RACNT,RAD0,RADFN,RADTI,RADELCNT,RADUPCNT N RACNI,RACN,RACNT,RADUPHX,RANODE,RAOK,RAPOINT,RAX,RAX1 N RA1,RA2,RA3 S RA1="To IRM staff:" S RA2=" If this routine abends, you may get the current count" S RA3=" of records processed by listing ^XTMP(""RA-RA27PST"" " S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.1)=" Here are the counts from the post-install cleanup." S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.2)=" " D INIT I RAPOINT="DONE" S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.1)="Already done previously. No need to continue.",^(.3)="----- Previous results are repeated below: ----- ",^(.4)="" D MAIL Q S RAD0=+RAPOINT F S RAD0=$O(^RARPT(RAD0)) Q:'RAD0 D CHKHX D:RADUPHX DELHX S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST","LAST")=RAD0,RACNT=RACNT+1,$P(^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.5),"^")=RACNT ; increment "LAST" and RACNT after chkhx and delhx D FINISH D MAIL Q CHKHX ; Check History between file 70 and 74. ; Returns RADUPHX 1 = Duplicate ; 0 = Different S RADUPHX=0 I '$O(^RARPT(RAD0,"H",0)) Q ;default to 0 to skip DELHX since no data S RANODE=$G(^RARPT(RAD0,0)) Q:RANODE="" S RADFN=$P(RANODE,"^",2),RADTI=9999999.9999-$P(RANODE,"^",3) S RACN=$P(RANODE,"^",4) Q:'RADFN!('RADTI)!('RACN) S RACNI=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P","B",RACN,0)) Q:'RACNI S RA74=$O(^RARPT(RAD0,"H",""),-1) S RA70=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,"H",""),-1),RA701=$O(^(0)) Q:RA70=0 Q:RA701="" ;no history in exam record S RAX=RA74-RA70+1 Q:RAX'=1 ;different total lines ; same total lines, so check line by line ; RAOK=1 all lines match, =0 at least 1 difference S RAOK=1 F RAX1=RA701:1:RA70 I ^RARPT(RAD0,"H",RAX1,0)'=^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,"H",RAX1,0) S RAOK=0 Q I 'RAOK Q S RADUPCNT=RADUPCNT+1 S $P(^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.6),"^")=RADUPCNT I $P(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0),"^",17)'=RAD0 D MSG1 Q ;exam not pointing to this report, so skip this report S RADUPHX=1 Q DELHX ; delete history portion from this report L +^RARPT(RAD0):0 I '$T D MSG2 Q K ^RARPT(RAD0,"H") L -^RARPT(RAD0) S RADELCNT=RADELCNT+1 S $P(^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.7),"^")=RADELCNT Q MSG1 ; S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",RAD0)=$P(RANODE,"^")_" ien="_RAD0_" but",^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",(RAD0+.1))=" ^RADPT("_RADFN_",""DT"","_RADTI_",""P"","_RACNI_",0)'s 17th piece="_$P(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0),"^",17) Q MSG2 ; S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",RAD0)=$P(RANODE,"^")_" locked by another process." Q INIT ; set point of latest ien processed N %,%H,%I,%T,X,Y,RANOW D NOW^%DTC S RANOW=% ;output NOW's dt+tm is in var % I $D(^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",0))#2 S $P(^(0),"^",4)=RANOW,RAPOINT=^("LAST"),RACNT=+^(.5),RADUPCNT=+^(.6),RADELCNT=+^(.7) Q S (RACNT,RADELCNT,RADUPCNT,RAPOINT)=0 S X1=RANOW,X2=60 D C^%DTC ;add 60 days to RANOW, output is X S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",0)=X_"^"_RANOW_"^"_"RA*5*27 POST-INSTALL" S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST","LAST")=0 S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.5)="^ reports processed" S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.6)="^ reports with dupl history" S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.7)="^ reports had dupl history purged" Q FINISH ; all done S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST","LAST")="DONE" S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.8)=" " S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.81)=" The cleanup finished." S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.82)=" " I $O(^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.99)) S ^XTMP("RA-RA27PST",.83)="The following reports' history was not purged:",^(.84)=" " Q MAIL ; Send mail message to the installer N XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY S XMDUZ=.5 S XMTEXT="^XTMP(""RA-RA27PST""," ;only numeric nodes are mailed S XMSUB="Results from patch RA*5*27's post-install rtn RA27PST" S XMY(DUZ)="" D ^XMD Q