RA41PST ;HOIFO/SWM-Post install ;6/2/03 10:30 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**41**;Mar 16, 1998 ; This is the post-install routine for patch RA*5.0*41 ; ; This routine may be deleted after RA*5.0*41 is installed. ; ; Silent recompile of input templates: ; RA REGISTER (file 70) ; RA ORDER EXAM (file 75.1) ; RA QUICK EXAM ORDER (file 75.1) ; I '$D(XPDNM)#2 D EN^DDIOL("This entry point must be called from the KIDS installation -- Nothing Done.",,"!!,$C(7)") Q N X,Y,DMAX,RATXT,RAITMPL,RAERR,I,N,RABAD ; ; X=rtn name, RAITMPL=tmpl name ; S X="RACTRG",RAITMPL="RA REGISTER" D COMP S X="RACTQE",RAITMPL="RA QUICK EXAM ORDER" D COMP S X="RACTOE",RAITMPL="RA ORDER EXAM" D COMP Q COMP S DMAX=$$ROUSIZE^DILF S Y=$$FIND1^DIC(.402,,"BX",RAITMPL,,,"RAERR") I 'Y D S RABAD=1 . S RATXT(1)=" " . S RATXT(2)="** Cannot find input template "_RAITMPL_" **" . S RATXT(6)=" " . D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) I $D(RAERR) D S RABAD=1 . K RATXT . S RATXT(1)=" " . S RATXT(2)="** One or more error codes were return: **" . S N=2 . S I=0 F I=1:1:17 S I=$O(RAERR("DIERR","E",I)) Q:'I S N=N+1,RATXT(N)=" "_I_" -- "_$G(RAERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) . S N=N+1,RATXT(N)=" " . D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) I $D(RABAD) D Q . K RATXT . S RATXT(1)="** Recompilation of "_RAITMPL_" is not done. **" . S RATXT(2)=" " . S RATXT(3)="** Please log a NOIS for the Radiology module. **" . S RATXT(4)=" " . D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) S RATXT=" Compiling input template "_RAITMPL_"." D BMES^XPDUTL(RATXT) D EN^DIEZ S RATXT=" Finished compiling input template "_RAITMPL_"." D BMES^XPDUTL(RATXT) Q